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Agenda Template






Date:   Wednesday 8 October 2008

Time:   6.30 pm

Venue: Town Hall, High Street,             Maidstone




Councillors  Garland (Chairman), Ash, Greer, Moss, Mrs Ring and Wooding







Page No.


1.        Notification of Visiting Members




2.        Disclosures by Members and Officers




3.        Disclosures of lobbying




4.        To consider whether any items should be taken in private because of the possible disclosure of exempt information




5.        Minutes of the Meeting held on 10 September 2008

1 - 10



6.        Report of Management Team - Comprehensive Area Assessment Consultation

11 - 26



7.        Report of Management Team - Corporate Improvement Plan Update

27 - 72



8.        Report of Assistant Director of Development and Community Services - Local Development Scheme: Priorities

73 - 100



9.        Report of Assistant Director for Development and Community Services - South East Plan: Response to the Secretary of State's Proposed Changes: July 2008

101 - 132



10.    Report of the Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Strategic Plan 2009-2012

133 - 140



11.    Report of the Regeneration and Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Re-Prioritisation of Growth Point Funded Expenditure

141 - 146



12.    Report of the Leader of the Council - Forward Plan

147 - 152





To move that the public be excluded for the items set out in Part II of the Agenda because of the likely disclosure of exempt information for the reasons specified having applied the Public Interest Test.






Head of Schedule 12A
and Brief Description




13.    Exempt Appendix to the Report of the Assistant Director of Development and Community Services - Local Development Scheme: Priorities



Para 5 – Legal            153 - 164







