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Minutes 13/10/2010, 18.30





Minutes of the meeting held on

Wednesday 13 October 2010




Councillor Garland (Chairman) and

Councillors Greer, Mrs Ring, Sherreard and J.A. Wilson




75.        Apologies for Absence


An apology for absence was received from Councillor Ash.




76.        Urgent Items


There were no urgent items.




77.        Notification of Visiting Members


There were no Visiting Members.




78.        Disclosures by Members and Officers


There were no disclosures by Members or Officers.




79.        Disclosures of lobbying


There were no disclosures of lobbying.




80.        Exempt Items


RESOLVED: That the Items on the Agenda be taken in public as proposed.




81.        Minutes


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meetings held on 15 and 29 September 2010 be approved as a correct record and signed.




82.        Strategic Planning Process




1.           That a new  Strategic Plan be written for 2011-14.

2.           That the strategic planning process and timetable, as set out below, be agreed:-




13 October 2010

Cabinet consider the strategic planning proposals

October-November 2010

Development of the Strategic Plan and Medium Term Financial Strategy

December 2010

Cabinet consider strategic plan update and/or agree the draft Strategic Plan and Medium Term Financial Strategy for consultation

December-January 2011

Consultation with members, residents and partners

January 2011

Overview and Scrutiny consider draft Strategic Plan and Medium Term Financial Strategy

February 2011

Cabinet consider draft Strategic Plan and Medium Term Financial Strategy including recommendation from scrutiny.

March 2011

Council agree and adopt the Strategic Plan and

Medium Term Financial Strategy

April 2011

Implementation of the Strategic Plan 2010-11



To view full details of this decision, please click here:-




83.        Forward Plan


The Cabinet considered the report of the Leader of the Council regarding the Forward Plan for the period 1 November 2010 – 28 February 2011.


RESOLVED: That the Forward Plan for the period 1 November 2010 – 28 February 2011 be noted, subject to the following amendments:-


Cabinet                 Adoption of the Maidstone          New for 10

                             Local Bio Diversity Action Plan    November 2010


Cabinet                 Mote park Improvement             New for 10

                             Project                                       November 2010


Cabinet                 High Street Improvement           delayed until

                             Project                                       9 February 2011


Cabinet                 Housing Strategy 2010-15         delayed until

                                                                              22 December 2010


Cabinet Member    River Medway Cycle Path            new for 5 November

for Regeneration   between Maidstone and             2010

                             Tonbridge Feasibility Study




84.        Duration of Meeting


6.30 pm to 6.34 pm

