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Decision Made:

14 March 2012




Issue for Decision


To consider progress made on the Corporate Improvement Plan and whether it is still required as a means of monitoring actions.


Decision Made


1.   That progress on the Corporate Improvement Plan (CIP) be noted.


2.   That the two remaining outstanding actions in the CIP are moved to the relevant service plans and the CIP be discontinued.


Reasons for Decision


The purpose of the Corporate Improvement Plan is to identify and monitor progress on key areas for improvement.


Two actions, 19.01 and 20.5 have been completed since the last report in September 2011. One action remains outstanding, 21.01. A plan is in place to ensure that it is completed.


With the abolition of the Audit Commission and the inspection regime the Council has investigated ways to be more proactive about seeking improvement and monitoring progress. The service planning process has been refined and an Improvement Plan has been created and was approved by Cabinet in January. It is therefore considered that the CIP has served its purpose and should be discontinued, with the remaining two actions being moved to the appropriate service plans.


Alternatives considered and why rejected


The plan could be continued. However, with the new measures that have been put in place this would create a duplication of work at a time when it is more important than ever that resources are used effectively.


Background Papers






Should you be concerned about this decision and wish to call it in, please submit a call in form signed by any two Non-Executive Members to the Head of Change and Scrutiny by:  23 March 2012