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Minutes 16/02/2010, 18.30



MINUTES OF THE Environment and Leisure Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting held on Tuesday 16 February 2010



Councillor Mrs Blackmore (Chairman)

Councillors Yates, Butler, Mrs Gooch, Hinder, Mrs Joy, Wilson and Mrs Smith



Councillor Verrall



82.       The Committee to consider whether all items on the agenda should be web-cast.


Resolved:   That all items on the agenda be web-cast.




83.       Apologies.


Apologies were received from Councillor Verrall.




84.       Notification of Substitute Members.


There were no substitute Members.




85.       Notification of Visiting Members.


It was noted that Councillor F Wilson was a visiting Member and wished to speak on Agenda Item 9, ‘Update on the Implementation of the Community Toilet Scheme’.




86.       Disclosures by Members and Officers.


There were no disclosures.




87.       To consider whether any items should be taken in private because of the possible disclosure of exempt information.


Resolved:   That all items be taken in public as proposed.




88.       Minutes of the Meeting held on 19 January 2010.


The minutes of the meeting dated 19 January 2010 were agreed subject to the following amendments:


·         The sixth bullet point of Minute № 79 be amended to read ‘It was clarified’;

·         ‘Councillor Smith’ in Minute № 79 be amended to ‘Councillor Mrs Smith’;

·         Recommendation b (ii) of Minute № 79 be amended to ‘those areas where scout groups’ and recommendation b (iv) to ‘poor recycling rates’; and

·         The word ‘the’ be removed from recommendation e of Minute № 80.


Resolved:   That the minutes of the meeting held on 19 January 2010 be agreed as a correct record and duly signed by the Chairman subject to the requested amendments.




89.       Litter Enforcement Update.


The Chairman welcomed the Assistant Director of Environmental Services, Steve Goulette, and the Environmental Enforcement Operations Manager, Martyn Jeynes, to the meeting.  The Committee received a presentation, attached at Appendix A, updating the Committee on the work of the Environmental Enforcement team and the Committee then discussed the following:


·         Although there were more calls regarding nuisance complaints compared to other Environmental Enforcement calls, the time taken to resolve these issues were typically less;

·         There was a greater focus on partnership working with Kent Police, Police Community Support Officers, Kent County Council Wardens and Housing Associations, as part of the Safer Maidstone Partnership; this ensured an intelligence driven response to environmental crimes.  Members agreed that it was important that partnership work with stakeholders continued to ensure continued best value; 

·         Kent Police’s work with the Council with regard to responding to environmental nuisance had increased as a relationship between negative perceptions of the environment and fear of crime had been proven;

·         ‘You Say, We Did’ promotional adverts had been produced as part of a public reassurance campaign.  The Committee asked that these adverts be made available to all Councillors to distribute to local community groups as appropriate to support the Council’s work;

·         Members were concerned about the impact of loud car exhausts and loud car stereos on resident’s perceptions of Maidstone and agreed that the matter should be referred to the Public Reassurance Group for consideration;

·         The Council was applying for ‘full partner’ status with Keep Britain Tidy; this was free to Councils and provided complimentary advertisement materials to help support the Council’s work.  It was felt that the Council’s work in developing a GIS package with regard to environmental crimes would support its application;

·         Noise complaints were considered under statutory nuisance legislation.   A nuisance was not determined by the number of decibels emitted, but considered with regard to its reasonableness, including in relation to time of day, frequency and where appropriate, the sensitivity of the complainant;

·         There had been some problems with the Police contact centre about the remits of the Police and the Council with regard to noise complaints.  A Member noted that it had been unclear who to contact out of hours and the Committee agreed that the telephone number be circulated to Parish Councils and Ward Members; 

·         A review of noise complaints had shown that many had been received from residents as part of an ongoing disputes with their neighbours and mediation services were therefore being promoted as necessary;

·         The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) had clarified that the powers initially used to identify car owners under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 were restricted to fly-tipping occurrences and could not be used for car occupants throwing litter out of their car windows.  Dealing with car related litter was more difficult and Keep Britain Tidy was seeking legislation changes to make the owner of the vehicle accountable for any litter dripped from the car;

·         The number of incidences of fly-tipping had increased and it was considered that this was as a result of the downturn in the economy.  The Council was working with businesses to combat fly-tipping from its source.  A fly-tipper had recently been prosecuted and it was hoped this would serve as a notice to would-be fly-tippers;

·         Following a Scrutiny recommendation, officers had explored the use of Smart Water to target fly-tippers, however the Council had not been consulted on a pilot scheme launched by Clean Kent.  Members agreed that the Council should keep abreast of Smart Water developments to see if there were any other opportunities to utilise this technology in the future; and

·         A large number of requests for the reinstatement of the chewing gum boards had been received from young people since their removal; initiatives to target chewing gum disposal continued to be explored.


The Committee congratulated the team for its ongoing work and thanked the officers for an informative presentation.


The web cast from this session is available at:


Resolved    That:


a)   The issue of loud car exhausts and car stereos be referred to the Public Reassurance Group;

b)   The partnership work with stakeholders continue to ensure continued best value;

c)   The Environmental Enforcement Team keep abreast of the Smart Water developments to seek opportunities for the Council to use the technology in the future to help prevent fly tipping;

d)   The telephone number for reporting out of hours noise disturbances be distributed to all Parish Councils and Ward Members; and

e)   The ‘You Say, We Did’ promotional adverts be made available to all Councillors for distribution to reinforce the Council’s public reassurance work.



90.       Update on the Implementation of the Community Toilet Scheme.


The Chairman invited the Assistant Director of Environmental Services, Mr Goulette to respond to the Committee’s comments regarding his written community toilet scheme update.  The Committee considered the update and discussed the following:


·      Businesses signed yearly agreements and their provision was monitored on a random basis to determine whether improvements to the service were required.  A number of Members had visited all the participating facilities in the town centre and highlighted some issues with cleanliness and access.  The Committee agreed that their survey results be considered by officers to inform monitoring and that improvements to the existing monitoring system were required to ensure a better quality provision;

·      Mr Goulette confirmed that the signing was being reviewed and improvements were to be made.  The Committee supported this and agreed that this must be addressed to ensure the community toilet scheme was successful.  Members were particularly concerned with regard to the ambiguity of directional signs and the lack of shop window stickers, and the size of these when displayed;

·      The Council was considering new community toilet scheme members in consultation with Town Centre Management.  Furthermore, Mr Goulette advised that conversations with Parish Councils were ongoing and they were considering the management of the existing public conveniences.  The Committee agreed that the Council should actively seek new community toilet scheme members and suggested Mothercare be approached to make its baby changing facilities available as part of the scheme;

·      The Committee requested information on the number and types of complaints received regarding the community toilet scheme;

·      Mr Goulette clarified that each participant in the scheme had been advised to discuss the issue of liability with their individual insurers; and

·      A Member raised concern that the Palace Avenue public conveniences were still featured on a tourism map on the Council’s website and the Committee agreed that the map be updated.


Councillor F Wilson informed the Committee that she had recently visited the Gateway to request a map of the locations of the community toilet scheme but that they had been unaware of the existence of the map.  She also highlighted concerns regarding the poor customer service she had received when she asked for a map.  It was also noted that the information at the town hall had been readily available and the staff had been very helpful.  The Committee agreed that the service received by Councillor Wilson be investigated.  Members also agreed that hard copies of the community toilet scheme maps be provided at tourist points including the Gateway.


The Committee thanked Mr Goulette for his hard work in getting the scheme up and running and for responding to the Committee’s queries. A further update in four months time was requested.


The web cast from this session is available at:


Resolved    That:

a)   The information regarding public conveniences be updated on the Council’s website;

b)   The customer service issues highlighted by Councillor F Wilson be investigated by the Assistant Director of Environmental Services;

c)   Hard copies of information and maps depicting community toilet scheme members be made available at tourist points, including the Gateway;

d)   The signage to community scheme toilets be improved in the town centre, including car park maps;

e)   The number and types of complaints regarding the community toilet scheme be circulated to the Committee to inform its future monitoring of the scheme;

f)    The Councillor’s survey results be considered by officers to inform their monitoring of the community toilet scheme and that the existing monitoring system be improved;

g)   Mothercare be approached to provide its existing baby changing facilities as part of the community toilet scheme;

h)   Opportunities for new community toilet scheme members be actively pursued; and

i)     The Committee receive a community toilet scheme update in June 2010.




91.       Future Work Programme and Forward Plan of Key Decisions.


The Committee considered its future work programme and noted the Local Government Association ‘what do the latest climate projections mean for you’ guidance; Members felt that it was an important issue to consider and agreed to add an item on climate change projections to its future work programme. 


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer informed Members that the Air Quality Action Plan item had been removed from the Committee’s work programme because it was felt that the Committee could have a more tangible input once the draft had been completed.  The Committee felt that it was important to continue receiving Air Quality Action Plan items and agreed to recommend this item to the 2010/11 Environment and Leisure Overview and Scrutiny Committee for inclusion in the work programme.


A Member noted the progress of fundraising for the museum and the Committee agreed to receive an update at its meeting on 20 April.


Resolved    That:


a)   An item on Climate Change Projections be added to the Committee’s work programme;

b)   The 2010/11 Environment and Leisure Overview and Scrutiny Committee be recommended to continue receiving items on the Air Quality Action Plan;  and

c)   The Committee consider an item on fundraising for the museum at its meeting on 20 April.




92.       Duration of the Meeting.


6.30 p.m. to 8.40 p.m.

