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Agenda Frontsheet 22/07/2010, 18.00



Planning Committee Meeting



Date:   Thursday 22 July 2010

Time:   6.00 pm

Venue: Town Hall, High Street,             Maidstone




Councillors  Lusty (Chairman), Ash, Chittenden, English, Harwood, Hinder, Nelson-Gracie, Paine, Paterson, Mrs Robertson, Ross, Thick and Mrs Wilson







Page No.


1.        Apologies for Absence




2.        Notification of Substitute Members




3.        Notification of Visiting Members




4.        Items withdrawn from the Agenda




5.        Date of Adjourned Meeting - 29 July 2010




6.        Any business the Chairman regards as urgent including the urgent update report as it relates to matters to be considered at the meeting




7.        Disclosures by Members and Officers




8.        Disclosures of lobbying




9.        To consider whether any items should be taken in private because of the possible disclosure of exempt information




10.    Minutes of the meeting held on 1 July 2010

1 - 8



11.    Presentation of Petitions (if any)




12.    Report of the Head of Development Management - Deferred Items

9 - 10



13.    MA/09/1434 - Primrose Cottage, Fairbourne Lane, Harrietsham, Maidstone

11 - 17



14.    MA/10/0231 - Blue Tops, Walnut Tree Lane, Loose, Maidstone

18 - 32



15.    MA/10/0253 - The Retreat, Ware Street, Weavering, Maidstone

33 - 42



16.    MA/10/0283 - Turkey Mill Business Park, Ashford Road, Maidstone

43 - 69



17.    MA/10/0284 - Land Adj Tolhurst Court Turkey Mill, Ashford Road, Maidstone

70 - 90



18.    MA/10/0424 - Church House, Marley Road, Harrietsham, Maidstone, Kent  ME17 1AX

91 - 96



19.    MA/10/0531 - Unit 3, Parkwood Industrial Estate, Cuxton Road, Parkwood

97 - 103



20.    MA/10/0612 - Land East Of, South Street Road, Stockbury

104 - 128



21.    MA/10/0832 - 1, Wickham Place, Lenham, Maidstone

129 - 134



22.    Report of the Head of Development Management - Appeal Decisions




23.    Chairman's Announcements




24.    Update on Matters Referred to the Cabinet Members for Environment/Regeneration






The order in which items are taken at the meeting may be subject to change.


The public proceedings of the meeting will be broadcast live, and recorded for playback, on the Maidstone Borough Council website.
