Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Town Hall, High Street, Maidstone
Contact: Email: 01622 602899
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Cannon and Higson. |
Notification of Substitute Members Minutes: There were no Substitute Members. |
Urgent Items Minutes: The Chairman stated that she intended to take Appendix C to Item 13 – Fees and Charges 2025/26 as an urgent update, as it included updated figures related to planning enforcement. |
Notification of Visiting Members Minutes: There were no Visiting Members. |
Disclosures by Members and Officers Minutes: There were no disclosures by Members or Officers. |
Disclosures of Lobbying Minutes: Councillors Gooch and Sweetman stated that they had been lobbied on Item 11 – Discretionary Rate Relief Policy. |
Exempts Items Minutes: RESOLVED: That all items on the agenda be taken in public. |
Minutes of the Meeting Held on 19 November 2024 PDF 75 KB Minutes: RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 19 November 2024 be approved as a correct record and signed. |
Forward Plan relating to the Committee's Terms of Reference PDF 146 KB Minutes: RESOLVED: That the Forward Plan relating to the Committee’s Terms of Reference, be noted. |
Half-Yearly Performance (KPI) Update PDF 141 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Corporate Services introduced the item and outlined the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the Committee, and stated that an online dashboard with these figures was updated monthly. It was highlighted that there were mitigating circumstances for the four KPIs under the Committee’s portfolio that did not meet their targets by more than a 10% margin.
The Committee welcomed the report and stated that future reports on the KPIs would present a more accurate representation of the Committee’s services.
RESOLVED to RECOMMEND to CABINET: That the performance position as at the end of the first half of 2024/25, including any actions being taken or proposed to improve the positions, be noted. |
Discretionary Rate Relief Policy PDF 149 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Corporate Resources introduced the report and stated that the Council’s business rates discretionary relief policy was designed to benefit local non-profit charities and organisations and had been reviewed to update the policy to cover third sector organisations. It was outlined that a consultation for the proposed scheme had been conducted for six weeks, and that it would cost the Council £71,900 in the 2023/24 financial year to implement.
Peter Coulling spoke as a Visiting Member.
In response to the Visiting Member, the Cabinet Member for Corporate Resources addressed concerns raised by the Visiting Member and stated that the Council would exercise discretion on implementing the policy depending on the size of the organisation. The Head of Mid Kent Revenues and Benefits further explained that the updated policy was designed to include more organisations that support local communities and prevent larger national charities applying for the same discretionary relief.
The Committee recognised the need for an updated discretionary relief policy but asked for clarity on whether amateur sports clubs were included in the policy and if the amount of discretionary relief in previous years would be sufficient for the next financial year.
In response to comments from the Committee, the Head of Mid Kent Revenues and Benefits stated that it was expected that the same amount of relief monies from previous financial years would be sufficient but that it was difficult to predict the amount and that this could rise or fall. It was further stated that she would clarify whether sports clubs were included in Part 4 of the policy and clarified that they would be included in the final document approved by Cabinet.
1. The outcome of the Discretionary Rate Relief policy consultation be noted; and
2. The amendments to the policy from the consultation be considered and the policy adopted subject to changes. |
2nd Quarter Financial Update & Performance Monitoring Report PDF 322 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Corporate Resources introduced the report setting out the financial position for the services reporting into the Committee as at 30 September 2024 (Quarter 2) explaining that:
· The Council had projected an overspend by the end of the financial year of £449,000. The main sources of the predicted overspend were outlined as Maidstone House, Maidstone Property Holding (MPH) residential properties, Lockmeadow complex and development management.
· There was a projected slippage in the Capital Budget of £75 million to the 2025/26 financial year.
· £5 million was to be transferred from the Council’s reserves into the housing investment fund to support the Council’s social and affordable housing programme.
· There was also a recommendation to write off a rental debt of £30,000. Officers had reviewed rent monitoring and collections process to prevent that level of arrears being accumulated in future.
The main sources of variances were outlined as:
· Maidstone House with a shortfall of £261,000, due to vacant units. The decarbonisation project of the building had been put on hold, but work to let the fourth floor of office was continuing.
· Maidstone Property Holdings (MPH) with a shortfall of £431,000, due to a shortfall in rental income, particularly Granada House which as a private sector rental property had been attributed to MPH.
· Lockmeadow complex with a shortfall of £525,000, due to two vacant retail units, but it was expected that these would be occupied by the new year.
· Development management with a shortfall of £681,000, due to a fall in the number of planning applications submitted.
· Temporary accommodation with a shortfall of £360,000,due to service demand.
In response to questions from the Committee, the Director of Finance, Resources and Business Improvement clarified that he was not able to confirm which companies would be occupying the vacant units at the Lockmeadow complex as the leases had not been completed. It was also stated that the Council had reviewed its practices with letting spaces in regard to the uncollectable property rent and that the Council would take action on tenants promptly in future.
1. The Revenue position as at the end of Quarter 2 for 2024/25, including the actions being taken or proposed to improve the position, where significant variances have been identified, be noted;
2. The Capital position at the end of Quarter 2 for 2024/25 be noted, and;
3. The uncollectable property rent listed at Appendix 2 be approved for write-off.
Fees and Charges 2025/26 PDF 221 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Corporate Resources introduced the report and outlined the levels of fees and charges which was to be raised by an average 4% overall for the next financial year due to inflation pressures. This would include a phased return to car parking charge increases of 15% into the next financial year. It was further stated that fees and charges contributed £11 million to the Council’s overall budget.
The Committee welcomed the report and recognised that the cost of car parking fees was being increased by other local authorities. Some concerns were raised by Members of the Committee about the increase in parking fees and the Cabinet Member for Corporate Services acknowledged this and stated that fees had not increased in the previous five years.
1. The contents be noted;
2. The Fees and Charges as detailed in Appendix A for the Climate Transition, Corporate and Environmental Services Police Advisory Committee, be approved;
3. The Fees and Charges Policy as detailed in appendix B; be noted;
4. The Fees and Charges as detailed in Appendix C and D for the other Policy Advisory Committees, be noted; 5. The Budget survey results in Appendix E and F, be noted. |
Duration of Meeting Minutes: 6.30 p.m. to 7.35 p.m. |