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Mid Kent Improvement Partnership (MKIP) and Mid Kent Services (MKS) Communications Plan 2015/16

Aim: for members and staff to understand and trust MKIP and MKS.

Our objectives are:

·                     Members to understand the aims of MKIP/MKS

·                     Members to understand the governance arrangements of MKIP/MKS

·                     Members to feel that they are involved in the MKIP/MKS decision making process


·                     Staff to understand the aims of MKIP/MKS

·                     Staff to understand the difference between MKIP/MKS

·                     Staff to feel informed of the MKIP/MKS decision making process

Who do we need to talk to?

1.            Members

2.            Staff

Key messages: 2015/16 is focussed on raising awareness of MKIP and MKS so that members and staff understand what they are, how they work and how they can get involved should they wish to do so. Depending on how this progresses, it may be appropriate to start using some key messages to emphasise the benefits of working in partnership these are: 

Working in partnership:

·                     Makes the best use of residents’ Council Tax

·                     Saves money in the long term

·                     Makes services more resilient

·                     Increases job variety and security

How will we know our plan is a success?

The following measures will be used:



66 per cent understand MKIP/MKS

70 per cent understand MKIP/MKS

66 per cent understand MKIP’s/MKS’ governance

70 per cent understand MKIP’s/MKS’ governance

66 per cent feel that they are involved in the decision making process

70 per cent feel that they are informed of the decision making process


How will we review success and what will we do with it?

The actions outlined in the table below will be implemented in 2015/16 and will be reviewed using the following methods:

·                       Member survey

·                       Staff surveys (using the MKIP/MKS survey and the internal surveys of the parent authorities)

The results will be fed back to Members, the MKIP board and communications and HR teams in the three authorities. This will then form part of an annual action plan.




(when it is to be delivered)

Method / Media for delivery

(e.g. presentation, informal meeting, e-mail and so on)


(who will deliver)




MKIP board paperwork

All members

Agenda - prior to each MKIP board meeting

Minutes  - following each MKIP meeting

Emailed to all Members

Hard copies placed in Members’ Rooms

Jane Clarke


MKS annual report

All members


Emailed to all Members

Hard copies placed in Members’ Rooms

Jane Clarke


MKIP Who’s who

All members

May 2015 – as part of induction

Emailed to all Members

Hard copies placed in Members’ Rooms

Jane Clarke


Member Briefing

All members


Presentation from MKIP Boards

Relevant Chief Executive Relevant Lead Members and or MKS Director


Member Briefing

All members

May 2015 – as part of induction

Presentation from Heads of Service

Jane Clarke to coordinate with relevant democratic services teams


Member survey

All members

March 2016

Hard copy, email and possibly other electronic means

Paul Taylor/Jane Clarke






(when it is to be delivered)

Method / Media for delivery

(e.g. presentation, informal meeting, e-mail and so on)


(who will deliver)




MKS Newsletter

All staff


Email from communications team and/or distributed in monthly staff newsletters

Paul Taylor/Jane Clarke to prepare. Communications Teams to distribute

First edition issued in December 2014.

MKIP Who’s who

All staff


Email from communications team and/or distributed in monthly staff newsletters

Paul Taylor/Jane Clarke to prepare. Communications Teams to distribute


Intranet updates

All staff

May 2015


Paul Taylor/Jane Clarke to prepare. Communications Teams to distribute


Explore capacity for dedicated partnership webpage

All staff

March 2016


Jane Clarke


Staff survey

All staff

March 2016

Hard copy, email and possibly other electronic means

Paul Taylor/Jane Clarke to prepare and to discuss distribution with communications teams