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Maidstone Joint Transportation Board MEETING



Date:   Wednesday 14 October 2015

Time:   5.00 pm

Venue: Town Hall, High Street, Maidstone




Councillors  Ash, Bird, Brown, Burton (Chairman), Carter, Chittenden, Clark, Cooke, Cuming, Daley, English, Fort, Hotson, T Sams, Mrs Stockell, Vizzard, Mrs Whittle, Willis and J.A. Wilson







Page No.


1.        Apologies for Absence




2.        Notification of Substitute Members




3.        Notification of Visiting Members




4.        Disclosures by Members and Officers




5.        Disclosures of lobbying




6.        To consider whether any items should be taken in private because of the possible disclosure of exempt information.




7.        Minutes of the Meeting Held on 22 July 2015

1 - 9



8.        Petitions (if any)




9.        Questions/Statements by members of the public




10.     Report of KCC Highways, Transportation and Waste - Highway Works Programme 2015/16

10 - 28



11.     Report of KCC Head of Transportation - Chatham Road Report - Experimental Traffic Regulation Order

29 - 64



12.     Report of KCC, PROW and Access Service - Loose Greenway Scheme

65 - 71



13.     Report of KCC, PROW and Access Service - River Medway Towpath Scheme

72 - 78



14.     Report of LED Conversion Project Manager - Street Lighting LED Project Update Report

79 - 80



15.     Report of KCC Highway Manager - Operation Stack Update




16.     Report of KCC Head of Transportation - Progress report on technical work for the Integrated Transport Strategy

82 - 87



17.     Report of KCC Project Manager - Maidstone Bridges Gyratory Scheme

88 - 91



18.     Report of Parking Services Manager - Objections to Traffic Regulation Orders

92 - 164
