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1.   Changes to site capacities

Site reference

Site name/address

Regulation 18 yield

Revised yield


H1 (1)

Bridge Nursery, London Rd, Maidstone



Revised yield to reflect application.

H1 (3)

West of Hermitage Lane



Revised yield to reflect applications of 250 and 80.

H1 (6)

North of Sutton Road, Otham



Revised yield to reflect applications.

H1 (10)

South of Sutton Road, Langley



Reduce density due to landscape sensitivity.

H1 (11)

Springfield, Royal Engineers Rd and Mill Lane, Maidstone



Density reduced in response to representations.  Existing application for 192 dwellings is unlikely to be constructed.

H1 (12)

Haynes, Ashford Road, Maidstone



Density reduced in response to representations.

H1 (16)

Laguna, Hart Street, Maidstone



Revised yield to reflect application subject to S106.

H1 (20)

Postley Road, Tovil



Revised yield to reflect application.

H1 (21)

Kent Police HQ, Sutton Road, Maidstone



Revised yield to reflect application.

H1 (22)

Kent Police training school, Sutton Road, Maidstone



Revised yield to reflect application.

H1 (25)

Tongs Meadow, West St, Harrietsham



Revised yield to reflect application.

H1 (26)

South of Ashford Rd, Harrietsham



Revised yield to reflect application.

H1 (28)

Church Road, Harrietsham



Revised yield to reflect application.

H1 (32)

Howland Road, Marden



Revised yield to reflect application.

H1 (33)

Stanley Farm, Plain Road, Marden



Revised yield to reflect application.

H1 (34)

The Parsonage, Goudhurst Rd, Marden



Revised yield to reflect application.

H1 (36)

Hen & Duckhurst Fm, Marden Rd, Staplehurst



Revised yield to reflect application.

H1 (38)

Old School Nursery Station Rd, Headcorn



Revised yield to reflect application.

H1 (40)

Grigg Lane and Lenham Rd, Headcorn



The overall capacity for the site is 80.  Note the planning applications received for 13 dwellings and granted for 25 and 20 dwellings.

H1 (43)

Linden Fm Stockett Lane, Coxheath



Revised yield to reflect application, Need demonstrated for recreational facilities.

H1 (50)

West of Eyhorne Street, Hollingbourne



Revised yield to reflect application.



2.    Changes to site plans [plans on following pages]

Site reference

Site name/address


H1 (9)

Bicknor Fm, Sutton Rd, Otham

To provide greater clarity as to where development would be appropriate and to ensure the site access links to the access to be created for site Policy H1(5).

H1 (10)

South of Sutton Road, Langley

To provide greater clarity as to where development would be appropriate.

H1 (19)

North Street, Barming

To provide greater clarity as to where development would be appropriate

H1 (26)

South of Ashford Rd Harrietsham

As a result of further assessment of the potentially developable area.

H1 (32)

Howland Road Marden

To exclude an area that is safeguarded as open space/ ecological mitigation in the approved planning application.

H1 (40)

Grigg Lane and Lenham Rd, Headcorn

To reflect recent development in the area and approved planning applications on part of the site.

H1 (41)

South of Grigg Lane, Headcorn

As a result of further assessment of potential flood risk relating to the site.

H1 (43)

Linden Fm, Stockett Lane, Coxheath

To facilitate the provision of community facilities which are being promoted through the emerging Coxheath Neighbourhood Plan.




3.   Detailed criteria amendments

Site reference

Site name/address




Langley Park Sutton Road Boughton Monchelsea

Insert new criterion to state:


A separate cycle and pedestrian access  will be provided to site H1(10) South of Sutton Road subject to agreement with the highways authority and the Borough Council

To provide for appropriate connectivity in the interests of sustainability.

H1 (10)

South of Sutton Road, Langley

Amend criterion to state:


An undeveloped section of land will be retained in the eastern part of the site to create a buffer between development and the adjacent open countryside. No built development other than a site access road will be permitted further to the east/south east than as shown on the Proposals Map, the approximate location of the 105m contour-line.

To provide greater clarity as to where built development would be appropriate.








Insert new criteria to state:


The development proposals are designed to take into account the results of a landscape and visual impact assessment undertaken in accordance with the principles of current guidance, with particular emphasis on the Loose Stream/Langley Loch and Langley Church and other heritage assets adjacent to the site.

To ensure that the development is designed having regard to its landscape and visually impact.

The development proposals will provide an appropriate landscaped buffer and setting to the hamlet of Langley Park which includes designated heritage assets, to protect the amenity and privacy of existing residential properties.

To ensure that the development appropriately considers the relationship between the site and the existing development at Langley Park.

Development proposals will be of a high standard of design and sustainability incorporating the use of vernacular materials and demonstrating compliance with the requirements of policies DM2, DM3 and DM4.  

To ensure an appropriate standard of design and sustainable construction for the development.

Development proposals will demonstrate that any necessary new or improved foul and surface water drainage infrastructure required to serve the development, to ensure no risk of flooding off-site has been delivered, or will be delivered  in parallel with the development in consultation with the Environment Agency, Southern Water and the Borough Council.

To ensure appropriate means of foul and surface water drainage for the site and to reflect the response of Southern Water and the Environment Agency.

H1 (11)

Springfield, Royal Engineers Rd and Mill Lane, Maidstone

Insert new criterion to state:


Development proposals will demonstrate that any necessary new or improved foul and surface water drainage infrastructure required to serve the development, to ensure no risk of flooding off-site has been delivered, or will be delivered in parallel with the development in consultation with Southern Water and the Borough Council.

To ensure appropriate means of foul and surface water drainage for the site and to reflect the response of Southern Water.


Barty Farm Roundwell Thurnham

Insert new criterion to state:


The development proposals are designed to take into account the results of a detailed Heritage Impact Assessment that addresses the impact of the development on the character and setting of the designated heritage assets adjacent to the site.

To ensure the development takes into account the impact on nearby designated heritage assets.

H1 (29)

Tanyard Farm Old Ashford Road Lenham

Amend criteria to read:


The hedgerow and line of trees along the northern and southern boundaries

of the site will be retained and substantially enhanced by new planting in order to protect the setting of the Kent

Downs AONB, and to provide a suitable buffer between new housing and the A20 Ashford Road and Old Ashford Road.


Add new criteria to state:


The development proposals shall be designed to maintain existing vistas and views of the Lenham Cross from Old Ashford Road through the site and along PROW KH433.


Development proposals shall incorporate substantial areas of internal landscaping within the site to provide an appropriate landscape framework for the site to protect the setting of the Kent Downs AONB


Development proposals will be of a high standard of design and sustainability reflecting the location of the site as part of the setting the Kent Downs AONB incorporating the use of vernacular materials and demonstrating compliance with the requirements of policies DM2, DM3 and DM4.


The development proposals are designed to take into account the results of a landscape and visual impact assessment undertaken in accordance with

the principles of current guidance that particularly addresses the impact of development on the character and setting of the Kent Downs AONB.

In response to representations from the Kent Downs AONB Unit.

H1 (31)

Ham Lane, Lenham

Add new criteria to state:


The development proposals are designed to take into account the results of a landscape and visual impact assessment undertaken in accordance with

the principles of current guidance that particularly addresses the impact of development on the character and setting of the Kent Downs AONB


Development proposals shall incorporate substantial areas of internal landscaping within the site to provide an appropriate landscape framework for the site to protect the setting of the Kent Downs AONB


Development proposals will be of a high standard of design and sustainability reflecting the location of the site as part of the setting the Kent Downs AONB incorporating the use of vernacular materials and demonstrating compliance with the requirements of policies DM2, DM3 and DM4.

In response to representations from the Kent Downs AONB Unit.

H1 (32)

Howland Road, Marden

Amend criterion to read:


Appropriate surface water and robust flood mitigation measures will be implemented where the site coincides with identified flood risk zones subject to a flood risk assessment incorporating sustainable drainage systems.

To reflect the response of the Environment Agency.


Linden Farm Stockett Lane Coxheath

Add new criterion under highways to state:


Appropriate contributions towards improvements at the junction of the B2163 Heath Road with the A229 Linton Road/Linton Hill at Linton Crossroads.

Response to Kent Highway Services comments.


Heathfield Heath Road Coxheath

Amend criterion to read:


The hedgerow tree screen/windbreak  along the western boundary of the site will be retained and reinforced with additional  landscaping  in

order to provide a suitable buffer between new housing and existing

housing on Aspian Drive, and to protect the amenity and privacy of residents living in Aspian Drive.

Factual correction in response to representations.


Forstal Lane Coxheath

Add new criterion under highways to state:


Appropriate contributions towards improvements at the junction of the B2163 Heath Road with the A229 Linton Road/Linton Hill at Linton Crossroads.

Response to Kent Highway Services comments.


Hubbards Lane and Haste Hill Road Boughton Monchelsea

Correct Parish and Ward to Loose.

Factual correction.

Add new criterion to state:




Appropriate contributions towards improvements at the junction of the B2163 Heath Road with the A229 Linton Road/Linton Hill at Linton Crossroads.


Response to Kent Highway Services comments.