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Minutes 14/12/2011, 18.30



Minutes of the meeting of maidstone borough council held at the town hall, high street, maidstone on

14 December 2011



Councillor B Mortimer (The Mayor) and

Councillors Ash, Barned, Black, Mrs Blackmore, Brindle, Burton, Butler, Chittenden, Collins, Cox, Cuming, Daley, English, Field, FitzGerald, Garland, Mrs Gibson, Mrs Gooch, Greer, Ms Griffin, Mrs Grigg, Harwood, Hinder, Mrs Hinder, Hogg, Hotson, Mrs Joy, Lusty, D Mortimer, Naghi, Nelson-Gracie, Newton, Paine, Parvin, Mrs Parvin, Paterson, Pickett, Mrs Ring, Sams, Mrs Stockell, Thick, Verrall, Vizzard, Warner, de Wiggondene, J A Wilson, Mrs Wilson and Yates




57.        Mr John Hooper


The Council stood in silence for one minute in memory of Mr John Hooper, a former Civic Officer, who died in November 2011.




58.        Apologies for Absence


It was noted that apologies for absence had been received from Councillors Beerling, Robertson, Mrs Robertson and Springett.




59.        Disclosures by Members and Officers


All Members present disclosed a personal interest in the report of the Standards Committee relating to the Members’ Allowances scheme by virtue of being potential recipients.


Councillor FitzGerald disclosed a personal interest in the question he was to ask of the Leader of the Council relating to the Kent County Playing Fields Association by virtue of being the Council’s representative on the Association.


Councillor Hotson disclosed a personal interest in the question to be asked of the Leader of the Council relating to the Kent County Playing Fields Association by virtue of being a life member of the Association.




60.        Disclosures of Lobbying


There were no disclosures of lobbying.




61.        Exempt Items


RESOLVED:  That the items on the agenda be taken in public as proposed.




62.        Minutes of the meeting of the Borough Council held on 21 September 2011


RESOLVED:  That the Minutes of the meeting of the Borough Council held on 21 September 2011 be approved as a correct record and signed.




63.        Mayor's Announcements


The Mayor announced that it gave him great pleasure to welcome staff and students from St Augustine Academy to the meeting.  On behalf of the Council, he would like to thank the staff, students, parents and governors of Astor of Hever School for their hard work in recent years, culminating in a superb Ofsted result, making Astor of Hever one of the most improved schools in the country, and to congratulate Woodard Schools on their successful reopening of the School as the new St Augustine Academy.


On behalf of the Mayor of Beauvais, Councillor Parvin then presented a silver plaque to the Mayor to celebrate fifty years of twinning links between the two towns.




64.        Petitions


There were no petitions.




65.        Question and Answer Session for Members of the Public


There were no questions from Members of the public.




66.        Questions from Members of the Council


Questions to the Leader of the Council


Councillor FitzGerald asked a question of the Leader of the Council.


The Leader of the Council responded to this question.


Councillor Mrs Wilson asked a question and a supplementary question of the Leader of the Council.


The Leader of the Council responded to these questions.


Question to the Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Transport


Councillor Sams asked a question of the Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Transport.


The Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Transport responded to this question.






67.        Current Issues - Report of the Leader of the Council and Response of the Group Leaders


The Leader of the Council submitted his report on current issues.


After the Leader of the Council had submitted his report, Councillor Mrs Wilson, the Leader of the Opposition, and Councillor FitzGerald, the Leader of the Independent Group, responded to the issues raised.


The Leader of the Council then responded to the points raised by Councillors Mrs Wilson and FitzGerald.




68.        Report of the Audit Committee held on 19 September 2011 - Amendment of the Contract Procedure Rules


It was moved by Councillor Nelson-Gracie, seconded by Councillor Burton, that the recommendation of the Audit Committee relating to the proposed amendment of the Contract Procedure Rules within the Constitution be approved.


Councillor Parvin, the Vice-Chairman of the Standards Committee, advised the Council that, in accordance with Article 15.02 (a) of the Constitution, the Standards Committee had evaluated the proposed amendments to the Contract Procedure Rules within the Constitution and had no comments to make.


RESOLVED:  That the Contract Procedure Rules within the Constitution be amended in accordance with the proposed wording set out in Appendix A to the report of the Assistant Director of Environment and Regulatory Services.




69.        Report of the Standards Committee held on 30 November 2011 - Members' Allowances Scheme


It was moved by Councillor Parvin, seconded by Councillor Garland, that the recommendation of the Standards Committee relating to the Members’ Allowances Scheme be approved.


RESOLVED:  That the recommendations of the Joint Independent Remuneration Panel on Members’ Allowances for Maidstone Borough Council, as set out in the report attached as an Appendix to the report of the Standards Committee, be approved.




70.        Report of the Standards Committee held on 30 November 2011 - Standards Committee - Extension of Terms of Office of Independent Members and Parish Council Representatives


It was moved by Councillor Parvin, seconded by Councillor English, that the recommendation of the Standards Committee relating to the extension of the terms of office of the Independent Members and Parish Council representatives on the Standards Committee be approved.


RESOLVED:  That the terms of office of the existing Independent Members and Parish Council representatives on the Standards Committee be extended until the Annual Meeting of the Council in May 2013 or until such time that the arrangements in relation to the new ethical standards regime have been finalised.




71.        Report of the General Purposes Group held on 30 November 2011 - Polling Place Review


It was moved by Councillor Mrs Hinder, seconded by Councillor Vizzard, that the recommendations of the General Purposes Group arising from the polling place review be approved.


RESOLVED:  That no changes be made to Polling Stations, except for the following:-



Current Polling Station


Coxheath & Hunton

Parish: West Farleigh

The Cricket Pavilion

That the electors be transferred to vote at All Saints Church, Church Lane, West Farleigh


St Andrews Church Hall

That the polling station be changed to Beechwood Community Hall on the grounds of locality


Loose Bowls Club

That the polling station be transferred to the YMCA.


Parish: Headcorn

Hawkenbury Public House

That there be no change but if the public house becomes unavailable, electors be transferred to vote at Headcorn Village Hall

North Downs

Parish: Bicknor

Hucking Parish Church

That the electors of Bicknor be transferred to vote at the Cardwell Pavilion, Hollingbourne

North Downs

Parish: Frinsted

Frinsted Village Hall

That the electors of Frinsted transfer to vote at Wormshill Village Hall

North Downs

Parish: Hucking

Hucking Parish Church

That the electors of Hucking be transferred to vote at the Cardwell Pavilion, Hollingbourne

North Downs

Parish: Wichling

St Margarets Church

That the electors of Wichling be transferred to vote at the Harrow Inn, Lenham







72.        Report of the Head of Democratic Services - Calendar of Meetings 2012/13


It was moved by the Mayor, seconded by Councillor Nelson-Gracie, that the recommendation contained in the report of the Head of Democratic Services relating to the calendar of meetings for the forthcoming Municipal Year be approved.


RESOLVED:  That the calendar of meetings for 2012/13, attached as Appendix A to the report of the Head of Democratic Services, be approved.




73.        Report of the Head of Democratic Services - Committee Membership


The Head of Democratic Services advised the Council that he wished to make the following amendment to his report to reflect the wishes of the Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group:-


Maidstone Joint Transportation Board


Substitute Members


Insert Councillor Mrs Robertson.


It was moved by the Mayor, seconded by Councillor English, that the recommendation contained in the report of the Head of Democratic Services relating to the membership of Committees, as amended, be approved.


RESOLVED:  That the wishes of the Leaders of the Conservative and Liberal Democrat Groups with regard to the membership of Committees, as set out in the report of the Head of Democratic Services and as updated at the meeting, be approved.




74.        Report of the Head of Democratic Services - Urgent Decisions Taken by the Executive


The Mayor announced that this report was for information only.




75.        Duration of Meeting


6.30 p.m. to 7.15 p.m.

