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SCRAIP report - 141209

SCRAIP Report from 9 December 2014 -  Community, Environment and Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee






Meeting, Date & Minute


Executive Decision Maker

Action Expected Outcome


Lead Officer


The Waste and Street Scene Manager bring an update report on the new street cleansing service to the appropriate committee in September 2015 once the service has been running for a few months.

Cabinet Member for Environment and Housing


A report will be provided to the appropriate committee in September 2015 to provide an update regarding the implementation of changes to the street cleansing service.

Jennifer Shepherd


The Waste and Street Scene Manager make available to all members the street cleansing schedule for their area once they have been finalised in consultation with the workforce.

Cabinet Member for Environment and Housing


The revised schedules will be made available to all Members once the review has been implemented. This is expected to be in May / June 2015 once all changes have been fully implemented and reviewed.

Jennifer Shepherd


The Head of Housing and Community Services prioritises the cost/benefit analysis of the night time economy so that it is available for the next Crime and Disorder Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting on 10 March 2015.

Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services


I would suggest this item is reallocated to Economic Development, unless it is to look at the negative impact and costs associated with the NTE.

John Littlemore; Sarah Robson