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Agenda Frontsheet 04/10/2016, 18.30



Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee MEETING



Date:   Tuesday 4 October 2016

Time:   6.30 pm

Venue: Town Hall, High Street,             Maidstone




Councillors  Ells, Fort, Mrs Hinder, Lewins, Naghi, Pickett (Chairman), Revell, Mrs Stockell and Mrs Wilson







Page No.


1.        Apologies for Absence




2.        Notification of Substitute Members




3.        Urgent Items




4.        Notification of Visiting Members




5.        Election of Vice-Chairman




6.        Disclosures by Members and Officers




7.        Disclosures of Lobbying




8.        Minutes of the meeting held on 6 September 2016

1 - 6



9.        Presentation of Petitions (if any)




10.    Questions and answer session for members of the public




11.    To consider whether any items should be taken in private because of the possible disclosure of exempt information




12.    Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee Work Programme 2016 - 17

7 - 14



13.    Report of the Head of Commercial and Economic Development - Disposal of Land North of Gore Court Road

15 - 22



14.    Report of the Head of Commercial and Economic Development - Land at Surrenden Field, Staplehurst

23 - 30



Public Speaking

In order to book a slot to speak at this meeting of the Heritage, Culture & Leisure Committee, please contact Poppy Collier on 01622 602242 or by email on by 5 pm one clear working day before the meeting.  If asking a question, you will need to provide the full text in writing.  If making a statement, you will need to tell us which agenda item you wish to speak on. Please note that slots will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.


Please note that due to a changeover in service provider this meeting might not be broadcast live or recorded for playback on the Maidstone Borough Council website.




