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Minutes of the meeting held on MONDAY 2 FEBRUARY ADJOURNED TO Wednesday 4 February 2015



Councillor Mrs Blackmore (Chairman), and

Councillors Burton, Greer, McLoughlin, Perry and Mrs Ring

Also Present:    Councillors Ash, Edwards-Daem, Powell, Round
                          and Thick







114.     Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies for absence.




115.     Urgent Items


It was noted that the Petition relating to Fant Farm, originally on the Agenda from the Cabinet Meeting held on 2 February 2015, had been omitted from this Agenda and would therefore be taken as an Urgent Item after Agenda Item 7.



116.     Notification of Visiting Members


Councillors Ash, Edwards-Daem, Powell, Round and Thick indicated their wish to speak in regard to Agenda Item 7 – Maidstone Borough Local Plan – New and Amended Site Allocations.




117.     Disclosures by Members and Officers


Councillor Burton reiterated his statement from the Cabinet Meeting held on 2 February 2015 in that he had originally disclosed a pecuniary interest in Site H1 (10) Sutton Road but had received further advice and would now be disclosing an Other Significant Interest in this site and would not participate in any debate on this issue should it be discussed again at the adjourned meeting and would leave the room.



118.     Disclosures of lobbying


All Members stated that they had been lobbied.






RESOLVED:  That all items be taken in public as proposed.




120.     Report of the Head of Planning and Development - Maidstone Borough Local Plan - New and Amended Site Allocations


Following on from their meeting held on 2 February 2015, Cabinet continued to consider the Report of the Head of Planning and Development relating to Maidstone Borough Local Plan – New and Amended Site Allocations.


(1)        Cabinet noted the recommendations of Planning, Transportation and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee as set out in the tables of recommendations circulated as an Urgent Update to the report of the Head of Planning and Development relating to the new sites as set out in Appendix D agreement agreed by the Committee with no changes to go to Regulation 18 Consultation and made the following decisions:-

H1 (52) – Dunning Hall off Fremlin Walk, Week Street, Maidstone (14 units)

RESOLVED: That this new site be approved to go forward to Regulation 18 Consultation.

6 - Agreed


         H1 (53) – 18-21 Foster Street, Maidstone (5 units)

RESOLVED:  That this new site be approved to go forward to Regulation 18 Consultation.

6 – Agreed

               H1 (54) – Slencrest House, 3 Tonbridge Road, Maidstone (10 units)

RESOLVED:  That this new site be approved to go forward to Regulation 18 Consultation.

6 – Agreed


         H1 (55) – Russell Hotel, Boxley Road, Maidstone (14 units)

:  That this new site be approved to go forward to Regulation 18 Consultation.

6 – Agreed


         H1 (59) - Bearsted Station Goods Yard (20 units)

         RESOLVED:  That this new site be approved to go forward to Regulation 18 Consultation.

6 – Agreed

H1 (63) - Land at Boughton Mount, Boughton Lane, Boughton Monchelsea (25 units)

RESOLVED:  That this new site be approved to go forward to Regulation 18 Consultation subject to clarification of there being any legal covenants in place that would prevent matters proceeding.

6 – Agreed

         H1 (69) – Land at Lodge Road, Staplehurst (60 units)

RESOLVED: That the recommendation of the Committee be rejected and that this new site should not be taken forward to Regulation 18 consultation on the grounds that the site should be retained for employment use given the economic upturn and that infrastructure must be improved to enable this to happen and the cumulative impact of residential development in Staplehurst on social balance.

6 - Agreed

H1 (72) – Land adj. The Windmill PH, Eyhorne Street, Hollingbourne (15 units)

RESOLVED:  That this new site be approved to go forward to Regulation 18 Consultation.

6  - Agreed

H1 (73) – Land at Brandy’s Bay, South Lane (40 units)

RESOLVED:  That this new site be approved to go forward to Regulation 18 Consultation.

6     – Agreed

(2)        Cabinet noted the recommendations of Planning, Transportation and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee as set out in the tables of recommendations circulated as an Urgent Update  to the report of the Head of Planning and Development relating to new sites set out in Appendix D agreed by the Committee with some changes to go to Regulation 18 Consultation and made the following decisions:-

H1 (51) – Bridge Industrial Centre, Wharf Road, Tovil (15 units)

RESOLVED:  That this new site be approved to go forward to Regulation 18 Consultation subject to the following amendments:-

Amend Criterion 5 to:

‘Vehicular access will be taken from Wharf Road only.  A secondary pedestrian and cycle access capable of being used as an emergency access will be provided from Lower Tovil’.

Amend Criterion 9 to:

‘Appropriate contributions towards community infrastructure including improvement to medical facilities in Tovil Parish will be provided where proven necessary’.

6 - Agreed

H1 (56) – Land at 180-188 Union Street, Maidstone (30 units)


         RESOLVED:  That this new site be approved to go forward to Regulation 18 Consultation subject to the following amendment:-

Amend Criterion 10 to:

‘Appropriate air quality mitigation measures to include appropriate planting and landscaping within the site will be implemented as part of the development’.

6 – Agreed

          H1 (58) – Tovil Working Men’s Club, Tovil Hill, Tovil (20 units)

RESOLVED:  That this new site be approved to go forward to Regulation 18 Consultation subject to the following amendment:-

Amend Criterion 13 to:

‘Appropriate contributions towards community infrastructure including improvement to medical facilities in Tovil Parish will be provided where proven necessary’.

6 – Agreed

H1 (66) – Land South of the Parsonage, Goudhurst Road, Marden (50 units)

RESOLVED:  That the recommendation of the Committee be rejected and that this new site not be taken forward to Regulation 18 consultation on the grounds that the site is too peripheral to Marden and on the grounds that the cumulative impact of sites already considered in the draft Local Plan would be unacceptable to the community in terms of highways and water infrastructure and social balance.

5 – Agreed
1 – Abstained

H1 (70) – Land at Junction of Church Street and Heath Road, Boughton Monchelsea (40 units)

RESOLVED:  That this new site be approved to go forward to Regulation 18 Consultation subject to the following amendment:-

Amend Criterion 9 to:

‘Appropriate contributions towards community infrastructure including improvement to medical facilities in Boughton Monchelsea Parish will be provided where proven necessary’.

6 – Agreed

H1 (71) – Lyewood Farm, Green Lane, Boughton Monchelsea (25 units)

RESOLVED:  That this new site be approved to go forward to Regulation 18 Consultation subject to the following amendment:-

Amend Criterion 13 to:

‘Appropriate contributions towards community infrastructure including improvement to medical facilities in Boughton Monchelsea Parish will be provided where proven necessary’.

6 – Agreed

H1 (74) – Wren’s Cross, Upper Stone Street, Maidstone (60 units)

RESOLVED:  That this new site be approved to go forward to Regulation 18 Consultation subject to this site and others in the town centre and the locality benefiting from a comprehensive assessment as part of a wider master planning exercise.

6 – Agreed

(3)        Cabinet noted the recommendations of Planning, Transportation and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee as set out in the tables of recommendations circulated as an Urgent Update to the report of the Head of Planning and Development relating to the new sites set out in Appendix D agreed by the Committee which required further information before acceptance to go to Regulation 18 Consultation and made the following decisions:-

H1 (62) – Land at Boughton Lane, Loose/Boughton Monchelsea (75 units)

RESOLVED:  That this new site be approved to go forward to Regulation 18 Consultation subject to written confirmation on junction improvements being sought from the Highway Authority.


         6 – Agreed

(4)        Cabinet noted the recommendations of Planning, Transportation and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee as set out in the tables of recommendations circulated as an Urgent Update to the report of the Head of Planning and Development relating to the new sites set out in Appendix D, rejected by the Committee and made the following decisions:-

H1 (57) – Land at former Astor of Hever Community School, Maidstone (60 units)


         RESOLVEDThat this new site be rejected and not be taken forward to Regulation 18 consultation on the grounds that the site is retained for education use and development would be unacceptably compromised by the lack of adequate access.

6 – Agreed

H1 (60) – Fant Farm, Maidstone (225 units)

RESOLVED:  That this new site be rejected and not taken forward to Regulation 18 consultation on the grounds that the site is valuable for agriculture use, and would have an unacceptable impact on the landscape, including the overall shape of the urban area of Maidstone and the unacceptable highways impact for the local community.

6 – Agreed

H1 (61) – Land at Cross Keys, Bearsted (50 units)


         RESOLVED:  That this new site be rejected and not taken forward to Regulation 18 consultation on the grounds that development of this site would have an unacceptable impact on hydrology and local flood risk.

3 – Agreed
3 – Against

(Chairman had the casting vote)

H1 (64) – Bell Farm North, East Street, Harrietsham (80 units)

RESOLVED:  That this new site be rejected and not taken forward to Regulation 18 consultation on the grounds that the cumulative impact of development having a detrimental effect on the character, size and shape of the village and community due to the increase in size and footprint of the village and unacceptable cumulative impact for the community for education provision, transport and other community infrastructure.

6 – Agreed

H1 (65) – Land at Lenham Road, Headcorn (50 units)


         RESOLVED:  That this new site be rejected and not taken forward to Regulation 18 consultation on the grounds that development is in reality impractical due to current water conditions and community perception of failure of infrastructure providers to deliver infrastructure identified as required in the past, local knowledge of flood risk and community concern about the cumulative impact on local education provision and highways.

6 – Agreed

H1 (67) – Land to South of Marden Road, Staplehurst (100 units)

RESOLVED:  That this new site be rejected and not taken forward to Regulation 18 consultation on the grounds that it has not been demonstrated to the community’s satisfaction that current foul water problems can be resolved and these will be exacerbated by any further development in this part of Staplehurst and the unacceptable cumulative impact for the community and highways.

6 – Agreed

H1 (68) – Land to the North of Henhurst Farm, Staplehurst (60 units)

RESOLVED:  That this new site be rejected and not taken forward to Regulation 18 consultation on the grounds that it has not been demonstrated to the community’s satisfaction that current foul water problems can be resolved and these will be exacerbated by any further development in this part of Staplehurst and the unacceptable cumulative impact for the community and highways. In addition of community concerns that suitable highways access arrangements cannot be achieved at this point in time.

6 – Agreed

(5)        Cabinet noted the recommendations of Planning, Transportation and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee as set out in the tables of recommendations circulated as an Urgent Update to the report of the Head of Planning and Development relating to Regulation 18 Sites set out in Appendix D which Committee agreed for Regulation 19 Consultation with no changes and made the following decisions:-

H1 (2) – East of Hermitage Lane, Maidstone (500 units)

RESOLVED:  Members noted that this site was the subject of an appeal and whilst keen not to prejudice any outcome of the appeal, they were in agreement that the draft allocation should proceed to Regulation 19 consultation.

6 – Agreed

H1 (14) – American Golf, Tonbridge Road, Maidstone (60 units)

RESOLVED:  That this site be approved to go forward to Regulation 19 consultation.

6 – Agreed

H1 (15) – 6 Tonbridge Road, Maidstone (15 units)

RESOLVED:  That this site be approved to go forward to Regulation 19 consultation.

6 – Agreed

H1 (18) - Whitmore Street, Maidstone (5 units)

RESOLVED:  That this site be approved to go forward to Regulation 19 consultation.

6 – Agreed

H1 (23) – New Line Learning, Boughton Lane (220 units)

RESOLVED:  Members noted that this site was the subject of an appeal and whilst keen not to prejudice any outcome of the appeal, they were in agreement that the draft allocation should proceed to Regulation 19 consultation.

H1 (27) – Mayfield Nursery, Ashford Road, Harrietsham (50 units)

RESOLVED:  That this site be approved to go forward to Regulation 19 consultation.

6 – Agreed

H1 (35) - Marden Cricket & Hockey Club, Stanley Road, Marden (125 units)

RESOLVED:  That this site be approved to go forward to Regulation 19 consultation.

6 – Agreed

H1 (46) – Vicarage Road, Yalding (65 units)

RESOLVED:  That this site be approved to go forward to Regulation 19 consultation subject to additional references to traffic analysis and provision of a community centre where proven necessary and adjustment of the housing yield should this become necessary.

6 – Agreed

H1 (47) – Hubbards Lane/Haste Hill Road, Boughton Monchelsea (20 units)

RESOLVED:  That this site be approved to go forward to Regulation 19 consultation subject to the addition of appropriate contribution improvements at the junction of the B2163 Heath Road with the A229 Linton Road/Linton Hill at Linton Crossroads.

6 – Agreed

H1 (49) – East of Eyhorne Street, Eyhorne Street, Hollingbourne (10 units)

RESOLVED:  That this site be approved to go forward to Regulation 19 consultation.

6 – Agreed

(6)        Cabinet noted the recommendations of Planning, Transportation and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee as set out in the tables of recommendations circulated as an Urgent Update to the report of the Head of Planning and Development relating to Regulation 18 Sites set out in Appendix D which Committee agreed for Regulation 19 Consultation with changes recommended by Officers and made the following decisions:-

H1 (1) – Bridge Nursery, London Road, Maidstone (165 units)

RESOLVED:  That this site be approved to go forward to Regulation 19 consultation subject to the revised yield being reduced to 140 as per the papers.

6 – Agreed

H1 (3) – West of Hermitage Lane, Maidstone (300 units)

RESOLVED:  That this site be approved to go forward to Regulation 19 consultation subject to the revised yield being increased to 330 as per the papers.

6 – Agreed

H1 (5) - Langley Park, Sutton Road, Maidstone (600 units)

RESOLVED:  That this site be approved to go forward to Regulation 19 consultation subject to the following new criterion:-

‘A separate cycle and pedestrian access will be provided to site H1 (10) South of Sutton Road subject to agreement with the highways authority and the Borough Council’.

6 – Agreed

H1 (6) – North of Sutton Road, Otham (285 units)

RESOLVED:  That this site be approved to go forward to Regulation 19 consultation subject to the revised yield being increased to 286 as per the papers.

6 – Agreed

H1 (16) – Laguna, Hart Street, Maidstone (55 units)

RESOLVED:  That this site be approved to go forward to Regulation 19 consultation subject to the revised yield being increased to 76 as per the papers.

6 – Agreed

H1 (19) – North Street, Barming (35 units)

RESOLVED:  That this site be approved to go forward to Regulation 19 consultation subject to the amended site plan which clarifies the linear development as set out in the papers.

6 - Agreed

H1 (21) – Kent Police HQ, Sutton Road (115 units)

RESOLVED:  That this site be approved to go forward to Regulation 19 consultation subject to the revised yield being reduced to 112 as per the papers.

6 - Agreed

H1 (22) – Kent Police Training Centre, Sutton Road, Maidstone (70 units)

:  That this site be approved to go forward to Regulation 19 consultation subject to the revised yield being increased to 90 as per the papers.

6 – Agreed

H1 (28) – Church Road, Harrietsham (95 units)

RESOLVED:  That this site be approved to go forward to Regulation 19 consultation subject to the revised yield being decreased to 80 as per the papers.

6 – Agreed

H1 (32) – Howland Road, Marden (55 units)

RESOLVED:  That this site be approved to go forward to Regulation 19 consultation subject to the revised yield being decreased to 44, from 55 as per Appendix B of the original agenda.  Members noted that the supplementary papers contained a typing error and that the yield should have stated 44 instead of 80.

6 - Agreed

H1 (33) – Stanley Farm, Plain Road, Marden (170 units)

RESOLVED:  That this site be approved to go forward to Regulation 19 consultation subject to the revised yield being decreased to 85 as per the papers.

6 – Agreed

H1 (34) – The Parsonage, Goudhurst Road, Marden (200 units)

RESOLVED:  That this site be approved to go forward to Regulation 19 consultation subject to the revised yield being decreased to 144 as per the papers.

6 – Agreed

H1 (38) – Old School Nursery, Station Road, Headcorn (5 units)

:  That this site be approved to go forward to Regulation 19 consultation subject to the revised yield being increased to 9 as per the papers.

6 – Agreed

H1 (50) – West of Eyhorne Street, Eyhorne Street, Hollingbourne (35 units)

RESOLVED:  That this site be approved to go forward to Regulation 19 consultation subject to the revised yield being decreased to 14 as per the papers.

6 – Agreed

(7)        Cabinet noted the recommendations of Planning, Transportation and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee as set out in the tables of recommendations circulated as an Urgent Update to the report of the Head of Planning and Development relating to Regulation 18 Sites set out in Appendix D which Committee agreed with changes recommended by Officers for further Regulation 18 consultation and made the following decisions:-

H1 (10) – South of Sutton Road (930 units)

RESOLVED:  That the recommendations of the Committee for this site to go forward to further Regulation 18 consultation be rejected and that this site go forward to Regulation 18 consultation for deletion on the grounds that:-

(a)         in the opinion of the Cabinet the eastern boundary of 
              site H1 (5) forms a natural boundary to the edge of
              the urban area of Maidstone;

(b)         there should be no further encroachment of residential
              development into the countryside which would result in
              the loss of green space and a leisure facility;

(c)         there would be an unacceptable cumulative impact on
              traffic generations in the Sutton Road corridor;

(d)         there would be an unacceptable impact on conditions
              in the surrounding area where the environmental and
              amenity consequences for the community are
              unacceptable now; and

(e)         that development here would not command the
              consent of local people as reflected in the consultation

4 – Agreed
1 – Against

(Councillor Burton left the meeting at the start of this item after disclosing an other significant interest).

H1 (11) – Springfield, Royal Engineers Road and Mill Way (950 units)

RESOLVED:  That the recommendation of Committee for this site to be put forward to Regulation 18 be rejected and instead go forward to Regulation 19 consultation on the revised reduced yield of 500 units and subject to an amendment to Criterion 10 as set out in the Urgent Update Report which is as follows:-

‘Provision of publicly accessible open space to include the provision of a pocket park to the rear (west) of the existing Springfield Mansion on the former tennis court/car park area in addition to the existing area of public open space shown on the proposals map which shall be retained as part of the development and/or contributions.

4 – Agreed
2 – Against

H1 (40) Grigg Lane and Lenham Road, Headcorn (120 units)

RESOLVED:  That Members opted to debate the allocated site as two separate considerations as follows:-

Southern portion of the site, consisting of two granted planning consents for 45 units go forward to Regulation 19 consultation; and

That the remaining northern portion of the site, where no consents exist, go back to Regulation 18 consultation for deletion, on the grounds that it has not been demonstrated to the community’s satisfaction that current foul water problems can be resolved and these will be exacerbated by any further development in this part of Headcorn and the unacceptable cumulative impact for the community and highways. In addition of community concerns that suitable highways access arrangements cannot be achieved at this point in time.

4 – Agreed
2 – Abstained

H1 (48) – Heath Road, Boughton Monchelsea (25 units)

RESOLVED:  That this site go back to Regulation 18 for deletion.

6 - Agreed

(8)        Cabinet noted the recommendations of Planning, Transportation and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee as set out in the tables of recommendations circulated as an Urgent Update  to the report of the Head of Planning and Development relating to Regulation 18 Sites set out in Appendix D which Committee agreed  for Regulation 19 consultation with changes and made the following decisions:-

H1 (4) – Land at Oakapple Lane, Barming (240 units)

RESOLVED:  That this site go forward to Regulation 19 consultation, if necessary reconsidered in the light of the outcome of the Public Inquiry for Site H1 (2) and continuing dialogue with Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council.

6 - Agreed

H1 (7) – Land North of Bicknor Wood, Otham (190 units)

RESOLVED:  That this site go forward to Regulation 19 consultation, with the criterion amended as set out in the papers and that the following be added to Criterion 12 as follows:-

‘strategic transport requirements, adding in point vii:

strategic road infrastructure to significantly relieve traffic congestion on Sutton Road and Willington Street’

5 – Agreed
1 – Against

H1 (8) – Land West of Church Road, Otham (440 units)

RESOLVED:  That this site go forward to Regulation 19 consultation with the criterion amended as set out in the papers and that at Criterion 10, paragraph vii be added:

‘strategic road infrastructure to significantly relieve traffic congestion on Sutton Road and Willington Street’.

4 – Agreed
2 – Against

H1 (9) – Bicknor Farm, Sutton Road (335 units)

  That this site go forward to Regulation 19 consultation with the criterion amended as set out in the papers and that at Criterion 12, paragraph vii be added:

‘strategic road infrastructure to significantly relieve traffic congestion on Sutton Road and Willington Street’.

6 – Agreed

H1 (12) – Haynes, Ashford Road (250 units)

 That this site go forward to Regulation 19 consultation with a revised reduced yield of 200 units and incorporating the changes to the policy criterion as follows:-

‘Provision will be made for publicly accessible open space within the development site as part of the development layout and contributions off-site where proven necessary’

And adding criterion:

‘The layout will be designed to ensure built development is set-back from the Ashford Road frontage’.

6 – Agreed

H1 (13) – Medway Street, Maidstone (40 units)

RESOLVED:  That this site go forward to Regulation 19 consultation incorporating an additional criterion as follows:-

‘The development layout will include significant landscaping including tree planting’.

6 – Agreed

H1 (24) – West of Eclipse Park, Sittingbourne Road (35 units)

RESOLVED:  That this site go forward to Regulation 19 consultation incorporating amended criterion 2 as follows:-

‘A minimum 15 metre landscape buffer shall be provided along the site’s western boundary adjacent to the ancient woodland and no footpath, cycle or track-way shall be provided within this safeguarded area’.

Additional criterion:

‘The layout and landscaping of the site shall be designed to minimise the impact of development on the adjacent ancient woodland to the west of the site through appropriate siting of the built development’.

6 – Agreed

H1 (29) – Tanyard Farm, Old Ashford Road, Lenham (155 units)

RESOLVED:  That this site go forward to Regulation 19 consultation subject to the amended and additional criterions as per the papers and subject to Ward Members being consulted on the landscaping issues:-

‘The hedgerow and line of trees along the northern and southern boundaries of the site will be retained and substantially enhanced by new planting in order to protect the setting of the Kent Downs AONB, and to provide a suitable buffer between new housing and the A20 Ashford Road and Old Ashford Road’.

‘The development proposals shall be designed to maintain existing vistas and views of the Lenham Cross from Old Ashford Road, through the site and along PROW KH433.

Development proposals shall incorporate substantial areas of internal landscaping within the site to provide an appropriate landscape framework for the site to protect the setting of the Kent Downs AONB Development proposals will be of a highway standard of design and sustainability reflecting the location of the site as part of the setting the Kent Downs AONB incorporating the use of vernacular materials and demonstrating compliance with the requirements of policies DM2, DM3 and DM4.

The development proposals are designed to take into account the results of a landscape and visual impact assessment undertaken in accordance with the principles of current guidance that particularly addresses the impact of development on the character and setting of the Kent Downs AONB’.

6 – Agreed

H1 (36) – Hen and Duckhurst Farm, Marden Road, Staplehurst (370 units)

  That this site go forward to Regulation 19 consultation on a revised reduced yield of 250 units as per the papers.  In addition amend the Criterion 11 to:

‘appropriate contributions towards community strategic infrastructure in particular foul water drainage will be provided where proven necessary so that there is nil detriment to existing infrastructure capacity’.

4 – Agreed
1 – Against
1 – Abstained

H1 (37) – Fishers Farm, Fishers Road, Staplehurst (535 units)

  That this site go forward to Regulation 19 consultation on a revised reduced yield of a maximum of 400 units. In addition amend the Criterion 11 to:

‘appropriate contributions towards community strategic infrastructure in particular foul water drainage will be provided where proven necessary so that there is nil detriment to existing infrastructure capacity’.

An additional criterion as follows:-

‘The proposals will be designed to include areas of open space that retain the integrity and connectivity of the existing framework of ponds, hedgerows and trees within the site’.

6 - Agreed

H1 (43) – Linden Farm, Stockett Lane, Coxheath (85 units)

RESOLVED:  That this site go forward to Regulation 19 consultation on a revised reduced yield of 40 with an additional criterion as per the papers of appropriate contributions towards improvements at the junction of the B2163 Heath Road, with the A229 Linton Road/Linton Hill at Linton Crossroads and a cascade criterion for community infrastructure with investment in Coxheath first unless proven otherwise.

6 – Agreed

H1 (44) – Heathfield, Heath Road, Coxheath (130 units)

RESOLVED:  That this site go forward to Regulation 19 consultation subject to amended criterion as per the papers and a cascade criterion for community infrastructure with investment in Coxheath first unless proven otherwise.

H1 (26) – South of Ashford Road, Harrietsham (70 units)

:  That this site go forward to Regulation 19 consultation on the revised increased yield of 117 units and that an additional criterion be added as follows:-

‘The site layout is designed to fully integrate the development and the proposed improvements to the A20 Ashford Road to ensure a comprehensive approach to the improvements of the public realm and highways safety’

4 – Agreed
2 – Against

(9)        Cabinet noted the recommendations of Planning, Transportation and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee as set out in the tables of recommendations circulated as an Urgent Update  to the report of the Head of Planning and Development relating to Regulation 18 Sites set out in Appendix D which Committee recommended for further Regulation 18 consultation on deletion of the site from the Local Plan and made the following decisions:-

H1 (17) – Barty Farm, Roundwell (122 units)

RESOLVED:  That Members rejected the recommendation of the Committee and that the site go forward to Regulation 19 consultation subject to amendment of the site policy to respond to concerns about future primary education provision and an additional criterion that Section 106 contributions are spent in Thurnham and Bearsted first unless proven otherwise.

5 – Agreed
1 – Against

H1 (20) – Postley Road, Tovil (80 units)

RESOLVED:  That Members rejected the recommendation of the Committee and that the site go forward to Regulation 19 consultation on the revised reduced yield of 62 as per the papers.

4 – Agreed
1 - Against
1 - Abstained

6 – Agreed

H1 (25) – Tongs Meadow, West Street, Harrietsham (100 units)

:  That Members, whilst noting the concerns about ecology, were satisfied that there was sufficient protection in the site policy and moved to reject the recommendation of the Committee and that the site go forward to Regulation 19 consultation with the amendments to criterion 4 as per the papers and for a revised increased yield of 105.

5 – Agreed
1 – Against

H1 (30) – Glebe Gardens, Lenham (10 units)

:  That Members rejected the recommendation of the Committee and that the site go forward to Regulation 19 consultation.  It was noted that the current planning application for this site provided details of the proposed works to the pond and its environs and other ecological surveys.  These will be considered as part of the application process by appropriate consultees including the Environment Agency and KCC Ecology, to-date no fundamental objections have been raised to the principle of development as set out in the policy.

6 – Agreed

H1 (31) – Ham Lane, Lenham (80 units)

RESOLVED:  That this site be rejected and go back to Regulation 18 consultation for deletion on the grounds of unacceptably adverse impact on the AONB and on the character of the village because it is peripheral to the settlement and beyond the open space occupied by Swadelands School playing field.

4 – Agreed
2 – Against

H1 (39) – Ulcombe Road and Mill Bank, Headcorn (240 units)

RESOLVED:  That Members reject this site after further information was received at the adjourned meeting which related to a drainage survey undertaken by Headcorn Parish Council that detailed all the pipework across the Headcorn area.  It was noted that a copy had been passed to Southern Water.  It was agreed to go back to Regulation 18 consultation for deletion on the grounds that local infrastructure is insufficient, in particular for foul water sewerage, flood risk and highway congestion .

3 – Agreed
3 – Against

(Chairman had the casting vote)

H1 (41) – South of Grigg Lane, Headcorn (55 units)

:  That this site be rejected and go back to Regulation 18 consultation for deletion on the grounds that local infrastructure is insufficient, in particular for foul water sewerage, flood risk and highway congestion.

3 – Agreed
2 – Against
1 – Abstained

H1 (42) Knaves Acre, Headcorn (5 units)

RESOLVED:  That this site be rejected and go back to Regulation 18 consultation for deletion on the grounds that local infrastructure is insufficient, in particular for foul water sewerage, flood risk and highway congestion.

3 – Agreed
2 – Against
1 – Abstained

H1 (45) – Forstal Lane, Coxheath (195 units)

RESOLVED:  That Members rejected the recommendation of the Committee and that the site go forward to Regulation 19 consultation with the amended criterion as per the papers of appropriate contributions towards improvements at the junction of the B2163 Heath Road, with the A229 Linton Road/Linton Hill at Linton Crossroads and a cascade criterion for community infrastructure with investment in Coxheath first unless proven otherwise.

3 – Agreed
2 – Against
1 – Abstained

(10)     That the shortfall of 2,556 homes against the already agreed housing objectively assessed need of 18,600 was noted (for clarity attached as Appendix A to this decision is a table setting out the decision for the yield on each site) and Officers were asked to bring a further report to Cabinet as soon as possible which outlines the associated risks to the delivery of a sound Local Plan; and

         That Officers urgently progress dialogue with infrastructure
providers, particularly in relation to foul water, specifically for 
Headcorn and Staplehurst, to ensure that existing infrastructure
concerns are addressed and works are progressed with the
utmost urgency.



121.     Petition


A petition relating to Fant Farm was presented by Councillor Mrs Fran Wilson which stated “We the undersigned support the Liberal Democrat campaign to oppose housing development at Fant Farm. We strongly feel that housing development of this land would not be sustainable. It would result in the loss of agricultural land of the highest quality. It would also have a devastating effect on the open landscape of this irreplaceable part of the Medway Valley and an adverse impact on Fant’s already inadequate roads”.

Councillor Mrs Wilson in presenting this petition reiterated the concerns that had been raised by Members of all the Political Groups about this site at the recent Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting and that Members of the Committee voted unanimously to recommend to Cabinet that Fant Farm be removed from the list of new site allocations. On 2 February 2015 Cabinet upheld that recommendation. 

However, on behalf of the residents of that area, Councillor Mrs Wilson asked that the petition be put on record as evidence of the Fant community’s grave concerns about the consequences of allowing development at Fant Farm now and in the future.

RESOLVED:  That Cabinet noted the comments made relating to the Petition and confirmed that it would go on record.




122.     Duration of Meeting


9.30 a.m. to 4.05 p.m.

