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Minutes 10/07/2013, 09.30



Member and Employment and Development Panel


Minutes of the meeting held on 10 July 2013



Councillor Lusty (Chairman), and

Councillors Black, Burton, Daley, Garland, Mrs Joy, McKay, D Mortimer, Mrs Ring, J.A. Wilson and Mrs Wilson




1.           Apologies for Absence


An apology for absence was received from Councillor Moss.




2.           Notification of Substitute Members


There were no Substitute Members.




3.           Notification of Visiting Members


There were no Visiting Members.




4.           Election of Chairman


RESOLVED: That Councillor Lusty be appointed Chairman for the Municipal Year 2013/14.




5.           Election of Vice Chairman


RESOLVED: That Councillor Mrs Wilson be appointed Vice Chairman for the Municipal Year 2013/14.




6.           Disclosures by Members and Officers


There were no disclosures by Members or Officers.




7.           Disclosures of Lobbying


There were no disclosures of lobbying.




8.           Exempt Items


RESOLVED: That the items on the Agenda be taken in public as proposed.




9.           Minutes


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 28 January 2013 be approved as a correct record and signed.





10.        Appointment of Political Group Spokespersons


It was noted that the following Political Group Spokespersons be appointed:-


Conservative – Councillor Garland

Liberal Democrat – Councillor Mrs Wilson




11.        Calculation of Election Earnings


The Panel considered the report of the Chief Executive regarding further detail requested by the Panel on election earnings and specifically on the calculation of the fee payable to the Returning Officer.


RESOLVED: That the report be noted.




12.        Appointment of Sub Committees


The Panel considered the report of the Head of Policy and Communications regarding the appointment of the Panel’s various Sub Committees.


It was raised that due to the restrictions of the Investigatory Sub Committee and Chief Officers Appeals Sub Committee, it was not possible for the Liberal Democrats to have a substitute on the Investigatory Sub Committee and Officers were asked to look at the options available to overcome this issue.




1.        That the appointments to the Sub Committees, as set out at Appendix A to the report of the Head of Policy and Communications, be agreed.

2.        That Officers report back to the Panel regarding the options available to overcome the issue with Substitute Members on the Investigatory Sub Committee.




13.        Members' Development Budget


The Panel considered the report of the Head of HR Shared Service regarding the programme for Member Development for 2013/14.


Members suggested some changes, including the deletion of Cabinet Away Days as it was not considered a training or development event, the number of Scrutiny Chairmen is 4 and using replacing the word “training” with “development” throughout the document.  It was also raised that it was important to bring in outside experts when appropriate, rather than rely on in-house staff all the time.




1.        That the programme and approach for Member Development for 2013/14, as set out in paragraph 1.3.7 of the report of the Head of HR Shared Service, be agreed.


2.        That the budget allocation, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report of the Head of HR Shared Service, be agreed, subject to the following amendments:-


a)   The word “training” be replaced by “development” throughout the document.

b)   The number of Scrutiny Chairmen be amended to 4.

c)   Cabinet Away Days be deleted from the programme.




14.        Workforce Strategy - Update


The Panel considered the report of the Head of HR Shared Service regarding the progress made to implement the Workforce Plan which is designed to deliver the five key themes of the Workforce Strategy.


The Panel were shown a video made for the priority “Great Opportunity”.  The Panel felt it was important that this video was made available to all Members of the Council. 


The Head of HR Shared Service answered queries raised by Members regarding, inter alia, universal credit, recruitment, statistics on leavers and wage levels.




1.        That the work to date be endorsed and the plan for future activities be supported.


2.        That the work for Member Development as part of the Workforce Strategy be supported.




15.        Member Development Policy


The Panel considered the report of the Head of HR Shared Service regarding the revised Member Development Policy.


Members were in support of the revised Policy and the emphasis on engagement by Members to development.  A few amendments were suggested and these are set out below.




1.        That the revised Member Development Policy be agreed for communication and implementation, subject to the following amendments:-


a)        Page 2 - Stage 1 – Identifying Member Development Needs – delete first bullet point and replace with “Group Leaders are responsible for ensuring that processes are in place within the Group to identify individual development needs.”

b)        The word “training” be replaced with “development” throughout the document.

c)        Page 6 – Responsibility of all councillors – final bullet point to include “and officers” after “….to other members”

d)       Appendix 3 – Include Vice Chairmen in the Chairing Skills mandatory training.




16.        Duration of Meeting


9.35 a.m. to 11.57 a.m.

