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Agenda Frontsheet 10/02/2015, 18.30



Community, Environment and Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee Meeting



Date:        Tuesday 10 February 2015

Time:        6.30 pm

Venue:      Town Hall, High Street, Maidstone




Councillors:  Mrs Joy, D Mortimer (Vice-Chairman), Munford, Mrs Parvin, Round, Sargeant, Mrs Stockell, B Watson and J.A. Wilson (Chairman)



Overview and Scrutiny




Page No.


1.       The Committee to consider whether all items on the agenda should be web-cast




2.       Apologies




3.       Notification of Substitute Members




4.       Notification of Visiting Members




5.       Disclosures by Members and Officers




6.       To consider whether any items should be taken in private because of the possible disclosure of exempt information




7.       Minutes of the meeting held on 13 January 2015

1 - 5



8.       Update on Tackling social isolation and loneliness faced by older people

6 - 8


Follow up report from Sarah Robson, Community Partnership Manager and Sarah Shearsmith, Community Development Team Leader to update the Committee on progress since the meeting held on 13 January 2015.





9.       Affordable Housing Programme Update

9 - 24


A report presented by Andrew Connors, Housing and Communities Funding Manager, on the importance of affordable housing supply and how it is delivered, key challenges ahead and the opportunities for continued investment in the delivery of affordable housing.






10.    Update on collective switching campaigns

25 - 38


A report by Helen Miller, Household Expenditure Project Officer, considering ways to increase the take up of the Collective Switching Service called the Big Maidstone Switch.






11.    Future Work Programme

39 - 51


























The reports included in Part I of this agenda can be made available in alternative formats. For further information about this service, or to arrange for special facilities to be provided at the meeting, please contact Tessa Mallett on 01622 602524. To find out more about the work of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees, please visit