Grants and funding for groups

If you're a community group or organisation and want to be kept up to date about grants and other funding opportunities, sign up to our Voluntary and Community Sector mailing list.

Funding for All

Funding for All provides free, expert fundraising advice to small charities, voluntary organisations, community groups and social enterprises from across Kent and Medway.

Funding for all can help develop skills in areas such as bid/grant application writing, income generation or strategy and planning.

Kent Community Foundation

Kent Community Foundation (KCF) has been finding, funding and supporting some of the smallest voluntary organisations in the county for 20 years. It has distributed over £45 million to support thousands of small charities and deserving causes where a modest sum of money can make a significant impact.

KCF are part of a UK wide accredited network of 47 Community Foundations who are committed to improving the lives of local people and communities, particularly the most vulnerable, isolated, and disadvantaged by matching those who want to help, with those who need the help.

Rural England Prosperity Fund

The fund aims to support rural communities to modernise and improve their assets to provide multiuse spaces that improve health, wellbeing, reduce rural loneliness, while having a positive impact on the local environment, contribute towards net zero, support the local rural economy, and promote community cohesion. Grants of up to £50,000 will be available to eligible organisations.

Applications for a second round of funding will open later in the year. Further information can be found on our prosperity fund webpage.

4 Community

Free to register search tool for helping you to seek out grants, awards and other funding which may be relevant to your organisation. More information can be found on their website.

Summer community support grant

The fund aims to support community schemes that help local families with food poverty during the summer holiday. Grants of up to £5,000 will be available to eligible organisations. Applications are open between 2 July 2024 and 16 July 2023. Find out how to apply.