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Agenda Frontsheet 25/06/2012, 14.00



Maidstone Locality Board MEETING



Date:   Monday 25 June 2012

Time:   2.00 pm

Venue: Town Hall, High Street,             Maidstone




Councillors  Beerling, Chittenden, Daley, Garland (Chairman), Greer, Hotson, D Mortimer, Mrs Ring, Robertson, Mrs Stockell, J.A. Wilson and Mrs Wilson


Martin Adams, Kent Fire and Rescue Service

Paul Carter, Kent County Council

Alan Chell, Kent County Council

Councillor Gary Cooke, Kent County Council

Jay Edwins, NHS West Kent

Jon Hughes, Kent Association of Local Councils

Chief Superintendent Matthew Nix, Mid Kent Police

Dr Garry Singh, Maidstone and Malling GP Consortia

Councillor Mrs Jenny Whittle, Kent County Council






Page No.


1.        Apologies for Absence




2.        Minutes of the Meeting held on 28 March 2012

1 - 8



3.        Matters and Actions Arising




4.        Tackling Worklessness



Case Studies

o    Supporting communities back into work – Time banking: developing the model in Maidstone (presentations)

Jackie Pye, Park Wood Time banking

Sam Hopley, CEO, HCCT, Camden Shares

Vicky Butler, SILK Team, KCC


Local businesses leading the way in supporting local people into employment (presentation), Steve Bishop, Store Manager, Wilkinsons


Tackling Worklessness - Questions and answers






5.        Local Board Priorities



Recommendations from Focus Group (report), update by Councillor Gary Cooke, Deputy Cabinet Member for Education, Learning and Skills, KCC (Chair, MLB Priorities Focus Group)





6.        Any Other Business

10 - 14


·       Update on Transforming Youth Services in Maidstone (verbal update), Cllr Gary Cooke, Kent County Council

·       Maidstone Integrated Local Area Workforce Strategy (InLAWS) (verbal update), Zena Cooke, Maidstone Borough Council

·      KCC Consultation: Draft Commissioning Plan for Education Provision 2012-17 (paper), Cllr Gary Cooke, Kent County Council and Zena Cooke, Director of Regeneration and Communities, MBC

·       Maidstone Locality Board Logo and Website (paper), Sarah Robson, Maidstone Borough Council

·         Broadband – Make Kent Quicker campaign (verbal update), Abi Jessop, Kent County Council


