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Report prepared by Brendon Neal 


1.           Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report (Nov 2009)


1.1        Issue for Decision


To receive and note the Sustainability Appraisal (SA) Scoping Report, Final Report, November 2009, prepared by Scott Wilson consultancy, and to note the contents of the Scoping Report attached as Appendix I.


1.2        Recommendation of Assistant Director of Development and Community Strategy


1.2.1   That the Local Development Document Advisory Group:

(a)         receive the revised Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report, Final Report, November 2009; and

(b)         note the contents of the Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report; and

(c)         refer the Scoping Report to Cabinet Member for Regeneration for information.


1.3        Reasons for Recommendation


1.3.1   It is important for the Council to be aware of the revised SA Scoping Report and to understand its contents and role in relation to the SA process for Local Development Documents, including the Core Strategy.  The Sustainability Appraisal process is a fundamental part of the plan-making process under legislation and regulations.


1.3.2   Purpose


1.3.3   The purpose of this agenda paper is to update the Local Development Document Advisory Group (LDDAG) on the recently completed revised Sustainability Appraisal (SA) Scoping Report.  The Scoping Report sets the framework for preparing sustainability appraisal assessments of ‘plans and programmes’ under the Local Development Framework.  The purpose of this paper is also to signal that Council officers and Scott Wilson consultancy are commencing the SA assessment of the Core Strategy. 


1.3.4   Introduction


1.3.5   A Scoping Report published by Scott Wilson was prepared in 2006 and set the scope and proposed a methodology for undertaking the SA of the Core Strategy. It is over 3 years since that Scoping Report was prepared and therefore it is necessary to review and update this to ensure the SA of the emerging Core Strategy and Local Development Documents can be accurately informed by the current policy context and up-to-date environmental, social and economic indicators.


1.3.6   Scott Wilson consultancy has been commissioned to:

·         revise and update the SA Scoping Report for Local Development Documents; and

·         undertake the SA of the Core Strategy.


1.3.7   The Council and Scott Wilson combined approach will help ensure that all documents are prepared in accordance with government guidance and emerging best practice that best reflects Maidstone Borough’s local characteristics.  Scott Wilson has been recognised for their recent SA work on the South East Plan and SA guidance with the Planning Advisory Service.


1.3.8   Overview of the SA Process


Figure 1 - Relationship between the Plan making and SA processes.



1.3.9   Stage A – Scoping


1.3.10                Stage A in the SA process involves developing the SA evidence base and framework and documenting this in a Scoping Report.  This has now been completed, which was based on the preparation of a series of spatial and topic sections listed below. 


The spatial areas are:

·         Urban area

·         Urban extension

·         Urban fringe

·         Rural service centres

·         Rural settlements and the countryside


The topics are:

·         Air quality and the causes of climate change

·         Biodiversity and green infrastructure

·         Community wellbeing

·         Economy

·         Flood risk

·         Housing and affordable housing

·         Gypsies and travellers

·         Land use, landscape and the historic environment

·         Transport and accessibility

·         Waste

·         Water


1.3.11                Each section in the Scoping Report sets out the relevant sustainability context, baseline, and issues, before drawing this evidence together to generate the SA framework.  The approach to the scoping has been to first collate all the spatially relevant baseline evidence that was available from secondary sources.  The baseline data was then able to be analysed to pull out the key sustainability issues.


1.3.12                As required by the SA regulations, consultation was undertaken with the three statutory bodies (Natural England, Environment Agency and English Heritage) focusing on evidence issues.  All the statutory bodies are now satisfied with final SA Scoping Report.  Amendments were made to the draft report as a result of issues raised by the Environment Agency and Natural England primarily concerning flooding, drainage, biodiversity and green infrastructure issues.  The concerns and amendments are recorded in Appendix I of the Scoping Report.


1.3.13                Stage B – SA Assessment


1.3.14                Scott Wilson and Council officers are currently looking at a number of approaches in relation to undertaking and reporting the findings of each assessment under Stage B (refer figure 1).  Stage B in the SA process involves appraising the objectives, options and preferred options.  As part of the process of appraising options, measures to address any adverse effects – mitigation measures – will be proposed along with potential indicators for future monitoring. 


1.3.15                Options generation can benefit from close integration with the SA process.  In particular, options can be developed taking account of the key issues coming out of the scoping process.


1.3.16                As part of the development of the Core Strategy, spatial options will be generated for new development, regeneration or site locations. With this in mind, the question ‘What will be the situation under the emerging plan?’ will be expanded to ‘What will be the situation under Spatial Option A?’, ‘What will be the situation under Spatial Option B?’ etc.  This will enable the examination of the different impacts on say biodiversity and green infrastructure or flood risk under the various spatial scenarios.


1.3.17                Next Steps


1.3.18                Now that consultation with the statutory bodies on the Scoping Report has been completed, the next stages of the SA process are able to get fully underway.  This involves identifying and evaluating the impacts of the Core Strategy and other DPDs.


1.4        Alternative Action and why not Recommended


1.4.1   The sustainability appraisal process is a statutory requirement for all significant ‘plans and programmes’ under the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004.


1.5        Impact on Corporate Objectives


1.5.1   The Local Development Framework, which includes the Core Strategy sets the planning policy framework for the Council so all LDF documents will aim to meet corporate objectives set out in the Strategic Plan and the Sustainable Community Strategy.


1.6        Risk Management


1.6.1   The process of sustainability appraisal provides a framework to assist in considering and managing risks, in particular environmental risks.


1.7        Other Implications



1.      Financial




2.           Staffing




3.           Legal




4.           Equality Impact Needs Assessment




5.           Environmental/Sustainable Development



6.           Community Safety



7.           Human Rights Act



8.           Procurement



9.           Asset Management




Environmental and sustainable development implications are inherent in the sustainability appraisal process.  The SA process also has financial and staffing implications but is able to be accommodated within the existing staff structure and Local Development Framework budget.


1.8        Background Documents


Maidstone Borough Council, Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report, Final Report, November 2009, Scott Wilson.










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