Off-Street Parking Places Order 2021 (Variation 39)
Notice is hereby given that KENT COUNTY COUNCIL propose to make the above-named Orders under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, and of all other enabling powers, and after consultation with the chief officer of police in accordance with Part III of Schedule 9 to the Act:
The Order will Amend the Kent County Council (Various Roads, Borough of Maidstone) (Waiting Restrictions and Street Parking Places) (Consolidation) Order 2017;
The effect of the (Waiting Restrictions VARIATION NO.39) will be to introduce new or to extend or amend existing waiting restrictions in the following lengths of road (in this part of the notice DYL means waiting to be prohibited at all times by double yellow lines; SYL and loading restrictions means no waiting at the times prescribed below).
Upper Stone Street; prohibiting waiting at all times [double yellow lines] On both sides for the entire length.
Foster Street: prohibiting waiting at all times [double yellow lines]On the south side from its junction with Upper Stone Street for a distance of 37 metres in a westerly direction, and on its north side from its junction with Upper Stone Street for a distance of 67 metres in a westerly direction.
Brunswick Street (east) prohibiting waiting at all times [double yellow lines] On both sides from its junction with Upper Stone Street for a distance of 15 metres in an easterly direction.
The proposals are intended to improve the air quality by improving traffic flow and reducing congestion.
Prohibiting on loading/unloading between 7.00am and 8:00pm, On all days [single kerb markings] in Upper Stone Street: On both sides for the entire length
Foster Street: prohibiting waiting at all times [double yellow lines]On the south side from its junction with Upper Stone Street for a distance of 37 metres in a westerly direction, and on its north side from its junction with Upper Stone Street for a distance of 67 metres in a westerly direction.
The proposals are intended to improve the air quality by improving traffic flow and reducing congestion.
Brunswick Street (east): On both sides from its junction with Upper Stone Street for a distance of 15 metres in an easterly direction.
The proposals are intended to assist with the air quality by improving traffic flow.
Prohibiting waiting between 09.00am and 5:00pm, Monday to Friday [single yellow line] in
Gladstone Road: On the south-western side from its junction with Peel Street in a south-east direction for a distance of 12 metres.
The proposal is to reduce the current SYL and extend the residents parking bays to accommodate approximately a further 4 vehicles.
Foster Street: On its north side from a point 67 metres west of its junction with Upper Stone Street for the remainder of its length, and on its south side from a point 37 metres west of its junction with Upper Stone Street for the remainder of its length.
Brunswick Street (east) On the both sides from a point 15 metres east of its junction with Upper Stone Street for the remainder of its length.
Designated residents parking places
Gladstone Road; On the south-western side from a point 12 metres south-east of its junction with Peel Street to a point 35 metres north-west of its junction with Boxley Road.
The proposal is to extend the parking bays to accommodate approximately a further 4 vehicles.
Designated good vehicles parking places
Tonbridge Road; On the south-eastern side from a point 2 metres northeast from its boundary of No 533 Tonbridge Road in a south easterly direction for a distance of 19 metres.
The proposal is to formalise the existing loading bays.
School restrictions
Formalising existing school keep clear markings between 8am and 9am or between 3pm and 4pm, Monday to Fridays during school term time in the following locations;
Merton Road, (southern entrance); On the eastern, western, and Southern sides throughout the length of any School Keep Clear markings as marked on site.
Merton Road, (eastern entrance) On the north and south sides throughout the length of any School Keep Clear markings as marked on site.
The Order includes some wording changes of an administrative matter which will make no alterations to existing parking and waiting restrictions and will require no changes to existing parking lines or signs.
Copies of the proposed orders, any orders which will be amended by the proposed orders, a statement of the Council's reasons for proposing to make the orders and maps indicating the location and effect may be examined on our website.
If you wish to offer support or object to a proposed order you should send the grounds for your objection in writing to our Parking Services Team quoting the name of the order by 12pm on Monday 13 July 2020.
If you have any questions concerning the proposed Orders or require further information, please call our Parking Services on 01622 602377 during normal office hours.
Simon Jones
Director of Highways Transportation & Waste
Invicta House, County Hall, Maidstone.