Agenda and minutes
Venue: Remote Meeting - The public proceedings of the meeting will be broadcast live and recorded for playback on the Maidstone Borough Council website
Contact: Debbie Snook 01622 602030
Link: clickhere for webcast channel
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies for Absence Minutes: It was noted that apologies for absence had been received from Councillors Eves and Parfitt-Reid.
Notification of Substitute Members Minutes: It was noted that Councillor Young was substituting for Councillor Parfitt-Reid.
Notification of Visiting Members Minutes: Councillor Brice indicated her wish to speak on the report of the Head of Planning and Development relating to application 20/502770/FULL – Holman House, Station Road, Staplehurst, Tonbridge, Kent.
Councillor D Burton indicated his wish to speak on the report of the Head of Planning and Development relating to application 19/500271/FULL – Oakhurst, Stilebridge Lane, Marden, Tonbridge, Kent.
Councillor Purle indicated his wish to speak on the report of the Head of Planning and Development relating to application 20/503417/FULL – Land Rear of 335 Queens Road, Maidstone, Kent.
It was noted that this application had been withdrawn by the applicant.
Urgent Items Minutes: The Chairman said that, in his opinion, the update reports of the Head of Planning and Development and the updates to be included in the Officer presentations should be taken as urgent items as they contained further information relating to the applications to be considered at the meeting.
Note: Councillor Harwood entered the meeting during this item (6.07 p.m.).
Disclosures by Members and Officers Minutes: Councillor Brindle said that since she was a Member of Boxley Parish Council’s Environment Committee which considered and made representations on planning and other related applications, she would not participate in the discussion or the voting when application 20/504434/TPOA (Land Near 87 Lombardy Drive, Maidstone, Kent) was discussed.
Councillor Harwood said that he was a Member of Boxley Parish Council. However, he had not participated in the Parish Council’s discussions regarding application 20/504434/TPOA (Land Near 87 Lombardy Drive, Maidstone, Kent), and intended to speak and vote when it was considered.
Councillor Munford said that he was a Member of Boughton Monchelsea Parish Council. However, he had not participated in the Parish Council’s discussions regarding application 20/502277/FULL (Greenacre, Church Hill, Boughton Monchelsea, Kent), and intended to speak and vote when it was considered.
Councillor Perry said that when application 20/502770/FULL (Holman House, Station Road, Staplehurst, Tonbridge, Kent) was last discussed, he attended as a Visiting Member and spoke on it. He was now a Member of the Committee, but he was approaching the application with a completely new look. He had read the Committee report very closely, he had not been involved in the Parish Council’s discussions regarding the application, and he intended to speak and vote when it was considered.
Note: Councillor Wilby joined the meeting during this item (6.10 p.m.). Councillor Wilby said that he had no disclosures of interest.
Disclosures of lobbying Minutes: The following disclosures of lobbying were noted:
With regard to item 14 (Pilgrims Retreat, Hogbarn Lane, Harrietsham), Councillor Munford said that he was a member of the Steering Group.
Exempt Items Minutes: RESOLVED: That the items on the agenda be taken in public as proposed.
Minutes of the meeting held on 22 October 2020 PDF 83 KB Minutes: RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting held on 22 October 2020 be approved as a correct record and signed.
Presentation of Petitions Minutes: There were no petitions.
337. 20/501773/FULL - ERECTION OF 187 DWELLINGS, TOGETHER WITH ASSOCIATED WORKS FOR ACCESS, PARKING, INFRASTRUCTURE, OPEN SPACE, EARTHWORKS, SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE SYSTEMS AND LANDSCAPING - LAND OFF OAKAPPLE LANE, BARMING, MAIDSTONE, KENT 338. 339. The Development Manager advised Members that he had nothing further to report in respect of these applications at present.
Pilgrims Retreat Steering Group - Appointment of Conservative Group Political Group Spokesperson Minutes: RESOLVED: That Councillor Parfitt-Reid be appointed as the Spokesperson for the Conservative Group on the Pilgrims Retreat Steering Group for the remainder of the Municipal Year.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered the report and the urgent update report of the Head of Planning and Development.
In presenting the application, the Principal Planning Officer advised the Committee that since the publication of the urgent update report on 24 November 2020, further representations had been received but they did not raise any new material planning issues.
The Chairman read out statements on behalf of Ms Riva, an objector, Staplehurst Parish Council and Mr Blackmore, for the applicant.
Councillor Brice, Visiting Member, addressed the meeting.
1. That permission be granted subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report with the amendment of condition 10 (External Lighting) to require motion sensor low level lighting in the rear parking area.
2. That the Head of Planning and Development be given delegated powers to finalise the wording of the amended condition and to amend any other conditions as a consequence.
Voting: 10 – For 2 – Against 0 – Abstentions
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered the report and the urgent update report of the Head of Planning and Development.
In presenting the application, the Senior Planning Officer advised the Committee that whilst not mentioned in the report, it was acknowledged that in July 2020, the Council resolved to adopt the Marden Neighbourhood Development Plan and it now formed part of the statutory Development Plan for the Borough. However, it was considered that the adoption of this document did not alter the recommendation set out in the report.
The Chairman read out statements on behalf of Mrs Shave, an objector, and Councillor Mannington of Marden Parish Council.
The Democratic Services Officer read out a statement on behalf of Graham Simpkin Planning, agent for the applicant.
Councillor D Burton (Visiting Member) addressed the meeting.
RESOLVED: That consideration of this application be deferred to seek:
· Details of the design of the caravans; · Details of electric vehicle charging points; and · A detailed landscaping plan.
Voting: 11 – For 0 – Against 0 – Abstentions
Note: Councillor Harwood left the meeting before the voting on this application (7.20 p.m.).
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Head of Planning and Development.
The Chairman read out statements on behalf of Mr Golding, an objector, Councillor Poulter of Sutton Valence Parish Council and Ms Bedford, agent for the applicant.
1. That permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in the report with:
The amendment of condition 4 (Hard and Soft Landscaping) to (a) specify that the landscaping scheme shall exclude the planting of Sycamore trees and (b) stipulate that non-plastic guards shall be used for trees and hedgerows;
The removal of the word “or” from the first sentence of condition 6 (Biodiversity Enhancements); and
The retention of the hedge to the northern boundary of plot 2 with delegated powers given to the Head of Planning and Development to negotiate and secure this by condition.
2. That the Head of Planning and Development be given delegated powers to finalise the wording of the amended/additional conditions and to amend any other conditions as a consequence.
Voting: 8 – For 3 – Against 0 - Abstentions
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Head of Planning and Development.
Councillor Purle (Ward Member) read out a statement on behalf of Mr Mitchell, an objector.
The Chairman read out a statement on behalf of Mr Burr, agent for the applicant.
Councillor Purle (Visiting Member) addressed the meeting.
The Development Manager asked that if Members were minded to grant permission, delegated powers be given to the Head of Planning and Development to amend any conditions as necessary to reflect the fact that this is a retrospective application.
1. That permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in the report with:
Amendments to the conditions as necessary to reflect the fact that this is a retrospective application;
The amendment of condition 3 (Electric Vehicle Charging Point) to reflect the fact that the application is for the erection of one dwelling only;
The amendment of the fifth line of condition 10 (Permitted Development) to read “of outbuildings, boundary treatments or laying of hardstanding shall not be carried out”;
The amendment of condition 15 (Landscape and Ecological Management Plan) to require the incorporation of bee bricks within the development; and
A more permeable surface for the patio to the rear with delegated powers given to the Head of Planning and Development to negotiate and secure this by condition.
2. That the Head of Planning and Development be given delegated powers to finalise the wording of the amended/additional conditions and to amend any other conditions as a consequence.
Voting: 9 – For 2 – Against 0 – Abstentions
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Head of Planning and Development.
In presenting the application, the Planning Officer advised the Committee that whilst it was stated in the report that pylons would be removed, it should be noted that they would be replaced and that these works could be carried out under permitted development rights. The Planning Officer also sought, in the event of Members being minded to grant permission, agreement to impose additional conditions at the request of KCC Highways to secure details of access, sightlines, parking areas etc.
The Chairman read out statements on behalf of Collier Street Parish Council and Mr Dhillon, agent for the applicant.
1. That permission be granted subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report with:
The addition of highway conditions to secure details of access, sightlines, parking areas etc; The addition of a condition to secure the use of powder coated green coloured fencing within the development;
The removal of the word “predominantly” from the fifth line of condition 5 (Landscape Scheme) and the further amendment of condition 5 to (a) secure in consultation with the Landscape Officer more mature planting appropriate to this location; (b) specify that the landscaping scheme shall exclude the planting of Sycamore trees; and (c) stipulate that non-plastic guards shall be used for trees and hedgerows; and
The amendment of condition 6 (Biodiversity Enhancements) to require the incorporation of bee bricks within the development.
2. That the Head of Planning and Development be given delegated powers to finalise the wording of the amended/additional conditions and to amend any other conditions as a consequence.
Voting: 11 – For 0 – Against 0 – Abstentions
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Head of Planning and Development.
The Chairman read out a statement on behalf of Councillor Kenward of Ulcombe Parish Council.
Contrary to the recommendation of the Head of Planning and Development, the Committee agreed to refuse permission. In making this decision, the Committee considered that the separate access constructed onto Lenham Road, with the associated brick piers and paraphernalia, is visually incongruous, intrusive in the landscape and has a harmful impact on the rural character of the road and visual amenity contrary to policies SP17, DM15 and DM30 of the Maidstone Borough Local Plan 2017. The Committee also wished to add an informative advising the applicant that the rest of the application is acceptable subject to the conditions proposed.
RESOLVED: That permission be refused and the Head of Planning and Development be given delegated powers to finalise the wording of the reason for refusal and the informative which will include the issues summarised above.
Voting: 11 – For 0 – Against 0 - Abstentions
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Head of Planning and Development.
RESOLVED: That permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in the report.
Voting: 11 – For 0 – Against 0 – Abstentions
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Head of Planning and Development.
RESOLVED: That permission be granted subject to the condition and informatives set out in the report.
Voting: 10 – For 0 – Against 1 – Abstention
Note: Having stated that she was a Member of Boxley Parish Council’s Environment Committee which considered and made representations on planning and other related applications, Councillor Brindle did not participate in the discussion or the voting.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Head of Planning and Development.
1. That permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in the report with the amendment of condition 4 (Biodiversity Enhancements) to require the incorporation of bee bricks within the development.
2. That the Head of Planning and Development be given delegated powers to finalise the wording of the amended condition and to amend any other conditions as a consequence.
Voting: 11 – For 0 – Against 0 – Abstentions
Additional documents: Minutes: See Minute 407 above.
Pilgrims Retreat, Hogbarn Lane, Harrietsham, Kent PDF 98 KB Minutes: The Committee considered the report prepared by the Development Manager on behalf of the Steering Group recommending that agreement be given to a further three-month extension to the nine-month period already agreed to allow for the submission of an alternative planning application within the terms set out in consultation with the Steering Group for land at Pilgrims Retreat, Hogbarn Lane, Harrietsham.
It was noted that this would require an alternative planning application to be submitted on or before 27 February 2021. The main reason for this request for an extension was due to the time taken, because of the first national COVID-19 lockdown, to submit the Steering Group’s initial negotiating position to the applicant. Failure to submit the application on or before 27 February 2021 would result in the enforcement action authorised by the Committee at its meeting held on 27 February 2020 being taken.
In response to questions:
· The Development Manager advised the Committee that he was optimistic that an application would be submitted quite soon.
· The Chairman undertook to raise with the Interim Local Plan Review Director the possibility of any additional permanent residential properties which might be agreed at this location being included in the housing numbers as part of the review of the Local Plan.
· Councillor Munford said that he had been informed by the Ward Members that they were in full agreement with the recommendation of the Steering Group and wished to thank the Officers for their work to date in seeking to regularise the site.
RESOLVED: That agreement be given to a further three-month extension to the nine-month period already agreed to allow for the submission of an alternative planning application within the terms set out in consultation with the Steering Group for land at Pilgrims Retreat, Hogbarn Lane, Harrietsham. This will require an alternative planning application to be submitted on or before 27 February 2021.
Voting: 11 – For 0 – Against 0 – Abstentions
Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Head of Planning and Development setting out details of appeal decisions received since the last meeting.
RESOLVED: That the report be noted.
Duration of Meeting Minutes: 6.00 p.m. to 9.50 p.m.