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Joint Transportation Boards

To:                              Maidstone Joint Transport Board

By:                              Tim Read, Head of Transportation

Date:                          15th April 2015

Subject:                    Petitions Report B2010 and B2163 East and West Farleigh

Classification:         For Information


Summary: The purpose of this report is to provide members with a progress report on petitions currently being considered by KCC Highways and Transportation



  1. Petitions Received


1.1 A petition to reduce the existing speed limits on the B2163 and B2163 through East Farleigh and West Farleigh, the petition comprised two separate petitions, one from St Helens Montessori School, the other from the West Farleigh Road Action Group.



  1. Work undertaken


2.1 The two petitions, which when combined contained near 1000 signatures were considered in conjunction, Kent County Council Highways and Transportation, used existing and newly collected survey data to investigate this request. 


2.2 With regard to the East Farleigh section of the B2010 Lower Road, existing survey data indicated the existing actual driven speeds are in the region of 35mph. It may be possible based on this to propose a reduction from the existing 30mph limit currently just west of Gallants Lane to just west of the St Helens Lane junction, this section is where the St Helens Montessori School is located.


2.3 West of Helens Lane, survey data would indicate actual driven speeds to be in the order of 37mph, therefore it may be possible to extend the 40mph limit from its current location west of Teston Lane, to join the 30mph west of St Helens Lane.


2.4 With regard to the national speed limit section of Smiths Hill through to Yalding Hill. New data has indicated that existing actual driven speeds are in the region of 33mph. A reduction in speed limit from the national limit to 40mph is therefore not proposed as this would seem unnessesary when the current actual speeds are less and conversely may send out the wrong message to some drivers.


2.5 Whilst these potential speed limit changes may be possible based on new and existing speed data, our current objectives remain the reduction of personal injury crashes, where they are currently occurring. Consequently these changes would not currently be able to be funded from our Crash Remedial Measures budgets.


2.6 However if alternative funding could be made available, Kent County Council would of course consider progressing these changes, following all necessary statutory consultations.





Contact Officer: Michael Heath

Tel: 03000 418181