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Agenda Frontsheet 23/01/2013, 17.00



Maidstone Joint Transportation Board Meeting



Date:   Wednesday 23 January 2013

Time:   5.00 p.m.

Venue: Town Hall, High Street,             Maidstone




Councillors  Ash, Beerling, Bird, Mrs Blackmore, Brown (KALC), Carter, Chell, Chittenden, Cooke, Cuming, Daley, English, Hotson, Moriarty, B Mortimer, Moss, Mrs Stockell, Mrs Whittle and J.A. Wilson







Page No.


1.        Apologies for Absence




2.        Notification of Substitute Members




3.        Notification of Visiting Members




4.        Disclosures by Members and Officers




5.        Disclosures of lobbying




6.        Minutes of the meeting held on 24 October 2012

1 - 3



7.        Petitions



Notice has been given pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 11 of the intention to present a petition asking that consideration be given to enforcing a speed limit of 30 mph from Sheals Crescent through to Hayle Road, Maidstone by either installing a speed camera and 30 mph signs, placing speed bumps or road narrowing in this area.  Also that consideration be given to the provision of a pedestrian crossing at or near the Old Tovil/Hayle Road junction.




8.        Questions/Statements by members of the public




9.        Joint Report of the Development Agreement Manager and the Regeneration and Economic Development Manager - Responses Received to Maidstone High Street Experimental Traffic Order

4 - 28



10.    Report of the Head of Transportation - Queens Road, Maidstone - Parking Restrictions

29 - 31



11.    Report of the Head of Transportation - Marigold Way - One Way Traffic Order

32 - 35



12.    Report of the Assistant Director of Environment and Regulatory Services - Objections to Traffic Orders

36 - 60








13.    Joint Report of the Head of Transportation and the Director of Change, Planning and the Environment - Integrated Transport Strategy Update

61 - 63



14.    Report of KCC Highways and Transportation - Highway Works Programme 2012/13

64 - 73



15.    Report of the Director of Highways and Transportation - Member Highway Fund Programme Update for Maidstone Borough

74 - 79



16.    Report of the Head of Transportation - Lorry Watch

80 - 81



17.    Report of the KCC Roadworks Co-ordination Team - Gas Works, Maidstone Town Centre

82 - 83




Registering for Public Speaking

In order to book a slot to speak at this meeting of the Joint Transportation Board please contact Debbie Snook on 01622 602030 by 3.30 p.m. on the day of the meeting.  You will also need to inform us of the topic you wish to speak on.  Please note that slots will be allocated on a first come, first served basis up to a maximum of ten speakers.


