Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Town Hall, High Street, Maidstone
Contact: Poppy Brewer 01622 602242
No. | Item |
Disclosures by Members and Officers Minutes: There were no disclosures by Members of Officers.
Disclosures of Lobbying Minutes: There were no disclosures of lobbying.
Exempt Items Minutes: RESOLVED: That all items on the agenda be taken in public as proposed.
Adjournment Minutes: The Sub Committee were informed that a message had been received from the Applicant’s agent that he anticipated being delayed around 30 minutes due to train delays.
RESOLVED: Due to the delay in arrival of the Applicants representatives the Committee agreed to adjourn the meeting for 30 minutes to enable his attendance, in the public interest.
The Applicant’s agent arrived at 10:30 and was given a brief time to organise his papers etc. before commencement of the hearing.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chairman opened the meeting at 10:40am.
The Chairman requested all those persons participating in the hearing to introduce themselves.
Those present were:
· Councillor David Naghi · Councillor Gordon Newton · Councillor Mrs Parvin · Jayne Bolas – legal advisor · Tessa Ware – Democratic Services Officer · Suresh Kanapathi – agent for the Applicant · Gregory Millener – Shop Manager to be named on the licence as Designated Premises Supervisor · PC Neil Barnes – representing Kent Police as a Responsible Authority · Councillor Annabelle Blackmore – Observing the proceedings for training purposes and taking no part in member discussions or vote.
The Sub-Committee Members confirmed they had read all the papers.
The applicant’s agent stated that conditions suggested by Kent Police, and detailed in the papers on pages 31 and 32, were agreed, with the exception of the opening hours restrictions sought at page 31.
The Legal Representative outlined the application and explained that the premises were at 68 Lower Stone Street and not 64 Lower Stone Street as stated in the application. There have been correct amendment and time for advertisement of the application.
The Legal Representative went on to state that the application was for a licence to sell alcohol 24 hours, 7 days each week, for off the premises consumption. One representation had been received from a Responsible Authority, Kent Police, on the basis of the negative impact on all four Licensing Objectives. PC Neil Barnes was present to request a restriction on the opening hours to 7am to 12 midnight daily. The draft conditions were set out in the papers.
There had been no other representations. Members were directed to their options set out in Section 10, page 8 of the papers. Members were reminded to consider the opening hours sought and what was appropriate to promote the Licensing Objectives.
The Legal Representative explained the Maidstone Borough Council Licensing Policy changed as of the day of the hearing. However, the application was made at the time of the previous policy. There being little material difference between the two policies as affecting this application, Members were advised to consider the application under the previous policy but have regard to the new policy when making their decision as appropriate.
Mr Kanapathi, representing the applicant addressed the Sub Committee. He stated the applicant had another similar business at 56 Gabriel’s Hill, Maidstone which was open until midnight each day. The applicant was very experienced locally having ran a business in the area since 2009 with no problems.
Mr Kanapathi went on to explain that Mr Millener, who would be managing the premises at 68 Lower Stone Street, had experience of the area. He had been running the business at these premises for some time and had also ran licenced premises nearby.
Mr Kanapathi explained the business model for the premises. It was a 24 hour shop selling ready-made foods, sandwiches, chocolates etc. and alcohol, with customers coming in late for convenience after finishing a late shift at work. He stated there was a ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |