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Agenda Frontsheet 20/05/2010, 18.00



Planning Committee Meeting



Date:   Thursday 20 May 2010

Time:   6.00 pm

Venue: Town Hall, High Street,             Maidstone


Membership: To be appointed at the Annual Meeting of the Council to be held
on 19 May 2010







Page No.


1.        Apologies for Absence




2.        Notification of Substitute Members




3.        Notification of Visiting Members




4.        Election of Chairman




5.        Election of Vice-Chairman




6.        Items withdrawn from the Agenda




7.        Date of Adjourned Meeting - 24 May 2010




8.        Any business the Chairman regards as urgent including the urgent update report as it relates to matters to be considered at the meeting




9.        Disclosures by Members and Officers




10.    Disclosures of lobbying




11.    To consider whether any items should be taken in private because of the possible disclosure of exempt information.




12.    Minutes of the Meeting held on 29 April 2010

1 - 5



13.    Appointment of Political Group Spokespersons




14.    Presentation of Petitions (if any)




15.    Report of the Development Control Manager - Deferred Items

6 - 7



16.    MA/09/2297 - Land East of Chance, Grigg Lane, Headcorn

8 - 54



17.    MA/10/0081 - Chestnut Tree House, Well Street, Loose

55 - 61



18.    MA/10/0140 - Corbin Business Park, Caring Lane, Bearsted

62 - 87



19.    MA/10/0323 - Senacre Community Hall, Titchfield Road, Maidstone

88 - 96



20.    MA/10/0381 - 14 Plantation Lane, Bearsted

97 - 102



21.    Report of the Assistant Director of Development and Community Strategy - TPO No. 27 of 2009 - Tree on Land Adjacent Ulcombe Primary School, The Street, Ulcombe

103 - 112



22.    Report of the Assistant Director of Development and Community Strategy - TPO No. 29 of 2009 - Woodland South of Lenham Road, Kingswood

113 - 121



23.    Report of the Development Control Manager - Appeal Decisions




24.    Chairman's Announcements




25.    Update on Matters Referred to the Cabinet Members for Environment/Regeneration

