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Minutes of the meeting held on

Wednesday 15 April 2009




Maidstone Borough Council



Councillors Mrs Blackmore, English, Hinder, Marchant, Parr, Mrs Parvin, Robertson, Ross and J.A. Wilson




Kent County Council



County Councillors Hotson (Chairman), Chell, Chittenden, Daley and Mrs Stockell




Councillors Gooch and Horne




58.        Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Carter and Curwood.




59.        Notification of Substitute Members


There were no substitute members.




60.        Notification of Visiting Members


Councillor Gooch indicated her wish to speak on items 7, 8 and 10 and Councillor Horne indicated his wish to speak on item 8.




61.        Disclosures by Members and Officers


There were no disclosures.




62.        Disclosures of lobbying


Councillors Hinder, Marchant and Mrs Stockell disclosed that they had been lobbied on Item 10 and Councillor Hotson disclosed that he had been lobbied on Item 9.




63.        Minutes of the Meeting held on 24 February 2009


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting held on 24 February 2009 be approved as a correct record and signed.




64.        Questions/Statements by members of the public


Councillor Bryan Vizzard raised concerns regarding 3 junctions within Heath Ward.  He mentioned that the volume of traffic in the Tonbridge Road area has increased significantly due to the rise in local development.  The 3 areas of concern were


1) Traffic lights at Fountain Lane/Tonbridge Road – drivers accelerating through the changing lights;


2) Queens Road/Tonbridge Road – drivers accelerating through the changing lights.  Vehicles blocking the access across Tonbridge Road into Fant Lane – suggest yellow hatching at the junction and a camera on the traffic lights; and


3) Heath Road/Hermitage Lane/St Andrew’s Road/Fountain Lane Junction.  Drivers stopping in the yellow hatched area.  No pedestrian phase on the traffic lights makes it difficult for pedestrians to cross the roads.  This junction is used by school children and elderly people walking to the Doctor’s surgery.


Councillor Vizzard requested that as these 3 junctions are in close proximity to one another that they are dealt with as one package.


Councillor Vizzard was informed that his concerns were noted and would be passed to Kent County Council.


Councillor Geraldine Brown, Chairman of Yalding Parish Council, asked the Board if a response had been received from Councillor Ferrin regarding the O&D Surveys and English Heritage regarding East Farleigh and Teston bridges.  Councillor Mrs Brown informed the Board of further problems with extra wide lorries that had occurred recently and that parents are concerned about children having to cross Town Bridge in Yalding in the dark when travelling to Tonbridge School.


Councillor Mrs Brown was informed that Mr Ferrin had not yet replied to the Chairman’s letter.  Kent Highways officers are liaising with the Bridge Management Team about Yalding and East Farleigh and enforcement of the current restrictions on those bridges.  They are also looking at short, medium and long term strategies.


Mr Paul Linaker addressed the Board regarding Item 9 of the Agenda – Clapper Farm Lane, Marden.  Mr Linaker stated that he represented walkers and equestrians in this area.  Mr Linaker fully supported the proposals.  Mr Linaker informed the Board that Clapper Farm Lane is a road and dates back from before the 1600s.  The road was in regular use, the hedges were maintained by local farmers before it was blocked. 


Mr Richard Adam, representing Marden Parish Council and Marden Footpath Group, addressed the Board regarding Item 9 of the Agenda – Clapper Farm Lane, Marden.  Mr Adam concurred with Mr Linaker’s comments about the cause of the effect.  Mr Adam fully supported the proposals and asked the Board to approve the report.





65.        Highway Improvement Schemes 2009-10


The Board considered the Report of the Head of Countywide Improvements regarding Highway Improvement Schemes 2009-10.


Members raised a number of queries regarding this report which were addressed by the KCC officer. 


Members were informed that the traffic modelling being carried out within the Town Centre is not just based around the bridge gyratory system and therefore £700,000 is being invested in UTMC to improve the traffic flow as much as possible.  The traffic modelling is looking at how the existing traffic movements can be improved.


Members again raised their concerns regarding HGVs and it was suggested that some members of the Board met with the KCC Cabinet Member for Highways.  It was felt that the specific problems should be listed and detailed and specific suggestions/proposals made.




i)     That the Report be noted.

ii)    That the Clerk arrange for a member of each party on the Board to meet with Councillor Ferrin within the next month.





66.        Clapper Farm Lane, Marden


The Board considered the Report of the Director of Kent Highway Services  regarding the re-opening of Clapper Farm Lane, Marden.


Members showed full support of this scheme.


RESOLVED:  That the implementation of the short term measures and the introduction of the Traffic Regulation Order to enable limited access for walkers, equestrians and horse drawn vehicles be agreed.




67.        Integrated Transport Programme for Maidstone 2009/10 and beyond


The Board considered the Report of the Head of Transport and Development regarding the Integrated Transport Programme for Maidstone 2009/10 and beyond.


The Board were informed that Mr David Hall of KCC had been invited to attend this evening to present to members the new system which is replacing Pipkin.  Mr Hall was unable to attend this evening, but was willing to present to members on another date.


The Board were also informed that at the next meeting the Board will be asked to confirm their top 8 bids for priority bonus points.


Members were encouraged to contact Kent Highway Services if they required more information regarding the schemes listed in Appendix C to the Report of the Head of Transport and Development.  An addendum to Appendix C was circulated at the meeting.




i)     That the report be noted.

ii)    That a date be organised by the Clerk for Mr Hall to present to all members of the Council before the end of this municipal year.

iii)   That if Members of the Board require more information on the schemes in their area, listed in Appendix C of the Report of the Head of Transport and Development and the addendum, to contact Kent Highway Services.

iv)   That KCC officers ask Mr Hall to consider splitting the Integrated Transport Programme into two parts; strategic schemes and local schemes.




68.        Update on Petitions submitted to Kent Highway Services


The Board considered the Report of the Head of Transport and Development regarding petitions submitted to Kent Highway Services.


The Board were informed that since the Report was published, one further petition had been received regarding speed restrictions in Goudhurst.  An update on this petition will be provided at the next meeting.


Following a request from a Member, Mr Corcoran agreed to provide him with the details of the scheme that proposes weight limits in Bower Place.


RESOLVED: That the Report be noted.





69.        Duration of Meeting


5.00 pm to 6.40 pm

