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Appendix viii





Client representative (Lead Client)

The officer at each authority who sits on the Shared Service Boards and has responsibility for ensuring the Shared Service is performing well and meeting the requirements of the Service Level Agreement.


‘Gateway’ has two different meanings in the context of MKIP:

(i)  ‘Gateway’ is a common term used within project management systems such as PRINCE 2 and refers to different stages of a project which must be completed before moving onto the next stage;

(ii) ‘Gateway’ in regards to MKIP relates to a slimmed down methodology to ensure the efficient development of a business case. 

Internal client

Any member of staff from across the individual authorities who is accessing/in receipt of services provided by the shared service.


Mid Kent Improvement Partnership: the arrangement where Maidstone, Swale and Tunbridge Wells Borough Councils have shared service delivery for certain functions and services. 

MKIP Board

Comprised of the Leaders and Chief Executives of Maidstone, Swale and Tunbridge Wells Borough Councils, plus the Mid Kent Service Director and MKIP Programme Manager. The MKIP Board meets quarterly to oversee the operation of shared services at a strategic level. 


Mid Kent Services: a group of shared services established under the umbrella of the Mid Kent Improvement Partnership including Audit; Human Resources; ICT; Legal; and Revenue and Benefits. 

MKS Director

An interim Director has been appointed to oversee Mid Kent Services for a trial period of a year. 

Monitoring Officer

Each council is required by statute to have a Monitoring Officer who: 


§  reports on matters he/she believes are, or are likely to be, illegal or amount to maladministration;


§  is responsible for matters relating to the conduct of councillors and officers; and


§  is responsible for the operation of a council's constitution. 


The officer directly responsible for the provision of services back to the individual authorities.

Section 151 officer

Section 151 of the Local Government Act 1972 requires every council in England and Wales to "... make arrangements for the proper administration of their Finance affairs and shall secure that one of their Officers has responsibility for the administration of those affairs". 

Shared Service Boards

Shared Service Boards have been established for each of the seven shared services.  They approve and review the annual service plans, monitor performance and finances and provide operational direction. Reporting forms are presented to the Shared Service Boards which capture the above information. Any key issues arising from the Shared Service Boards are reported up to the MKIP Board. 

Shared Service Managers

The direct line manager of a Shared Service who is sometimes a Head of Service and sometimes a Service Manager.


Specially convened joint meetings of the individual Cabinets from each of the authorities (e.g. Maidstone Borough Council, Swale Borough Council and Tunbridge Wells Borough Council). If an arrangement were to take place with another authority outside of MKIP, a special meeting would be convened of the individual Cabinets to review the proposal.