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Minutes of Previous Meeting





Minutes of the meeting held on

Wednesday 21 October 2009




Maidstone Borough Council



Councillors J.A. Wilson (Chairman), English, Hinder, Horne (Substitute Member), Marchant, Parr and Wilson



Kent County Council



County Councillors Chittenden, Cooke, Daley, Robertson, Mrs Stockell and Whittle




Councillors Beerling, Moriarty and Paine




15.        Apologies for Absence


An apology for absence was received from Councillor Chell.




16.        Notification of Substitute Members


The following substitution was noted:-


Councillor Horne for Councillor Mrs Parvin




17.        Notification of Visiting Members


Councillors Beerling and Paine indicated their wish to speak on Item 12 – Fant Traffic Calming Scheme.


Councillor Moriarty indicated his wish to speak on Item 10 – Objection to Traffic Orders.




18.        Disclosures by Members and Officers


Councillor Chittenden disclosed a personal interest in Items 10 and 13 as he is the Ward Member.




19.        Disclosures of lobbying


All Councillors declared that they had been lobbied on Item 12 – Fant Traffic Calming Scheme.


Councillor J E Wilson declared that he had been lobbied on Item 13 – Pheasant Lane Closure.




20.        Minutes


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 29 July 2009 be approved and signed as a correct record, subject to Councillor Hinder’s apologies being noted.




21.        Questions/Statements by members of the public


Martin Pepper, Chairman of Boxley Parish Council, addressed the Board regarding the petition for a reduction in the speed limit on Walderslade Woods Road submitted at the last meeting.  Mr Pepper said he was disappointed that this matter was not on the Agenda this evening.  Mr Pepper mentioned that the petition now had 500 signatures.


Mr Pepper was informed that an update would be provided under Item 8.


Mr Roy Jones, on behalf of his daughter, addressed the Board regarding the Ware Street Crossing.  Mr Jones’ daughter lives at No. 96, outside which the crossing is proposed to be sited.  Mr Jones said that they were not objecting to the crossing, just the position of it.  Mr Jones had suggested a position further west of the proposed site which does not affect residents.  Mr Jones mentioned that No. 94 were unaware of the proposed crossing and are also objecting.  Mr Jones asked the Board to re-consider the position of this crossing.


Geraldine Brown, Chairman of Yalding Parish Council, addressed the Board.  Mrs Brown mentioned she had raised a query regarding the minutes of the last meeting regarding Origin and Destination (“O&D”) Surveys and the fact that officers had been asked to provide details on the content required for these surveys.  Mrs Brown also mentioned that Keith Ferrin had not upheld the proposed 20mph speed limit and now that Central Government had re-introduced this, she would like to know the views of the Board regarding this limit for areas around schools.


Gillian Tatnell addressed the Board regarding the petition she submitted to the previous meeting for Walderslade Woods Road.  Mrs Tatnell informed the Board that the petition had now reached over 500 signatures and that the petition had now closed.  Mrs Tatnell mentioned that she had been offered support for the petition by Councillor Sullivan from Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council.  Mrs Tatnell re-iterated that the footpath that runs alongside the road is well used by all who live on the residential estate as it is the only pedestrian exit from the estate.  Mrs Tatnell informed the Board that the road is unsafe; there have been numerous accidents with casualties and one death (albeit 4 years ago).  Mrs Tatnell asked the Board for their support of this petition.


Members were informed by Officers that the County Cabinet Member is looking to clarify with the Director of Kent Highway Services as to when the Freight Transport Strategy will be published. 


Members raised the issue of the O&D Surveys and, following discussion,

RESOLVED: That Councillors Parr and Mrs Stockell and Mrs Geraldine Brown, Chairman of Yalding Parish Council, would meet with Mr Andy Corcoran of Kent Highway Services to establish the details of the O&D Survey required in order to obtain detailed costings with a view to seeking alternative funding.




22.        Oral Update on Petitions submitted to Kent Highway Services


Mr Corcoran provided an oral up-date on petitions as follows:-


Coxheath Traffic Calming – modification works are due to start next week.


Safe Crossing for Marden Road – still awaiting formal approval of the 2010/11 Integrated Transport Programme for Kent.


Pheasant Lane and Fant Traffic Calming – full reports are on the Agenda today.


Walderslade Woods Road – Kent Highway Services are carrying out an investigation.  A speed survey is required and following some problems this is now expected to start on 23 November 2009.  Officers expect to bring a full report to the next meeting.




23.        Highway Improvement Schemes 2009-10


The Board considered the report of the Head of Countywide Improvements regarding the Highway Improvement Schemes 2009-10.


A Member of the Board raised concern that the cycle crossing scheme on New Cut Road was to be removed from this year’s capital programme.  Although the Member understood the reasons as to why the road could not be widened, he felt it would be appropriate for KHS officers to co-ordinate with the MBC officers who are dealing with the new schemes for Mote Park to see if an alternative option could be found.


It was also mentioned that the traffic lights at Willington Street do not have a facility or phasing for pedestrians to cross and that a safer additional crossing for Mote Park should be looked at.




1.        That KHS Officers be asked to consider the issues raised above.

2.        That the Report be noted.




24.        Objections to Traffic Orders


The Board considered the report of the Assistant Director of Environmental Services regarding objections received to traffic orders.  The Board were asked to reconsider the traffic order for Queen Elizabeth Square and recommend to the Cabinet Member that it is implemented.  It was stated that the residents have suffered from illegal parking for the past 20 years and that action needs to be taken now and install these orders.


Members were informed that following the implementation of the traffic order in Hampton Road, the situation will be monitored and, if necessary, changes can be made at a later date.


Members raised concern about the recommendation not to implement the traffic orders in Kingsgate Close, Shaftesbury Drive and Langham Grove.  Members felt it was important that these orders were implemented in order to alleviate the problems residents had suffered for many years.  Members also mentioned that Shaftesbury Drive was a bus route, but this had been withdrawn because the bus could not get round the streets due to the bad parking.  The bus company have agreed to reinstate this route once the problems have been resolved.




1.        That the Cabinet Member for Environment be recommended to agree the recommendations made in Appendices B and C of the report of the Assistant Director of Environmental Services, subject to the following amendment:-


i)             That the Cabinet Member for Environment be recommended to proceed with the proposals for Kingsgate Close, Shaftesbury Drive and Langham Grove and make the Orders.


2.        That Officers re-consider the recommendation to the Cabinet Member for Environment regarding Queen Elizabeth Square.


3.        That Kent Highway Services be recommended to implement the orders as outlined in Appendices B and C of the report of the Assistant Director of Environmental Services, subject to the amendment at 1 above and the final recommendation made at 2 above.




25.        Ware Street Crossing, Thurnham


The Board considered the report of the Transportation and Development Manager regarding the installation of a zebra crossing on Ware Street, Thurnham.


Although Members empathised with the occupants of No. 96, full support for this scheme was shown by the Board.  Members stressed the importance of ensuring that the effects of the lighting are mitigated as much as possible by installing shielding and by other means where possible.


RESOLVED: That the proposed scheme for a zebra crossing on Ware Street be agreed.




26.        Fant Traffic Calming Scheme


The Board considered the report of the Transportation and Development Manager regarding a traffic calming scheme in Fant Ward.


Members of the Board expressed their full support for this scheme and the Ward Members were assured that they would be involved in the final design stage.


RESOLVED:  That the traffic calming scheme proposed for Fant Ward proceeds to detailed design and implementation.




27.        Pheasant Lane Closure


The Board considered the report of the Transportation and Development Manager regarding the closure of Pheasant Lane to all through traffic on an experimental basis.


Members were informed that a publicity campaign will take place to inform people of the impending closure.  The closure will be for 6 months, but should any issues arise, it can be taken away and the problems re-considered.  If no  issues arise, a report will come back to this Board for a formal decision to permanently close it.


Members expressed their full support for this proposal. 


RESOLVED: That the proposal to close Pheasant Lane to all through traffic by means of lockable bollards on an experimental basis be agreed.




28.        Duration of Meeting


5.00 p.m. to 6.31 p.m.

