Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Meeting Room 1C, Maidstone House
Contact: Caroline Matthews 01622 602743
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: There were no apologies for absence.
Urgent Items Minutes: The Chairman stated that, in his opinion, the Report of the Chief Executive relating to Pension Discretion Policy – Update should be taken as an urgent item as it was implicit that the amended Pension Discretion Policy be submitted as soon as possible and that the feedback from Kent County Council (KCC) had only recently been received.
Notification of Substitute Members Minutes: There were no Substitute Members.
Notification of Visiting Members Minutes: There were no Visiting Members.
Disclosures by Members and Officers Minutes: Councillor Daley disclosed an interest in Agenda Item 9 – Pension Discretion Policy – Update as he was the Vice-Chairman on Kent County Council’s Superannuation Fund Committee.
Disclosures of Lobbying Minutes: There were no disclosures of lobbying.
Exempt Items Minutes: RESOLVED: That the items on the agenda be taken in public as proposed.
Minutes of the Meeting Held on 9 July 2014 Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 9 July 2014 be approved as a correct record and signed subject to the decision contained in paragraph (c) of minute 15 which was amended to ‘that reference be made in the staff policies to the flexibility of compassionate leave entitlement’.
Report of the Chief Executive - Proposed Changes to Staff Terms and Conditions Additional documents:
Minutes: At its last meeting on
9th July 2014 the Panel requested that consideration of
reducing annual leave entitlements for new employees and the
removal of unsocial hours allowances be deferred pending a full
Equality Impact Assessment. The Head of
HR Shared Services advised the Panel that this had been undertaken
and was set out at Appendix B to the report. In addition, Members felt that those staff who had completed 25 years of service should be entitled to an additional day’s holiday in recognition of their loyalty to the Council, this is consistent with the council’s existing arrangements.
Members enquired if
there was a mechanism for the carry over of annual leave
entitlement. The Head of HR Shared
Services explained that this was granted in exceptional
circumstances (up to a maximum of 5 days) by the Director/Chief
Executive. Responding to an enquiry
from a Member who asked if the Head of HR Shared Services could
guarantee that requests were always granted, Dena Smart advised
that in the 8 years she had been at the Council she had not known
of any occasions where it had not been granted. |
Report of the Chief Executive - Pension Discretion Policy - update Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of HR Shared
Services presented her report and explained that she had now
received feedback from Kent County Council (KCC) on the Pension
Discretion Policy which had previously been agreed by the Panel at
its meeting on 9th July 2014.
Duration of Meeting Minutes: 16:30 to 18:10. |