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RECORD OF DECISION OF THE Cobtree Manor Estate Charity Committee




Decision Made:

10 July 2013





Issue for Decision


To consider the work undertaken across the Cobtree Estate during the period March – July 2013, and in particular to:-


Endorse the appointment of the winning artist in respect of the installation of the sculptures (phase 2 of the Master Plan);


Approve the design concept and the appointment of the Architects for the visitor centre/café (phase 3 of the Master Plan); and


Authorise the Officers to submit a planning application for the visitor centre/café and to undertake all actions in relation to that application.



Decision Made


1.     That the progress report on the works undertaken across the Cobtree Estate during the period March – July 2013, attached as Appendix A to the report of the Cobtree Officer, be noted.


2.     That the appointment of Mr Jason Mulligan, the winning artist, by competition, in respect of the installation of the sculptures as part of the phase 2 works under the Master Plan, be endorsed.


3.     That the design concept for Cobtree Manor Park visitor centre/café as submitted by Guy Holloway Architects be approved thereby endorsing the choice of Guy Holloway Architects as Architects for the scheme, made through earlier competition.


4.     That the Officers be authorised to submit a planning application for the visitor centre/café and to undertake all actions in relation to that application.



Reasons for Decision


The Committee previously agreed to receive a progress report on the work undertaken across the Cobtree Estate at each meeting.  The report for the period March – July 2013 is attached as Appendix A to the report of the Cobtree Officer.


The Committee previously agreed that the Master Plan works would include a sculpture trail.  Following discussions with the Community Partnerships Manager (who has previously procured artwork for the Council) it was advised that the winning artist should be decided by competition, and the Committee was asked to endorse this approach.  The results from the competition were returned in February 2013.  Details of the concept design submitted by the winning artist are attached as Appendix B to the report of the Cobtree Officer.  The full submission was available to view at the meeting.


The Committee also previously agreed that the Master Plan works would include a visitor centre/café, with the winning Architects to be decided by competition as advised by the Project Manager (who has experience of procuring this type of building).  The design concept submitted by the winning Architects in October 2012 is attached as Appendix C to the report of the Cobtree Officer.  The full submission was available to view at the meeting.


The Committee was asked to approve the design concept for the visitor centre/café and to authorise the Officers to seek planning permission.  The Committee will not be asked to authorise the final designs and implementation until further negotiations relating to the future operation of the Kent Museum of Rural Life and the extension of the contract with MyTime at the Golf Course have taken place.  A final report on the visitor centre/café will then be submitted to the Committee.



Alternatives Considered and Why Rejected


There are no alternative actions as the proposals are considered to be in the best interests of the Charity known as the Cobtree Manor Estate and have been endorsed at a previous meeting as part of the Master Plan.



Background Papers


Cobtree Master Plan




Should you be concerned about this decision and wish to call it in, please submit a call in form signed by any two Non-Executive Members to the Head of Policy and Communications by: 19 July 2013.








RECORD OF DECISION OF THE Cobtree Manor Estate Charity Committee




Decision Made:

10 July 2013





Issue for Decision


To review the Risk Assessment documents for the operation and management of the Charity and to consider whether any further amendments need to be made.



Decision Made


That the Charity’s Risk Assessment documents attached as Appendices A and B to the report of the Cobtree Officer be endorsed.



Reasons for Decision


The Committee has undertaken to review the risks associated with the operation and management of the Charity on an annual basis.


The Risk Assessment document used in the past has been reviewed by the Officers, and modified as necessary, and a copy is attached as Appendix A to the report of the Cobtree Officer.


The area of activity generating most risk to the wellbeing of the Charity is the implementation of the Master Plan and the repayment of reserves that have been drawn down to pay for this.  It is considered that with careful financial and operational supervision of the project, the risks should be minimised sufficiently to justify the improvements to the Park that will be brought about.  The Risk Assessment Document for the Master Plan project has been reviewed by the Officers, and modified as necessary, and a copy is attached as Appendix B to the report of the Cobtree Officer.


The second biggest risk to the wellbeing of the Charity is the operation and management of the Cobtree Manor Park Golf Course.  The Partnership Board, which was put in place at the beginning of the new management contract to review and monitor the performance of the contractor, has met quarterly as envisaged.  This has ensured that the contractor has continued to work well up to expectation and continues to develop a successful facility.  The contract runs for 5 years from 9 January 2009 to 8 January 2014.  Negotiations are currently underway regarding the 5 year extension as provided for in the current lease, and this will take the contract to 8 January 2019.


In line with the approach that the relevant Cabinet Members should take joint ownership of strategic risks with the Officers, the Chairman of the Committee has undertaken to work with the Officers to ensure that risks associated with the operation and management of the Charity and the implementation of the Master Plan project are managed and mitigated.



Alternatives Considered and Why Rejected


The alternative course of action is to change the format and/or content of the documents, but this is not considered necessary.



Background Papers


Cobtree Master Plan




Should you be concerned about this decision and wish to call it in, please submit a call in form signed by any two Non-Executive Members to the Head of Policy and Communications by:  19 July 2013.








RECORD OF DECISION OF THE Cobtree Manor Estate Charity Committee




Decision Made:

10 July 2013





Issue for Decision


To decide whether, in principle, to permit land to the south of Forstal Road to be initially considered as part of the promotion of various land parcels under the Local Plan process.



Decision Made


1.     That agreement be given in principle to the land to the south of Forstal Road, shown edged red on the plan attached as an Appendix to the report of the Cobtree Officer, being initially considered as part of the promotion of various land parcels under the Local Plan process but on the basis that the Committee will make a final decision only when it has received a further report outlining in detail all of the options available to it.


2.     That guidance be sought from the Charity Commission regarding the possible allocation of this land for development.



Reasons for Decision


As part of its land holdings, the Charity known as the Cobtree Manor Estate has a 999 year lease of a parcel of land (approximately 8.8ha) to the south of Forstal Road.  The site is currently sub-leased to Kent County Council for a term of 125 years as part of the wider parcel of land occupied by the Kent Museum of Rural Life.  A plan of the site is attached as Appendix A to the report of the Cobtree Officer.


Maidstone Borough Council is currently undertaking a process of identifying potential new employment sites as part of its forthcoming new Local Plan.  The site was previously put forward for employment development when the current adopted Local Plan was being prepared although the land was not ultimately allocated.  The opportunity has now arisen again for this site to be promoted for employment development, if the Committee, acting for the Charity, wishes to do so.


The timing of the reporting of this issue to the Committee is driven by the timescale of the new Local Plan.  A draft version of the new Local Plan, which will include site allocations, will be considered by the Council’s Cabinet in September.  Sites allocated in the Plan must be demonstrably available for the use in question.  The decision for the Committee was whether it wished to confirm the availability of this site for employment development to enable it to be further progressed through the Local Plan process.


It is understood that the opportunity to include the site for development purposes will not occur again until the Local Plan is reviewed.  Allocating the land now does not commit the Charity to developing the site, but doing so will keep its options open.


The Charity Commission must be consulted due to the potential impact on the Charity’s land, and it is proposed that this be done as soon as possible to meet the Local Plan timescale.



Alternatives Considered and Why Rejected


To decline to receive a further report could result in the Charity missing an opportunity to consider whether the site should be promoted through the Local Plan process.



Background Papers






Should you be concerned about this decision and wish to call it in, please submit a call in form signed by any two Non-Executive Members to the Head of Policy and Communications by:  19 July 2013.

















Issue for Decision




Decision Made




Reasons for Decision




Alternatives considered and why rejected




Background Papers




















Issue for Decision




Decision Made




Reasons for Decision




Alternatives considered and why rejected




Background Papers