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Minutes 02/11/2011, 17.00





Minutes of the meeting held on

Wednesday 2 November 2011




Maidstone Borough Council


Councillor J.A. Wilson (Chairman), and

Councillors Beerling, Mrs Blackmore, Butcher, Chittenden, Cooke, Cox, Daley, Hinder, Hotson, Robertson, Springett, Mrs Stockell and Vizzard


                          Kent County Council


                          Councillors Chittenden, Cooke, Daley, Hotson, Robertson and Mrs Stockell


                          KALC Representative


                          Parish Councillor Butcher


Also Present:

Councillors Ash, Nelson-Gracie and Parish Councillors Ms Brown and Goff





30.        Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Carter, Cuming, English and Mrs Whittle.




31.        Notification of Substitute Members


The following substitution was noted:-


Councillor Springett for Councillor Cuming




32.        Notification of Visiting Members


Councillor Ash was in attendance.  Councillor Nelson-Gracie, Parish Councillors Goff and Ms Brown indicated their wish to speak on Agenda Item 9 – Update on Petitions submitted to Kent Highway Services.




33.        Disclosures by Members and Officers


There were no disclosures by Members or Officers.






34.        Disclosures of lobbying


There were no disclosures of lobbying.




35.        Minutes


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 5 October 2011 be approved as a correct record and signed, subject to the addition of Councillor Chittenden being shown as present.




36.        Petitions


i)          Ms Gay Jenner presented a petition to the Board regarding a reduction in the speed limit from 60 mph to 30 mph on Sheephurst Lane, Collier Street between Sheephurst Farm and Little Sheephurst Cottages.


ii)         Mrs Kathy Hooke presented a petition to the Board regarding a reduction in the speed limit to 30mph in Green Lane, Collier Street between Haviker Street and the Church.




37.        Questions/Statements by members of the public


Mrs Kate Tippen addressed the Board regarding the petition at Sheephurst Lane, Collier Street. 




38.        Update on Petitions Submitted to Kent Highway Services


The Panel considered the report of the Head of Transport & Development of Kent Highway Services regarding the current status of petitions received by Kent Highway Services (“KHS”).


The Highways Officer thanked the Petition and Public speakers for their comments and confirmed they had been noted.  He stated that with regard to Sheephurst Lane the personal injury crash record does not demonstrate that a lower speed limit would provide a quantifiable crash saving and does not meet with the intervention level set by Kent County Council (“KCC”) and therefore funding would not be available via the Casualty Reduction Programme.  However, discussions will be held with the local KCC Member to see whether other funding could be provided.  With regard to Green Lane, KHS will investigate this request and report back to the next meeting.


Councillor Goff, representing Collier Street Parish Council, addressed the Board regarding the petitions for Sheephurst Lane and Green Lane.  He said the Parish Council fully supported both petitions.  The two lanes were not classified and not qualified to take the large articulated lorries and the increase in traffic movement.  Although the surface of the Lanes had been re-surfaced in the past year, the sub base is deteriorating due to the weight of the lorries and vans and the edges of the lanes are sinking.  The width of the lanes are not sufficient for large lorries.  Pedestrians are in danger on both lanes walking to Church and the recreation ground.  The Parish Council will be producing a list of overgrown hedges so that appropriate action can be taken.  This problem also causes the vehicles to drive away from the sides and drive down the middle and causes vehicles to swerve to miss each other often at high speed.


The Parish Council feel strongly that action needs to be taken before a serious accident occurs and the Parish Council is happy to help with a traffic count if that is required.


Parish Councillor Mrs Brown, supported by Members of the Board, was very disappointed that the results of the O&D Survey in Yalding had still not been circulated.  She also requested that Mr Corcoran attends the meeting currently being arranged as he knows the full history.


Members of the Board supported the Sheephurst Lane and Green Lane petitions and the local KCC Member would be happy to help with funding from their Member Highway Fund if possible.


With regard to the Sutton Road Service Road, the Board were informed by the local KCC Member that his initial decision not to progress matters had resulted in a backlash of feedback from residents.  He had, therefore, agreed to undertake a further survey of residents about lockable bollards.  The letter would be going out to residents the following week and if there was a majority in favour then the funds would be made available from his Member Highway Fund.


RESOLVED: That the report be noted.




39.        Duration of Meeting


5.00 p.m. to 5.55 p.m.

