Agenda and minutes
Venue: Town Hall, High Street, Maidstone. View directions
Contact: Caroline Matthews 01622 602743
No. | Item |
Disclosures by Members and Officers Minutes: There were no disclosures by Members and Officers.
Disclosures of Lobbying Minutes: There were no disclosures of lobbying.
Exempt Items Minutes: RESOLVED: That the item on the agenda be taken in public as proposed.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Meeting commenced at 10.15 a.m.
Mrs Jayne Bolas, the Legal Advisor highlighted an amendment to the report as follows:-
Page 1 – the current opening hours should read – 11.00 to 1700 Mon to Sat and 12.00 to 17.00 Sun not 15:00 as shown.
She also clarified that the Supply of Alcohol limited to tasting samples condition at Annex 3, Page 63 would not be removed by this application.
Mrs Bolas advised that Mrs Tipples, an objector who had indicated her intention to be present, had sent through an email stating that she was no longer able to attend and Mr Codd, also an objector, would be speaking on her behalf.
Mrs Bolas also advised that Mrs Tipples had sent in an attachment to her email and Mr Balfour-Lynn, the applicant advised that he had received the email, along with an attachment, but had not read them in full.
The Legal Advisor reminded the Sub-Committee that ordinarily any documentation to be submitted by any party should be received prior to the Hearing taking place but if the Applicant was happy to consent to the document being presented then it could be taken into consideration.
Mr Codd advised that the document put forward by Mrs Tipples set out some legal points raised by her since her original letter and he would only be referring to it in his presentation.
Mr Balfour-Lynn was asked if he would consent to the documentation being provided to the participants of the meeting. Mr Balfour-Lynn advised that he was happy to give his consent. He wished to deal with the matter for his business and employees.
Mrs Bolas asked the Members if they wished to go ahead with the meeting or adjourn until they had read the document produced by Mrs Tipples.
The Members agreed to adjourn for 15 minutes to enable them to read the document.
After the adjournment the Chairman referred to the procedure notes attached to the Committee papers and asked everyone present to introduce themselves.
Councillor Mrs Denise Joy – Chairman Councillor Patrik Garten – Committee Member Councillor Mrs Val Springett – Committee Member
Mrs Jayne Bolas – Legal Advisor Mrs Caroline Matthews – Democratic Services Officer
Mr Balfour-Lynn – Applicant Ms S. Easton – for the Applicant Ms V. Ash – for the Applicant
Mr A.
Codd – on behalf of Objector Mrs
Andrea Hodgkiss and on behalf of Mrs A
and Mr F Tipples and Spokesman for Mr & Mrs Humphrey
Mrs Bolas referred to the observations made by Mrs Tipples in the document where she questioned whether the application should have been made in Mr Balfour-Lynn’s name as the Hush Heath Estate was the trading name published on Companies House (and was the trading name of a limited partnership known as Hush Heath Estate LLP), the registered members of which are Hush Heath Hospitality Limited and Hush ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |