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Agenda Frontsheet 30/06/2016, 18.00



Planning Committee Meeting



Date:   Thursday 30 June 2016

Time:   6.00 p.m.

Venue: Town Hall, High Street, Maidstone




Councillors  Boughton, Clark, Cox, English, Harwood, Hastie, Hemsley, Munford, Perry (Chairman), Powell, Prendergast, Round and Mrs Stockell







Page No.


1.        Apologies for Absence




2.        Notification of Substitute Members




3.        Notification of Visiting Members




4.        Items withdrawn from the Agenda




5.        Date of Adjourned Meeting - 7 July 2016




6.        Any business the Chairman regards as urgent including the urgent update report as it relates to matters to be considered at the meeting




7.        Disclosures by Members and Officers




8.        Disclosures of lobbying




9.        To consider whether any items should be taken in private because of the possible disclosure of exempt information.




10.    Minutes of the meeting held on 2 June adjourned to 9 June 2016 - to follow




11.    Presentation of Petitions (if any)




12.    Report of the Head of Planning and Development - Deferred Items

1 - 2



13.    14/506264 - Land At Bicknor Farm, Sutton Road, Langley, Kent

3 - 41



14.    15/503288 - Land At Woodcut Farm, Ashford Road, Hollingbourne, Kent

42 - 101



15.    15/509015 - Land South Of Sutton Road, Langley, Kent

102 - 140



16.    15/509251 - Land North Of Bicknor Wood, Sutton Road, Maidstone, Kent

141 - 173



17.    Chairman's Announcements






The order in which the items are taken at the meeting may be subject to change.


The public proceedings of the meeting will be broadcast live and recorded for playback on the Maidstone Borough Council website.


BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS:  The background documents for the items on the agenda are to be found on the respective planning files for each application and on the files for those applications referred to in the history section of each report.  Background documents are available for inspection during normal office hours at the Maidstone Borough Council Gateway Reception, King Street, Maidstone, Kent ME15 6JQ.

