Contact your Parish Council

0828 14_Second Urgent Update

Item 20, Page 147


Reference number: MA/14/0828


Land South of Ashford Road, Harrietsham

Additional representation:


An additional representation has been received from the occupier of a neighbouring dwelling. Concern has been expressed in respect of the notification process for the Planning Committee meeting; I can confirm that the letter to the neighbour was sent out in accordance with established protocol on 20th May 2015 which allowed the individual to make a representation in relation to the application before Members in a timely manner.


Other than this, the representation does not raise any new matters that have not been fully addressed in the previous report to Planning Committee which is attached as an appendix to the Planning Committee report on the papers before Members.


Amendment to recommendation:


The amendment to the recommendation approved by Members in respect of the payment of a CIL contribution of £200 per dwelling (rather than £200 in total) in respect of public rights of way was not carried forward on the papers before Members; I therefore propose to amend the recommendation as follows:




  • The provision of 40% affordable residential units within the application site OR the provision of 39% affordable housing within the application site and the provision of a community facility fully fitted out for occupation and use by the Parish Council on plot 9; and
  • A contribution of £2,360.96 per ‘applicable’ house and £590.24 per ‘applicable’ flat towards the first phase of the 1FE expansion of Harrietsham Primary School; and
  • A contribution of £8.44 per dwelling to be used to address the demand from the development towards youth services (supplied to youth workers and organisations serving Harrietsham); and
  • A contribution of £48.02 per dwelling to be used to address the demand from the development towards additional book stock supplied to the mobile library service serving the development and
  • A contribution of £71,028 (based on £360 per predicted occupier of market dwellings) towards the improvement of healthcare facilities at The Glebe Medical Centre, Harrietsham being the provision of two additional clinical rooms; and
  • A contribution of £3,500 per dwelling towards highway improvements to the A20 in Harrietsham.
  • A contribution of £200 per dwelling towards the improvement and maintenance of public rights of way to the south of the A20 in the vicinity of Harrietsham (namely KH272, KH272A, KH276 and KH652 (in no particular preferential order)); and
  • The provision of land identified on drawing number 061302-WARD-PLAN2 received 20th January 2015 for public allotments and a contribution of £907.80 per dwelling towards improvement and replacement of offsite outdoor sports facilities and children’s and young people’s equipped play areas at Glebe Fields OR a contribution of £1,575 per dwelling towards improvement and replacement of offsite outdoor sports facilities and children’s and young people’s equipped play areas at Glebe Fields and the improvement of infrastructure and provision capacity of the existing allotments to the west of the site.


THE HEAD OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BE GIVEN DELEGATED POWERS TO GRANT OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION SUBJECT TO THE IMPOSITION OF THE CONDITIONS (as set out in full in the report to Planning Committee on the papers and as per the previous urgent update).”



Subject to the amendments set out above, my recommendation remains unchanged.