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Minutes 15/09/2010, 14.00





Minutes of the meeting held on

Wednesday 15 September 2010



Councillor Garland (Chairman) and

Councillors Ash, Garland, Greer, Mrs Ring, Sherreard and J.A. Wilson


Also Present:

Councillors Burton, English and Mrs Wilson




54.        Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies for absence.




55.        Urgent Items


The Leader of the Council agreed to take as urgent the following:-


i)     Recommendations from the Local Development Document Advisory Group regarding Agenda Items 8 – Core Strategy Housing Targets and Distribution of Development and 9 – Core Strategy: Gypsy and Traveller Pitch Target

ii)   Recommendations from the Leisure and Prosperity Overview and Scrutiny Committee regarding  Agenda Items 8 – Core Strategy Housing Targets and Distribution of Development and 9 – Core Strategy: Gypsy and Traveller Pitch Target




56.        Notification of Visiting Members


Councillor English indicated his wish to speak on Agenda Items 8 – Core Strategy Housing Targets and Distribution of Development and 9 – Core Strategy: Gypsy and Traveller Pitch Target.


Councillor Mrs Wilson indicated her wish to speak on Agenda Items 8 – Core Strategy Housing Targets and Distribution of Development, 9 – Core Strategy: Gypsy and Traveller Pitch Target and 10 – Waste and Recycling Strategy 2010-2015.


Councillor Burton was in attendance.




57.        Disclosures by Members and Officers


There were no disclosures by Members or Officers.




58.        Disclosures of lobbying


There were no disclosures of lobbying.






59.        Exempt Items


RESOLVED: That the Items on the Agenda be taken in public as proposed.




60.        Minutes


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 11 August 2010 be approved as a correct record and signed.




61.        Core Strategy Housing Targets and Distribution of Development




1.   That the three options 1-3, as outlined in sections 1.3 E and F of the report of the Director of Change, Planning and the Environment, be agreed as the basis for the further more detailed testing outlined in the report of the Director of Change, Planning and the Environment, without any preconceptions, in order to identify the most suitable housing target for the borough.


2.   That all of the options plan for the balance of housing necessary after the existing development pipeline of 5,800 dwellings is completed, to achieve total housing target figures of:-


Option 1 – 8,200 dwellings;

Option 2 – 10,080 dwellings; and

Option 3 – 11,000 dwellings


The spatial distribution that needs to be objectively considered and tested for each option should be a dispersal model and a strategic development area.


3.   That the methodology and approach to testing each of the housing options should be that outlined in diagram A and Section 1.3 of he report of the Director of Change, Planning and the Environment be endorsed with the addition of the specific amendments to Appendix A of the report of the Director of Change, Planning and the Environment as highlighted by the Leisure and Prosperity Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


4.   That further work is undertaken on the weighting of the various elements; particular attention being paid to the economic and environmental factors, but considered within the context of the need for, and likelihood of, supporting housing and transportation infrastructure.


5.   That any option considered should have an emphasis on incentivising regeneration and renewal.


6.   That a further report be presented to the Cabinet on 10 November 2010.


For full details of this Record of Decision, please follow this link:-




62.        Core Strategy: Gypsy and Traveller Pitch Target




1.           That the timeframe for the Gypsy and Traveller pitch target be 2006 to 2016.


2.           That the approach, as set out in the report of the Director of Change, Planning and the Environment, to the setting of a numerical target for Gypsy and Traveller pitches for inclusion in the Core Strategy be endorsed.


3.           That no specific numerical target be set for Travelling Showpeople plots in the Core Strategy and that any local need for additional plots be addressed through the development control process using the criteria in Core Strategy Policy CS14 when adopted.


4.           That Kent County Council be encouraged to lead the process of the identification and delivery of appropriate transit sites in the county.


5.           That the Council lobbies Members of Parliament, the Local Government Association and the Local Government Rural Forum in relation to the special circumstances regarding the gypsy and traveler provision prevailing in the Borough to inform and influence national guidance and, in particular, to allow local planning authorities to adopt local housing need policies relating to this policy area.


6.           That policies on gypsy and traveler provision should take into consideration the need for appropriately balanced communities which are both integrated and sustainable, and the prevention of harm to the countryside caused by ribboned development of caravan sites and similar or related development.


7.           That the Cabinet discusses the resources required for funding a public site and that this may required a significant capital sum and therefore could impact on the capital programme be noted.


8.           That reference be made in the Core Strategy about how gypsy and traveler pitch needs will be reviewed beyond 2016.


9.           That the Leisure and Prosperity Overview and Scrutiny Committee:-

i)             Be informed who the third party reviewers are once it is known; and

ii)           Maintains a watching brief on developing a local needs housing policy to include gypsy and travelers once legal advice has been received.



For full details of this Record of Decision, please follow this link:-





63.        Waste and Recycling Strategy 2010-2015




1.           That the Waste and Recycling Strategy 2010-2015, as attached at Appendix A to the Report of the Assistant Director for Environment and Regulatory Services be adopted.


2.           That, subject to confirmation of the enabling funding being provided, the implementation of borough-wide weekly food waste collection alongside fortnightly residual waste and recycling collections as detailed in Appendix B to the Report of the Assistant Director for Environment and Regulatory Services be agreed.


3.           That the Policy and Procedure Statement for the new service as included in Appendix C to the Report of the Assistant Director for Environment and Regulatory Services be agreed.


4.           That additional changes to the waste and recycling service be considered to identify potential savings in line with the 2011/12 Budget Strategy;


For full details of this Record of Decision, please follow this link:-




64.        Core Strategy - Public Consultation


DECISION MADE:  That the LDF Core Strategy process be advanced to public consultation at the earliest opportunity, consistent with having proper regard to the opportunities now presented to the Council in the development of the Core Strategy.


For full details of this Record of Decision, please follow this link:-




65.        Corporate Improvement Plan update


The Cabinet considered the report of the Head of Change and Scrutiny regarding the Corporate Improvement Plan.




1.   That the new format of the Corporate Improvement Plan be noted.

2.   That the progress made against the objectives set in the Corporate Improvement Plan be noted.

3.   That the recommendations and comments against the tasks as set out in Appendix B of the report of the Head of Change and Scrutiny be noted.





66.        Forward Plan


The Cabinet considered the report of the Leader of the Council regarding the Forward Plan for the period 1 October 2010 – 31 January 2011.


RESOLVED: That the Forward Plan for the period 1 October 2010 – 31 January 2011 be noted.




67.        Duration of Meeting


2.00 p.m. to 3.40 p.m.

