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Maidstone Borough Council


Maidstone Borough Council


Planning, Transport and Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee


Tuesday 21 April 2015


Update Report: Invicta Barracks


Report of: Tessa Mallett, Overview & Scrutiny Officer


1.          Introduction


1.1        At the meeting of the Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting of 17 March 2015 the Committee requested that Officers provide a written report to the Committee for their meeting of 21 April 2015 covering Invicta Barracks and its status in the draft Local Plan so that the committee could express its view on Policy H3 of the draft local plan.


2.1        The update report is attached as Appendix A.


2.          Recommendation


2.1    The committee are advised to review the attached update report and make recommendations as it considers necessary.


3.      Impact on Corporate Objectives


3.1     The Strategic Plan sets the Council’s key objectives for the medium   term and has a range of objectives which support the delivery of         the Council’s priorities. 


3.2     The Committee will consider reports that deliver against the     following priorities:


·         ‘For Maidstone to have a growing economy’ and ‘For Maidstone to be a decent place to live”. 


4.      Financial Implications


4.1     There are no financial implications.


5.      Relevant Documents


5.1     Appendix A – Update Report: Invicta Barracks.


6.      Background Documents


6.1     None