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SCRAIP report

SCRAIP Report for Community, Environment and Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee - 13 January 2015


SCRAIPS issued at meeting of 11 November 2014


Meeting, Date & Minute


Executive Decision Maker

Action Expected Outcome


Lead Officer


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer obtain copies of the following and pass on to all members of the committee:

a. The Maidstone MOSAIC data:

b. Details of AgeUKs Neighbour Day, and:

c. The Medway Social Isolation Strategy.

Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services


·         Item A circulated by email to the CEH OSC on 20 November 2014;

·         Item B requested of AgeUK on 19 November 2014, no response has been received to date;

·         Item C circulated by email to the CEH OSC on 20 November 2014.

Tessa Mallett


The Community Partnership Manager be asked to provide an update to the committee at their meeting of 13 January 2015 on bereavement counselling services offered by Maidstone Borough Council and other organisations.

Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services



Sarah Robson


The Community Partnership Manager be asked to co-ordinate existing resources to develop a model to identify where the greatest number of lonely and isolated over 65 years olds resided in the borough of Maidstone. When developing the model elderly residents be involved, together with representatives from ethnic and other minority groups. A report to be presented to committee at their meeting of 13 January 2014.

Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services


Reporting to committee at the meeting of 13 January 2015.

Sarah Robson