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25 FEBRUARY 2015





DRAFT Strategic Plan 2015-2020


Issue for Decision


The Council is asked to approve the draft Strategic Plan 2015-2020, and to give delegated authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader, to make minor amendments to the document as required.


Recommendation Made


1.     That the draft Strategic Plan 2015-2020 (attached as Appendix A) be approved.


2.     That delegated authority be given to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader, to make minor amendments to the document as required.


Reasons for Recommendation

The Cabinet considered the report of the Chief Executive and Leader regarding the draft Strategic Plan 2015/20.


The Draft Strategic Plan at Appendix A outlines a vision for the borough, supported by a clear mission for the Council to put people first and a set of clear priorities.


During the course of the plan’s development we have consulted with staff at One Council briefing sessions, outlining the vision and priorities for the next five years and asking them to identify how we could achieve the priorities and what the barriers may be. This feedback has shaped the actions outlined in the priorities and will be used by heads of service and unit managers in their service planning. Work was also carried out with unit managers to look at how we measure achievement considering which indicators would give us the most useful information.


We have also held several budget roadshows with the public to discuss the priorities; asking residents to identify which are most important to them. Over 1,200 residents took part in the consultation.


As a result of the feedback, a clean and safe environment and transport improvements are proposed as top priorities for the Council. This has also been reflected in the medium term financial strategy.


Overview and Scrutiny considered the Draft Strategic Plan in January. They made a number of recommendations to improve the Plan’s narrative and these changes have been incorporated into the Plan.


The Draft Plan has been developed giving careful consideration to performance data and other contextual information including the most recent residents’ survey results, national research and other emerging strategies and plans.

The plan has been deliberately kept short and focused to ensure it translates into action easily and it is clear to residents and council employees and our partners what we want to achieve over the next five years.


There is synergy between the council’s previous strategic plan and the new plan that has been developed. The mission to put people first continues the theme of Great People and underpins all of the council’s priorities going forward. The previous Great People priority included outcomes for how we deliver our services and ensuring that people are not disadvantaged by where they live. Keeping Maidstone an attractive place for all and securing a successful economy continue our previous priorities of Great Place and Great Opportunity. There is a renewed emphasis in the plan on listening to our communities and working with our Parishes. The Draft Plan contains a balanced set of priorities that reflect all parts of the Borough both rural and urban.


The diagram at page 3 of the Draft Strategic Plan includes a section on the Council’s values. These have been in place for a number of years having been set and reviewed with Council employees. For clarification the reference to internal and external teams in the Service value means that we should give excellent customer service to both our residents and others as well as from team to team within the council.

Alternatives Considered and Why Not Recommended

The current Strategic Plan finishes in March 2015, the draft Strategic Plan sets the vision and corporate priorities for the next five years. Without a Plan to set our priorities and provide clear focus for employees and related plans and policies the effectiveness of the Council would be significantly reduced.

Background Documents
