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Joint Transportation Boards

To:                              Maidstone Joint Transport Board

By:                              Tim Read, Head of Transportation

Date:                          21st January 2015

Subject:                    Petitions Report

Classification:         For Information


Summary: The purpose of this report is to provide members with a progress report on petitions currently being considered by KCC Highways and Transportation



  1. Petitions Received


Petition to extend the 30mph speed limit on the A274 at Headcorn, to include the Stonestile Road crossroads and Headcorn Business Park at Barradale Farm.



  1. Work undertaken


A petition containing 480 signatures was received on 15th October 2014 at the previous meeting of this board. Kent County Council Highways and Transportation investigated this request.  Current vehicle speeds from existing speed data were found to be in excess of the 30mph posted speed limit and very close to 40mph. Based on this and the likelihood that any reduced speed limit would largely not be complied with, as well as the sound safety reasons for not imposing an artificially low speed limit, The Cabinet Member for Highways, Transportation and Waste responded, declining the request.


Following this decision, a site meeting was held between the lead petitioner Cllr M Round, The Cabinet Member Mr Brazier local interested residents and KCC Highways. The meeting resolved that further investigation would be undertaken with a view to reviewing the previous decision based on current accurate speed data being available.


Kent Police have also now been consulted and stated that based on the existing driven speeds previously recorded, they would object should any proposed extension to the 30mph be proposed, on the basis it would result in an unrealistic expectation of enforcement.


Surveys have now been commissioned and these are expected to be programmed in the coming weeks and data will be presented to a future meeting of this board.




Contact Officer: Michael Heath

Tel: 03000 418181