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Norfolk data

Norwich (moved from charging per car to per person in 2009)


“There has been a decline in park and ride usage in the last two years


Factors affecting are:-


·         Increased parking provision in the city centre with a new multi story car park opening.


·         Different parking pricing policy in the city centre with retailers encouraging short term afternoon parking with very cheap prices. £1.50 after 3.30pm.


·         The City Council owning about 1/3 of the car parks and needing to encourage usage to protect their revenue stream. NATS and strategy to tariff on medium / long stay car parks to support P&R.  Some undermining of policy as not unitary authority status in Norwich. County responsible for on street and P&R only.


·         A large number of development sites being used for cheap all day parking before development starts.


·         The recession, it would appear patronage across all city centre car parks has declined this year at a similar level to our experience. 5-6 % and turnover per space down up to 20% on some private short stay sites.


·         City centre employers relocating to out of town business parks.


·         In June 2009 we changed to pay per person on 5 sites and the last one changed on 31/08/09. Loss of patronage from car sharers has been experienced though we have seen some increase in single occupancy usage.”


Norwich Passengers

Oct 2006 to Sep 08

Oct 2007 to Sep 08

Change from Oct 06/08

Oct 2008 to Sep 09

Change from Oct 07/08

Total up to Sep




Total Jan to Sep







The nine month period up to and including September 2009 showed a reduction of 10.82% in the number of passengers, compared to the same period in 2008.  There was a 9.61% reduction in the number of passengers in October 2008 to Sep 2009 compared to the previous year.  Therefore the number of passengers has fallen in both years.



Oct 2006 to Sep 07

Oct 2007 to Sep 08

Change from Oct 06/07

Oct 2008 to Sep 09

Change from Oct 07/08


Total up to Sep







Total Jan to Sep








The nine month period up to and including September 2009 showed a reduction of 3.38% in the number of vehicles compared to the same period in 2008, and a 3.55% reduction in the previous year.  There was a 3.47% reduction in the number of vehicles in the year from October 2008 compared to October 2007.  Therefore there continues to be a consistent rate in the reduction in the number of vehicles parking for Park and Ride in Norwich.