Contact your Parish Council

APPENDIX D Older People's Quality of Life Survey

Older People’s Quality of Life


Maidstone Borough Council would like to hear about your quality of life. There is no right or wrong answers. Please select the response that best describes you/your views.


ü Aged 65 years and over

ü Live within the Maidstone Borough, please provide postcode ______________


Strongly disagree


Neither agree or disagree


Strongly agree







Life overall

I enjoy my life overall






I am happy much of the time






I look forward to things






Life gets me down







I have a lot of physical energy






Pain affects my well-being






My health restricts me looking after myself or my home






I am healthy enough to get out and about






Leisure / social activities

My family, friends or neighbours would help me if needed






I would like more companionship or contact with other people






I have someone who gives me love and affection






I’d like more people to enjoy my life with






I have social or leisure activities/hobbies that I enjoy doing






I try to stay involved with things






I do paid or unpaid work or activities that give me a role in life







I am healthy enough to have independence






The cost of things compared to my pension/income restricts my life






I have a lot of control over the important things in my life






I have responsibilities to others that restrict my social or leisure activities






Home and neighbourhood

I feel safe where I live






The local shops, services and facilities are good overall






I get pleasure from my home






I find my neighbourhood friendly