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Agenda Frontsheet 20/04/2016, 17.00



Maidstone Joint Transportation Board MEETING



Date:   Wednesday 20 April 2016

Time:   5.00 pm

Venue: Town Hall, High Street,             Maidstone




Councillors  Ash, Bird, Brown, Burton (Chairman), Carter, Chittenden, Clark, Cooke, Cuming, Daley, English, Fort, Hotson, T Sams, Mrs Stockell, Vizzard, Mrs Whittle, Willis and J.A. Wilson







Page No.


1.        Apologies for Absence




2.        Notification of Substitute Members




3.        Notification of Visiting Members




4.        Disclosures by Members and Officers




5.        Disclosures of lobbying




6.        To consider whether any items should be taken in private because of the possible disclosure of exempt information




7.        Minutes of the Meeting held on 22 February 2016

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8.        Petitions



Notice has been given pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 11 of the intention to present a petition in the following terms:


Platts Heath safe transport scheme


We, the undersigned, call upon Kent County Council to produce, with local community participation, a transport plan to make our village safe and sustainable for the future.




  a maximum speed limit of 20mph in School Lane

  20mph outside the school in Headcorn Road

  investigations to take place to identify methods to slow down traffic entering from the North and South on Headcorn Road

  the 30mph speed limit in Lenham Road to be extended further south as outlined in a previous report sent to Maidstone Joint Transportation Board

  improved and additional signage and road markings


We ask that Kent County Council fully consider these requests and produce a plan that works and enables the community to have a safer environment for all residents.  Consultation and input must include the School and all local residents and plans implemented at the Councils earliest opportunity.



Notice has been given pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 11 of the intention to present a petition in the following terms:

We, the undersigned, request that Kent County Council extend the existing 20mph speed zone to further residential roads around North Maidstone. Due to the close proximity to local schools and the walking routes for young children the roads to be included in the 20mph zone should be: Hillary Road, The Hedges, Gladstone Road and Peel Street.






9.        Questions/Statements by members of the public




10.    Report of the KCC Head of Transportation - Verbal update on proposed amendments to the Maidstone Joint Transportation Board Agreement




11.    Report of the KCC Head of Transportation - Maidstone Highway Works Programme April 2016

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To move that the public be excluded for the items set out in Part II of the Agenda because of the likely disclosure of exempt information for the reasons specified having applied the Public Interest Test.



Head of Schedule 12 A and Brief Description






Exempt report of the KCC Head of Transportation - Report on initial investigation of route options, funding and programme

3. Info re: financial/

business affairs


19 - 22




Registering for Public Speaking

In order to book a slot to speak at this meeting of the Joint Transportation Board please contact Poppy Brewer on 01622 602242 by 5 p.m. one clear working day before the meeting (i.e. Monday for a Wednesday meeting).  You will also need to inform us of the topic you wish to speak on.  Please note that slots will be allocated on a first come, first served basis up to a maximum of ten speakers.



