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Minutes 10/08/2011, 18.30





Minutes of the meeting held on

Wednesday 10 August 2011




Councillor Garland (Chairman), and

Councillors Greer, Mrs Ring and J.A. Wilson


Also Present:

Councillors Burton, English, FitzGerald, Paine and Robertson





43.        Apologies for Absence


An apology for absence was received from Councillor Hotson.




44.        Urgent Items


The Leader of the Council agreed to take as urgent the report of the Director of Change, Planning and the Environment because the draft National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) had been published for a standard twelve week consultation process; however, guidance published by the Planning Inspectorate for Inspectors had stated that it could be considered to be a material consideration and a decision needed to be taken to determine how much weight, if any, to attach to the draft for the purposes of development plan making and for determining applications for development.




45.        Notification of Visiting Members


Councillor David Burton indicated his wish to speak on Agenda item 10 – Core Strategy 2006-2026: Public Participation Draft.

Councillor Clive English indicated his wish to speak on Agenda item 10 - Core Strategy 2006-2026: Public Participation Draft and Agenda item 15 - Urgent Consultation on the draft National Planning Policy Framework

Councillor Mike Fitzgerald indicated his wish to speak on Agenda item 10 - Core Strategy 2006-2026: Public Participation Draft and Agenda item 15 - Urgent Consultation on the draft National Planning Policy Framework

Councillor Stephen Paine indicated his wish to speak on Agenda item 8 – Communications and Engagement Strategy and Agenda item 10 - Core Strategy 2006-2026: Public Participation Draft

Councillor Malcolm Robertson indicated his wish to speak on item 10 - Core Strategy 2006-2026: Public Participation Draft




46.        Disclosures by Members and Officers


There were no Disclosures by Members and Officers.




47.        Disclosures of lobbying


There were no Disclosures of lobbying.




48.        EXEMPT  ITEMS


RESOLVED: That the items on the Agenda be taken in public as proposed.




49.        MINUTES


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 13 July 2011 be approved as a correct record and signed.




50.        Communications and Engagement Strategy


DECISION MADE: That the draft Communications and Engagement Strategy 2011-2014, attached at Appendix 1 to the report of the Head of Communications, for consultation with Councillors, staff, and appropriate partners and stakeholders be adopted.


To view full details of this decision, please click here:-




51.        Complaints Policy




1.   That the Complaints Policy, as set out at Appendix A of the report of the head of Change and Scrutiny, be approved subject to recommendations from the Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


2.   That the responses to the Scrutiny Committee Recommendation Action and Implementation Plan (SCRAIP), as attached at Appendix A, be agreed.


To view full details of this decision, please click here:-




52.        Core Strategy 2006-2026: Public Participation Draft




1.   That the draft Core Strategy for public consultation under Regulation 25 of the Planning Regulations (included as Appendix A to the report of the Director of Change, Planning and the Environment) be approved.

2.   That delegated authority be given to the Director of Change, Planning and the Environment, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to make any necessary changes to the Draft Core Strategy to ensure that it is fit for purpose as a consultation draft prior to publication.

3.   That delegated authority be given to the Director of Change, Planning and the Environment, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to agree the Appendices to the Core Strategy, and that they be published alongside the Core Strategy Regulation 25 consultation draft.

4.   That a methodology of document changes be developed and made available to the public, keeping the current version on the website updated at all times.

5.   That the responses to the Scrutiny Committee Recommendation Action and Implementation Plan (SCRAIP), as attached at Appendix B, be agreed.


To view full details of this decision, please click here:-




53.        Quarter 1 Performance Report


The Cabinet considered the report of the Head of Change and Scrutiny – Quarter 1 KPI Report 2011/12.


RESOLVED:  That the report be noted.




54.        First Quarter Revenue & Capital Monitoring




1.   That the satisfactory revenue position at the end of the first quarter 2011/12 be noted.


2.   That the proposal at paragraph 1.4.8 a) of the report of the Head of Finance and Customer Service, to utilise £0.1m of the pensions back-funding budget to finance further redundancy payments, be approved.


3.   That the proposals for slippage in the capital programme to 2012/13 be agreed;


4.   That the details regarding treasury management activity, as set out in the report of the Head of Finance and Customer Services, be noted.


To view full details of this decision, please click here:-







55.        Response to Vision for Kent Consultation


DECISION MADE: That the response to the Vision for Kent Consultation set out at Appendix A to the joint report of the Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive be approved.


To view full details of this decision, please click here:-




56.        FORWARD PLAN


The Cabinet considered the report of the Leader of the Council regarding the Forward Plan 01 September to 31 December 2011.


RESOLVED: That the Forward Plan for the period 01 September to 31 December 2011 be noted, subject to the following amendments:


1.   The Budget Strategy 2012-13 Onwards report

now for the Cabinet Meeting on 14 September 2011

2.   The Tendering Strategy – Waste and Recycling Contract from 2013   report

now for the Cabinet Meeting on 12 October 2011

3.   The Parish Services Scheme report (new)

Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services for October 2011




57.        Urgent Consultation on the draft National Planning Policy Framework


DECISION MADE: That little weight be attached to the draft National Planning Policy Framework as a material consideration in both plan making and the determination of planning applications.


To view full details of this decision, please click here:-





6.30pm to 8.06pm









Committee:         Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny


Meeting Date: 2 August 2011


Minute №:  44


Topic:                   Complaints Policy













Lead Officer[v]


a)        MEPs should be added to section 7. of the Complaints Policy to read ‘Complaints from Councillors, MPs and MEPs’;



Corporate Services


Agreed – policy will be amended


Cabinet – 10 August 2011


Angela Woodhouse


b)        Staff Training should be extended to include long serving Officers as well as front-line customer services;


Corporate Services


Agreed- Heads of Service and Unit Managers will be requested to nominate appropriate members of staff to attend the training this should include long serving officers.



Ellie Kershaw


c)        Members should be advised by email when the updates were made to the website and the leaflet being designed for customers would be circulated electronically; and


Corporate Services





Ellie Kershaw


d)        That the Committee should be updated on the implementation of the Complaints Policy in 6 months time. Corporate Services


Corporate Services





Ellie Kershaw


Notes on the completion of SCRAIP


































[i] Report recommendations are listed as found in the report.


[ii] Insert in this box the Cabinet Member whose portfolio the recommendation falls within.


[iii] The Officer/Cabinet Member responsible for responding to the recommendation should indicate in this box either the acceptance or rejection of the recommendation.

If the recommendation is rejected an explanation for its rejection should be provided.  The ‘timetable’ and ‘lead officer’ boxes can be left blank

If the recommendation is accepted an explanation of the action to be taken to implement the recommendation should be recorded in this box.  Please also complete the ‘timetable’ and ‘lead officer’ boxes.


[iv] The Officer/Cabinet Member responsible for responding to the recommendation should indicate in this box when the action in indicated in the previous box will be implemented.


[v] The Officer/Cabinet Member responsible for responding to the recommendation should indicate in this box the Officer responsible for the implementation of the action highlighted in the ‘response’ box.












Appendix B




Committee:         LDD Task & Finish Scrutiny Panel


Meeting Date: 3 August 2011


Minute №:  18


Topic:         URGENT ITEM: Core Strategy Regulation 25 Consultation.




Chief Officer /Cabinet





Lead Officer[v]

The core strategy and its appendices  are fit for public consultation;





the following grammatical errors are corrected;

       i.       Page 7 of the Core Strategy 1.3 ‘and the Council resolved to reject the representation’;

     ii.       Page 22, 4.3 be re-phrased;

    iii.       Page 45, 6.21 ends the paragraph with the word ‘the’; and

    iv.       Page 45, 6.22 ‘if the rural economy is to continue to make’.





(i)      Agreed.

(ii)     Not Agreed. This will be considered in response to any representations made during the consultation process.

(iii)    Agreed.  Should read “the Economic Development Strategy”.

(iv)    Agreed.



August 2011



Flo Churchill

the methodology of document changes be developed and made available to the public, keeping the current version on the website updated at all times;




Any document changes between the version of the core strategy presented tonight and the consultation document will be listed and agreed with the Leader of the Council.  The consultation version will then be available on the Website from the 2nd September.


September 2011

Flo Churchill

the simplified leaflet for mass publication be presented to the Scrutiny Panel at the next meeting;



Agreed.  Draft to be produced to highlight key issues and signpost people to the further information and ways of responding. Cabinet is requested to give Director of Change Planning and environment delegated authority to approve the leaflet having regard to any comments made by the scrutiny panel.

August 2011

Flo Churchill

wording within policy CS7 –Sustainable Transport use the  phrase ‘across the borough’ rather than ‘urban areas’; and



Not agreed.  This will be considered in response to any representations made during the consultation process.

August 2011

Flo Churchill

the full Council should be involved in the process for responding to the consultation on the National Planning Policy Framework;



This point related to the National Planning Policy Framework paper that appears elsewhere on the agenda.  A member workshop has been proposed to discuss this in further detail prior to a Council response by the deadline of 17 October. The Leader will consider requesting Scrutiny to advise him on the response before he agrees it. Scrutiny may also refer the issue to full Council for discussion before the Leader makes his decision.

August 2011

Flo Churchill



Notes on the completion of SCRAIP

[v] Report recommendations are listed as found in the report.


[v] Insert in this box the Cabinet Member whose portfolio the recommendation falls within.


[v] The Officer/Cabinet Member responsible for responding to the recommendation should indicate in this box either the acceptance or rejection of the recommendation.

If the recommendation is rejected an explanation for its rejection should be provided.  The ‘timetable’ and ‘lead officer’ boxes can be left blank

If the recommendation is accepted an explanation of the action to be taken to implement the recommendation should be recorded in this box.  Please also complete the ‘timetable’ and ‘lead officer’ boxes.


[v] The Officer/Cabinet Member responsible for responding to the recommendation should indicate in this box when the action in indicated in the previous box will be implemented.

[v] The Officer/Cabinet Member responsible for responding to the recommendation should indicate in this box the Officer responsible for the implementation of the action highlighted in the ‘response’ box.