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Minutes 30/06/2009, 18:30



MINUTES OF THE Regeneration and Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting held on Tuesday 30 June 2009



Councillor Sherreard (Chairman)

Councillors Beerling, FitzGerald, Nelson-Gracie, Paine, Thick and Vizzard






9.           Web-Casting


Resolved: It was agreed that all items on the agenda would be web-cast.




10.       Notification of Substitute Members


There were no substitute members.




11.       Notification of Visiting Members


There were no visiting members.




12.       Disclosures by Members and Officers


Councillor Beerling declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 10, Work Programming 2009/10, as he was a Director of Maidstone Housing Trust.




13.       Exempt Items


Resolved: That all items on the agenda be taken in public as proposed.




14.       Minutes of the Meetings


It was requested that a resolution be added to page 9 of the minutes of 23 April with regard to the discussion of possible dates for the launch of the road safety report.


The minutes of 14 April, 23 April and 27 May were agreed subject to the above amendment.




That the minutes were agreed subject to the inclusion of a recommendation identifying possible dates for the road safety launch in the minutes of the 23 April.





15.       Cabinet Member for Environment - Progress for 2008/09 and Plans and Priorities for 2009/10


         The Chairman welcomed the Cabinet Member for Environment, Councillor Mark Wooding.  The Committee was reminded that many of the changes made by the Cabinet Member for Environment during the previous year were well known due to publicity within the press and his attendance at this Committee.  During 2009-10 the Cabinet Member would be seeking short term benefits for the Council and setting some medium and long term direction.




         Councillor Wooding highlighted a number of changes that had been made with regard to parking services within the previous year:


1.       Resident parking zones had seen the introduction of permit charges.  Residents were able to obtain first and second permits at a cost of £25 and a third permit for £50.  This decision had been made to manage increasing street parking demand, and prevent the parking budget from falling into deficit, as well as to cover the cost of producing the permits.


It was noted that the number of calls the council had received regarding these charges had been minimal.


2.       Changes had also been made to off street parking, most notably the introduction of Sunday charges.  This had been operating for five weeks, and had so far provided revenue of £1800 - £2700 each Sunday.


         Officers were undertaking a review of the volumes of traffic within the town centre now that these charges had been implemented and this was to be reported back to the Cabinet Member by August.  The Committee was also informed that local businesses in the area were to be consulted in order to establish whether the charges had had any significant impact upon the number of people coming into the town on Sundays.


         The Committee was informed that no major changes should be required within the forthcoming year although small amendments could be necessary in light of the economic climate.


         Several aspects of the decisions on monitoring on and off street parking demand had been deferred last year following consultation and reports were due in August on these.  Councillor Wooding noted that these would fully consider concerns that had been raised by residents during the consultation process.  There could also be further opportunity to develop car parks in order to generate further income, however this would also depend upon the economic climate and the availability of monies.


         In response to a question, the Cabinet Member stated that the introduction of Sunday charges had been well publicised, and any car owners who failed to display tickets on the first Sunday the scheme was introduced were not penalised.




         Councillor Wooding informed the Committee that he had been working hard to establish good links with Kent County Council (KCC).  A joint seminar with KCC had been held in December which the KCC Cabinet Member with responsibility for highways. KCC had agreed to work towards decreasing the number of people who were killed or seriously injured on the roads within Maidstone.  The Cabinet Member had requested a review of progress now that six months had passed.  It was the aim of the Cabinet Member to maintain a good relationship with KCC.


         It was requested that the Committee receive an update on road safety issues from KCC.


         Public Transport


The Committee was informed that safeguarding the park and ride service was of paramount importance.  However it was important that the subsidy which was required from the tax payer in order to facilitate the service was reduced. Changes last year had reduced this subsidy from £450,000 to £225,000.  As a result no major changes would be required this year, however small adjustments could be necessary to reflect the economic situation.


Last year’s tendering exercise had resulted in the renewal of the park and ride contract with Arriva.  Some amendments had also been made to the schedule of services.  It was recognised that this had caused some problems, as new routes had conflicted with road maintenance subsequently delaying some services.  Customer surveys, however, particularly those of customers using the London Road park and ride site, had demonstrated that the majority of customers were satisfied with the services which they had received.


The Committee was also reminded that there had been a 25% increase in the park and ride fares which may have had some impact upon the level of usage.  It was noted however, that a decrease in the number of people using the service had been seen before the implementation of the fare increase and bus usage nationally was decreasing.  This was being monitored. 


All three sites were now manned by two mobile attendants and initial indications suggested that this was working well.  Holiday and sickness were covered by members of the parking services team where necessary.  A mobile phone number was available for customers at each site; however calls so far had been minimal.  Maintenance work continued to be carried out by the attendants.


Long term targets with regard to park and ride included the consideration of additional park and ride sites.  However, this was to be considered alongside the development of the Core Strategy and the Local Development Framework.

A member enquired as to whether Bluebell Hill was to be considered as a possible location for a new park and ride site.  The Committee was informed that this location was still under consideration, and was being reviewed by consultants.  It was requested that the Committee receive a copy of this report.


Concessionary Travel


The Committee was reminded of the assisted travel scheme which had been introduced during the previous year.  Over 400 people had so far benefited from the scheme, in addition to 100 people who had companion passes.  The Cabinet Member also noted that changes had been made to the availability of concessionary fares, from 9:30 a.m. to 9. a.m.  Central Government was currently consulting on potential changes to the administration of the concessionary fares scheme, including a proposal to move this to county-level. 


The Council continued to support the Stockbury and Lenham Community transport schemes which had been re-established following the removal of the post-bus service.


Rail Services


Pressure would continue to be exerted on Southeastern Rail with regard to the proposals to remove the fast service to Cannon Street service in December.  Improvement of the rail service was particularly important as Maidstone would have 11,080 new homes by 2026 as a result of its Growth Point Status.


Network Rail had released its Kent Rail Utilisation Strategy report, and the Cabinet Member would respond outlining  a strong argument for Thameslink services to serve Maidstone and the benefits of the high speed shuttle running to Maidstone West.


In response to a question, the Committee was informed that Councillor Wooding had written to the Chief Executive of Southeastern three weeks previously, but had not yet received a response.  This had, however been heavily publicised.


Resolved:   That


a)    an update be received from Kent Highways Services on road safety issues; and


b)    the committee receive a copy of the updated consultant’s report on the potential Bluebell Hill park and ride site when this was received by the Cabinet Member.




16.       Cabinet Member for Regeneration - Progress for 2008/09 and Plans and Priorities for 2009/10


The Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Councillor Malcolm Greer, congratulated Members and the Overview and Scrutiny Officer on the production of the report regarding Section 106 agreements and stated that he had taken on board the report’s recommendations.


The Committee was informed that an Office Manager had been appointed within the Development Control Department.   The Officer Manager assisted with the day to day running of the Department, this included computer systems updates, which would make the working of all departments, Development Control (DC), Building Control (BC) and Enforcement, more efficient and transparent.  He highlighted that this was an ongoing process and that he would update the Committee at a future date.  A Development Control Planning Manager had also been appointed to manage Planning Control and Enforcement. These combined duties within a single officer’s remit ensured that a more structured system was in place with respect to both areas. This change had already showed signs of benefit, with a significant reduction in live enforcement cases.


The recession has had a significant influence on the number of planning applications received, which had dropped to approximately 1700 last year. This has had a major affect on money streams, including that arising from pre-application advice. This had resulted in adjusting staffing levels to address the downturn or redeployment of Officers to other areas, such as Enforcement, where the work load was greater and needed addressing.  The Committee was informed that all areas and processes were monitored on a regular basis, with the performance of all departments analysed.  Furthermore, the new system enabled Members and Parish Councils to receive by e-mail, the current status of Section 106 Agreements, Enforcement and Planning Applications. Further work was ongoing with respect to improving the presentation of information.


The Committee requested that a structure diagram be produced detailing how BC, DC and Enforcement interact, together with the contact details and where in the building the team members could be found.


A Draft Enforcement Policy had been produced by the Planning Manager.

Members would be consulted on the completed final draft. The document was to inform Members and Parish Councils how the Council conducted work with respect to enforcement issues.


A Developers Forum had also been established and was proving to be successful. Two forums had taken place and a third was to take place in October. The main benefit had been that dialogue had been established between Developers and Planners which made systems more efficient and cost effective.  One area that was identified as a concern was the time taken to address legal issues after an application had been approved.  A Legal Charter was therefore being produced which would inform Developers of what was required, within a time line, which would assist in ensuring the contract was completed.  A cost framework was also to be included as part of the Legal Charter..


The first Enabling Committee had been established with regard to the Sutton Valence Running Track. This helped solve potential difficulties and inform interested parties, including the Parish Council, of the work which was to be carried out in the foreseeable future. A committee of this nature was also to be established with regard to the new Clinic at Junction 7 and the proposed developments at Senacre.


Gypsy Sites


The Consultants, Bakers, had recently been appointed to commence work on a Development Plan Document, which included the location of gypsy sites. A joint Kent County Council steering group was meeting on 17 July 2009. Councillor Greer would be representing Maidstone at the meeting.  Councillor Greer confirmed that Parish Councils would be consulted as part of the process.


Economic Development


A judging panel had selected the concept design by Letts Wheeler as part of the High Street Regeneration Competition from the five short listed designs.  It was envisaged that these improvements would encourage companies into the area and would have a positive impact on the surrounding locations.  The Council was now in the consultation period with regard to the plans. This was scheduled to last for between six to nine months. In response to a question, Councillor Greer confirmed that local utility companies, along with other stakeholders and Disability Groups, were to be involved in the consultation process.


Small businesses were being supported by the Council, which offered advice clinics at the Gateway. 36 businesses had also received advertising within the Kent Messenger’s ‘Make it Maidstone’ initiative.


General Maintenance Work


The Committee were informed that work was already underway to remove clutter, including excess signage and railings from the centre of Maidstone to make the area more aesthetically pleasing.  Other areas of Maidstone were also being considered for de-cluttering.


Plans were also being discussed for the development of the river with the use of Section 106 monies.




The Committee was reassured that everything was being done to ensure the Council did not lose out on any potential money with regard to housing projects.  Furthermore, it was particularly important to ensure the sustainability of all new developments, this included commercial development such as the Council’s new Depot, which had been constructed to an extremely high standard.  Councillor Greer highlighted the importance of attracting new businesses into the area in order to ensure the availability of high quality jobs.


A Member requested that the Committee be provided with a report regarding the development of Parkwood Industrial Estate and the possibility of attracting businesses to the area. The Committee was also informed that the Cabinet Member was working closely with the Town Centre Manager to ensure that empty shops were made to look more attractive by installing vinyl advertising to windows.


A Member raised concerns that Whatman Park may now be at a disadvantage in terms of parking due to the failure to agree to develop a ground for Maidstone Football Club.


Finally, the Committee was informed that, where feasible, devolution of power to Parish Councils would be looked into; however Councillor Greer was unsure as to whether the appetite for this existed.


Resolved:   That


a)   The Cabinet Member develop a strategy for dealing with empty shop windows in Maidstone Town Centre;


b)   The Cabinet Member investigate options for the future development of the Parkwood Industrial Estate; and


c)   A structure chart for Development Control, Building Control and Planning Enforcement, including names and phone numbers for officers, be provided to the Committee.





17.       Work Programming 2009/10


The Committee agreed that clearance of contaminated land would be its major review of this year.  It was noted that there were a number of sensitive issues with regard to this matter, and the Legal Team had been asked for advice on this.  A smaller review would also be carried out with regard to disabled facilities grants.


Resolved:   That


a)    The Committee would focus on the clearance of contaminated land as this years major review; and


b)    A smaller review would be carried out with regard to disabled facilities grants.





18.       Future Work Programme and Forward Plan of Key Decisions


It was agreed that the Overview and Scrutiny Officers were to establish an appropriate date for the required Councillor Call for Action meeting. It was noted that this may require the amendment of the pre arranged meeting dates.


The Committee was informed that key decisions falling within its remit would be printed on the back of the agenda each month to enable Members to request a decision to be discussed at a future meeting if necessary. 


A Member requested that an update on potential gypsy site locations and progress with regard to economic development within the Borough be provided to the Committee in December.  The Chairman requested that Members monitor the Forward Plan for when these decisions arose and request further information at that time.


Resolved:   That


a)    The Overview and Scrutiny officers would establish an appropriate meeting date for the Councillor Call for Action; and


b)    The Committee be given an update of on potential gypsy site locations and economic development within the Borough in December.



19.       Duration of the Meeting


6:30 p.m. to 8:50 p.m.
