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Agenda Frontsheet 28/03/2012, 14.00



Maidstone Locality Board MEETING



Date:   Wednesday 28 March 2012

Time:   2.00 pm

Venue: County Hall, Maidstone




Councillors  Beerling, Chittenden, Daley, FitzGerald, Garland (Chairman), Greer, Hotson, D Mortimer, Mrs Ring, Robertson, Mrs Stockell, J.A. Wilson and Mrs Wilson


Martin Adams, Kent Fire and Rescue Service

Paul Carter, Kent County Council

Alan Chell, Kent County Council

Councillor Gary Cooke, Kent County Council

Jay Edwins, NHS West Kent

Jon Hughes, Kent Association of Local Councils

Chief Superintendent Matthew Nix, Mid Kent Police

Dr Garry Singh, Maidstone and Malling GP Consortia

Councillor Mrs Jenny Whittle, Kent County Council






Page No.


1.        Welcome and Introductions




2.        Apologies for Absence




3.        Minutes of the Meeting held on 20 January 2012

1 - 7



4.        Matters and Actions Arising




5.        Locality Board Priorities - Recommendations from Focus Group

8 - 16


Update by Councillor Gary Cooke, Deputy Cabinet Member for Education, Learning and Skills, KCC (Vice Chair, Maidstone Locality Board)





6.        Tackling Worklessness



Presentation by Dave Ashdown, Kent Jobcentre Plus District Manager


Questions and Answers





7.        Tackling Worklessness



Presentation by Sarah Gow, Area Manager, CXK (previously Connexions)


Questions and Answers





8.        Libraries - Future Service Proposals

17 - 18


Presentation by Sue Sparkes, Strategic Manager, KCC Libraries, Registration and Archives


Questions and Answers





9.        Information Item - Broadband Update

19 - 22
