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Agenda Template



West Kent CCG Health and Wellbeing Board MEETING



Date:   Tuesday 5 July 2016

Time:   4.00 pm

Venue: Maidstone House, King Street, Meeting Room 6E





Page No.


1.        Welcome and Introductions, Apologies for Absence




2.        Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests




3.        Minutes of the Previous Meeting 19 April 2016

1 - 11



4.        Matters Arising




5.        Election of WK HWB Chair and Vice Chair




6.        Kent Health and Wellbeing Board -  Feedback




7.        Update: Delivering the Five Year Forward View



-          KCC Position – Paper attached

-          CCG Footprint Position

-          Governance Structure






8.        Task & Finish Group Reports



Governance (Oral Update)


WK HWB Annual Report – Report to follow


Self-Care, Self – Management (Oral Update)





9.        Local Children's Partnership Groups including Children & Young People's Plan: Progress and Prospects  - Presentation attached

13 - 30



10.    WK HWB Representation on NHS West Kent Clinical Commissioning & Group Primary Care Commissioning Committee (Oral Update)




11.    Any Other Business - Future Agenda Items




12.    Date of Next Meeting



16 August – Sevenoaks District Council



