Contact your Parish Council

Agenda Frontsheet 02/02/2015, 09.30






Date:   Monday 2 February 2015

Time:   9.30 am

Venue: Town Hall, High Street,




Councillors  Mrs Blackmore (Chairman), Burton, Greer, McLoughlin, Perry and Mrs Ring







Page No.


1.        Apologies for Absence




2.        Urgent Items




3.        Notification of Visiting Members




4.        Date of Adjourned Meeting - 4 February 2015




5.        Disclosures by Members and Officers




6.        Disclosures of lobbying




7.        To consider whether any items should be taken in private because of the possible disclosure of exempt information




8.        Petition



Notice has been given pursuant to Executive Procedure Rule 2.6 of the intention to present a petition in the following terms:

We the undersigned support the Liberal Democrat campaign to oppose housing development at Fant Farm.  We strongly feel that housing development of this land would not be sustainable.  It would result in the loss of agricultural land of the highest quality.  It would also have a devastating effect on the open landscape of this irreplaceable part of the Medway Valley and an adverse impact on Fant’s already inadequate roads.










9.        Report of the Head of Planning and Development - Maidstone Borough Local Plan - New and Amended Site Allocations



(Please bring papers previously circulated).


