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Minutes 26/10/2012, 10.00



MINUTES OF THE Communities Overview & Scrutiny Committee meeting held on Friday 26 October 2012



Councillors Mrs Blackmore (Blackmore), Mrs Grigg, Mrs Joy, McLoughlin, Munford and English




41.       The Committee to consider whether all items on the agenda should be web-cast.


It was resolved that all items be webcast.




42.       Apologies.


Apologies were received from Councillors Brindle, Mortimer, Mrs Parvin, Vizzard and de Wiggondene.




43.       Notification of Substitute Members.


Councillor Mrs Grigg and English substituted for Councillors Mortimer and Vizzard respectively.




44.       Notification of Visiting Members.


Councillors Warner and Yates attended as Visiting Members with an interest in item 7, Kent Community Health NHS Trust - Consultation on becoming a Community NHS Foundation Trust, on the agenda.




45.       Disclosures by Members and Officers.


Councillor Yates declared an interest in item 7 on the agenda by virtue of his involvement with the Disability Forum and Age Concern.




46.       To consider whether any items should be taken in private because of the possible disclosure of exempt information.


It was agreed that items be taken in public as proposed.




47.       Kent Community Health NHS Trust - Consultation on becoming a Community NHS Foundation Trust


Marion Dinwoodie, Chief Executive of the Kent Community Health NHS Trust, gave a presentation (Appendix A) which detailed the service currently provided by the Trust which was made up of 5,400 staff and responsible for 9% of health care in Kent which equated  to  approximately £212m and delivered more than sixty services.


The presentation outlined the trust’s vision and values and its ambition to be a choice provide and improve public health services.


Mrs Dinwoodie’s presentation focused on the ‘Long Term Conditions (LTC)’ challenge which she explained affected the growing older age group. She informed the Committee that this group provided the biggest challenge faced in the community and were associated with:


  • 70% of health and social care costs;
  • 70% of unscheduled hospital admissions; and
  • 50% of GP Consultations


She described the preventative approached associated with all the trust’s priorities which was to help and enable patients to manage long term conditions or multiple long term conditions.  This was part of a national strategy and GPs were said to applying this to their patient lists by identifying patient’s needs and taking a holistic approach. The Committee were informed that health trainers played role in this and in the future delivery of services in the community,  helping patients manage their conditions in the community setting to prevent emergency situations and acute care being the first and only solution.  A pilot run in Margate had seen a 70% reduction in people going to hospital.


An additional part of approach was the trusts ambition to double its number of health visitors over the next three years. Members raised concerns about this target.  They were informed


The Committee were informed of differences between an NHS Trust and a Foundation Trust.  This difference was the formal and tangible involvement of the public, patients and carers, and staff.  The Foundation Trust would manage itself and could have members.  There was a need therefore to show accountability which was the main thrust of the consultation questions and feedback. 


There was an opportunity for the public to become involved in the decision made by the Trust and the services by becoming members. Members would then be encouraged to elect a Council of Governors who represent their views.  The proposed number of governors was 25 and include public, staff and appointed stakeholder governors.

The committee were informed that the membership so far was made up 55% young adults as a result of mobile phone applications and work carried out around sexual health


The advantage of being a Foundation Trust was that if there was a surplus of funds initiatives from staff and partners could be ‘pump primed’ and the business could grow. 


It was identified that at present money was in acute care and th


It was resolved that the following statement be submitted on behalf of the Committee in response to the consultation:


Maidstone Borough Council is fully supportive of the proposed changes to the Kent Community Health NHS Trust including its vision and core principles.  However, we want more funding for West Kent to balance the current inequalities that exist between West Kent and East Kent in the delivery of community health care by health trainers.


We address this statement particularly to the Clinical Commissioning Groups and Kent County Council in support of the aspirate Foundation Trust.


This Committee want the Foundation Trust to ensure there are no occurrences of duplications in resources for public health initiatives by providing information and guidance to the Community Development Team at Maidstone Borough Council via Abi Mogridge, Head of Health Well-Being.


With regards to the proposed board of Governors, the Committee would like it to be noted that in the event of services delivered by the Foundation Trust expanding substantially outside Kent, representation for all areas, including Maidstone remains fair.




48.       Duration of Meeting.


10. 00 a.m. to 11.45 a.m.

