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Agenda Frontsheet 25/11/2014, 18.30



Economic and Commercial Development Overview & Scrutiny Committee Meeting



Date:        Tuesday 25 November 2014

Time:        6.30 pm

Venue:      Town Hall, High Street, Maidstone




Councillors: Butler (Vice-Chairman), Cuming, Fissenden, Harper, Mrs Hinder, Hogg, Paterson (Chairman), Powell and Vizzard



Overview and Scrutiny




Page No.


1.       The Committee to consider whether all items on the agenda should be webcast




2.       Apologies




3.       Notification of Substitute Members




4.       Notification of Visiting Members




5.       Disclosures by Members and Officers




6.       To consider whether any items should be taken in private because of the possible disclosure of exempt information




7.       Minutes of the Meeting held on 21 October 2014

1 - 7



8.       Minutes of the Meeting held on 28 October 2014

8 - 13



9.       Twilight Economy Review

14 - 20


Interviews with:

·         Bill Moss, Town Centre Manager;

·         Natalie Price, General Manager of the Hazlitt Arts Centre; and

·         Georgie Grassom, Marketing Manager of the Hazlitt Arts Centre.


Discussion of Twilight Economy visit in Maidstone, due to take place before the committee meeting.






10.    Skills and Employability Update

21 - 34


Interview with Abi Lewis, Economic Development Officer.





11.    Enterprise Hub

35 - 36


Interview with Karen Franek, Principal Economic Development Officer.






12.    Review of Business Cases

37 - 41


Interview with Marcus Lawler, Commercial Projects Manager.






13.    Future Work Programme

42 - 54




To move that the public be excluded for the items set out in Part II of the Agenda because of the likely disclosure of exempt information for the reasons specified having applied the Public Interest Test.




Head of Schedule 12A and Brief Decription





Exempt Appendix: Enterprise Hub

3 – Financial/Business Affairs

55 - 113




Exempt Appendix: Review of Business Cases (Animal Cremation)

3 – Financial/Business Affairs

114 - 137




Exempt Appendix: Review of Business Cases (A Sustainable Future for Mote Park)

3 – Financial/Business Affairs

138 - 159




Exempt Appendix: Review of Business Cases (Investment in Local Business)

3 – Financial/Business Affairs

160 - 169




Exempt Appendix: Review of Business Cases (Brunswick Street Regeneration)

3 – Financial/Business Affairs

170 - 207


























The reports included in Part I of this agenda can be made available in alternative formats. For further information about this service, or to arrange for special facilities to be provided at the meeting, please contact     Sam Bailey on 01622 602263. To find out more about the work of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees, please visit