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Report for OSC Social Isolation Loneliness 280115

Maidstone Borough Council


Community, Environment and Housing 

Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Tuesday 10 February 2015


Update Report on Tackling Social Isolation and Loneliness Faced by Older People


Report of: Sarah Robson, Sarah Shearsmith, Housing and Community Services



1.        SUMMARY


1.1   Follow up to Community, Environment and Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee (CEH OSC) held on 13 January 2015.





2.1     Outlined in SCRAIP (reference CEH.141111.46.4). Sarah Shearsmith to provide an update at the proposed CEH OSC meeting being held on 10 February 2014. However, key areas of focus will be;


·           Understand older people’s needs around social isolation and loneliness

Action: Undertake a Borough-wide survey of older people’s needs in partnership with Kent Public Health, making use of local links e.g. KALC, KFRS, GPs, local services e.g. Hairdressers, Libraries, Pharmacies/Healthy Living Pharmacies with a focus on  (with a focus on engaging those with a Long Term Condition or on a repeat prescription).


·           Explore a range of services and models to tackle social isolation, understanding the services and strengths already in place and gaps that should be addressed;

Action: Map and promote existing local support services.

Action: Promotion of the Silverline helpline, Age Action Alliance  and Depression Alliance.


Action: Develop a bereavement pack for the Maidstone Crematorium and Private Funeral Directors to provide guidance and signpost to local services and activities.


·           Consider the role of council services in alleviating loneliness and isolation by making best use of resources available.

Action: Nominate a Maidstone Older People’s Champion (with links to Older Person’s Forum).