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CS Work Programme

Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Future Work Programme 2009-2010



Items to be considered

27 May



  • Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman


9 June 2009


  • Interview with Cabinet Member for Corporate Services – priorities for the year
  • Interview with Leader of the Council – priorities for the year

7 July 2009


·          Best Value Performance Plan, Corporate Improvement Plan & Place Survey results

·           Overview & Scrutiny Function Review

4 August


  • Budget Strategy


8 September 2009

  • Update on Benefit Uptake (rec. 9/6/09)

6 October 2009


·         Interview with KCC Overview, Scrutiny and Localism Manager for the O&S Function Review

·         Interview with Leader of the Council re: recession

·         Devolved budgets


3 November 2009

·         Workshop on options for scrutiny structure



1 December 2009

  • O&S Function Review – Select Committees
  • O&S Function Review - Structure


5 January 2010

  • Budget Strategy
  • Strategic Plan
  • Update on Enhancing Local Democracy (rec. 9/6/09)


2 February 2010

  • Update on benefits uptake (rec. 08/09/09)



2 March





6 April 2010

  • Interview with Leader and Cabinet Member for Corporate Services – Progress Over the Year





Watching Briefs:


  • Enhancing Local Democracy
  • Benefits Uptake